
  • 网络business model innovation;innovative business model
  1. 本文提出的家政服务创新商业模式主要有企业和政策两方面的对策建议。

    The proposed domestic service business model innovation has two main business strategies and policy recommendations .

  2. 这种趋势客观上促进了各个电子商务平台不断的加大投入力度,完善产品和服务,创新商业模式,开展差异化竞争。

    This trend objectively encourages increasing investment , improving products and services , leading the business model innovation and conducting a differential competition .

  3. 在此基础上明确本文需要解决的问题:E公司需要通过创新商业模式,探索发展新的业务,打造统一服务平台来有效整合客户资源和生产资源。

    On the basis of this analysis , the clear issue of this paper : E group need to integrate customer resources and production resources through innovative business models and unified service platform .

  4. 破坏性创新商业模式成长中的隔离机制研究

    A Study on Isolating Mechanism to Growth of Disruptive Innovation Business Model

  5. 创新商业模式、产品和服务。

    Innovating new business models , products , and services .

  6. 完善风险投资机制,创新商业模式,促进科技成果资本化、产业化。

    Improve the venture capital system , innovate business models and promote capitalization and industrialization , and scientific and technological achievements .

  7. 它不是一种新技术,而是一种获取资源和服务的创新商业模式。

    It is not a new technology , but an innovative business model , which provides access to computing resources and services .

  8. 但是,我们应该为戈恩喝彩:他正在努力提升对当今所有公司来说都至关重要的能力&创新商业模式。

    But applaud Ghosn for this : he is trying to develop the most crucial competency for every company today , innovating the business model .

  9. 汽车服务商要牢牢把握国内市场,提高服务水平,创新商业模式,积极参与国际市场。

    Automotive service providers must firmly grasp the domestic market , improve service levels , create new business models , and actively participate in the international market .

  10. 本文的思路是用数字权利管理系统和开创新商业模式这两种途径双管齐下,共同解决数字环境中的私人复制问题。

    This idea is to use digital rights management systems and create new business models both two-pronged approach to tackle the private copy issue in the digital environment .

  11. 最后,论文详细阐述了招商银行广州分行高端客户创新商业模式的构建过程及成果、试点推广及保障措施。

    At last , the paper focuses on the constructing process , achievements , pilot promotion , and security tactics of the business model innovation for the high-ending clients .

  12. 对当今大多数公司而言,更深远的挑战在于如何创新商业模式,为如何赚钱这个基本问题找到一个全新的答案。

    The more profound challenge for most companies now is imagining a new business model , a new answer to the fundamental question , how do we make money ?

  13. 而这些变化都在客观上进一步要求企业创新商业模式。为顾客创造更多价值,以及采用更加有效的方式建立竞争优势。

    These changes further require the innovation of the enterprise business model to create more value for customers , and the use of more effective ways to build competitive advantage .

  14. 对于企业来说,在企业各个层面的运作中形成发现市场价值、创新商业模式、快速反应变革的动态能力是保持持续的动态性竞争优势的有效途径;

    For corporations , finding out market value in every operating levels , creating new business mode and responding quickly to the changes would be the effective way to keep sustainable dynamic competitive advantage .

  15. 创新RFID商业模式促进RFID技术应用

    RFID Innovative Business Models for RFID Application

  16. 最终,技术、监管和竞争性因素融合在一起,为谷歌(google)和ingdirect等创新性商业模式铺平了道路。

    Finally , the churning of technological , regulatory and competitive forces pave the way for innovative business models , such as Google or ing direct .

  17. IPv6的应用将会为我们带来全新的服务体验,但业务创新以及商业模式还有待进一步探索。

    The application of IPv6 will bring us the newest service experiences . However , the business innovation and the business mode should be explored further .

  18. 循环经济下企业破坏性创新的商业模式的研究

    The destructive innovation of enterprises ' commercial pattern under circulation economy

  19. 但中国有更大比例的风险资本家正投资于创新型商业模式。

    But a higher percentage in China is investing in innovative business models .

  20. 备注:我的粉丝网站,因为他们的社区和创新的商业模式。

    Note : I am a fan of the site because of their community and innovative business model .

  21. 随着商业模式研究的日益深入,商业模式的创新成为商业模式研究的另一个重要方向。

    With the development of the research in Business Model , the Business Model Innovation becomes an important research direction .

  22. 但是,这家公司现在已经开始放弃一度堪称创新的商业模式,同时也把众多牢骚满腹的前写手抛在了身后。

    But in turning away from its once-innovative model , Demand is also leaving behind a lot of unhappy former freelancers .

  23. 最后一里的宽带能否在一种不依赖现有的激励方式下发展-供应商趋向于压制创新的商业模式?

    Can last-mile broadband be developed in a way that doesn 't rely on the incentives that drive current providers toward innovation-stifling business models ?

  24. 这种颠覆型的创新就是商业模式的创新,商业模式的创新也正是支持海尔取得一系列科技创新成果的重要因素。

    The subversive innovation is the innovation of business mode , which is an essential element to support Haier to achieve a series of technology innovations .

  25. 受到创新的商业模式驱动,如今的智能手机大多搭载了开放的软件平台,用户可通过手机软件平台下载、运行手机应用。

    Motivated by innovative business models , most of smart phones carries open software platform , the mobile phone users can download and use mobile phone applications through the platform .

  26. 其次,私人部门风险管理、信息披露和金融监管部门都滞后于金融创新和商业模式的转变,从而导致过度冒险、担保薄弱、期限错配和资产价格膨胀。

    Secondly , the private sector risk management , information disclosure and financial supervision depart - ments have lagged behind in financial innovation and business model changes , leading to excessive risk , weak security , maturity mismatch and asset price inflation .

  27. 讲述极具借鉴意义的国外的具有创新精神的商业模式和运作故事。

    Highlighting innovative business models and operating examples outside China that are of reference value .

  28. 在所有的创新之中,商业模式创新属于企业最本源的创新。

    Among all the innovation , business model innovation is enterprise best source of innovation .

  29. 这些研修班往往关注那些可能受益于强有力产品创新、但商业模式较弱的初创科技企业。

    These workshops are often focused on tech start-ups that may benefit from strong product innovation but have a weak business model .

  30. 在此背景下,利用创新理论,商业模式理论,管理和营销理论,并以此理论为基础,介绍了目前在我省运营健康管理项目,与电信运营商合作开展健康咨询,健康管理项目的可行性。

    In this context , I used the innovation theory , commercial mode theory , management and marketing theory . Under this background .