
  1. 陀螺加速度计二次项系数K2的离心机测试方法研究

    Testing methodology for second-order coefficient K_2 of gyro accelerometer by centrifuge

  2. 直接由结构参数即可求得泡沫材料的渗透率k及非线性F&W流动关系式中二次项系数F,其计算结果与实测值有较好的一致性。

    The permeability of foam media and the coefficient of square term in the nonlinear Forchheimer Ward expression can be directly predicted by the structure parameters .

  3. 提出了一种在带有反转平台的精密离心机上标定陀螺加速度计二次项系数K2的方法。阐述了其测试原理,指出这种带反转平台的测试原理改善了PIGA离心机测试的环境条件。

    The paper presented a calibrating method for second-order coefficient K2 of PIGA ( pendulous integrating gyro accelerometer ) using precision centrifuge with counter-rotating platform , expounded its testing principle and pointed out that it could improve the environmental condition of PIGA test on centrifuge .

  4. 效应方程中一次项与二次项系数的关系;

    The relationship between coefficients of linear and quadric entries in the response equation ;

  5. 经过数据重建后所作的数字图像比原始热像有更高的缺陷显示度或分辨力,其中以三次对数多项式回归公式中的二次项系数所作的数字图像的信噪比最大。

    The digital images from data reconstruction have clearer defect display or higher defect resolution than the raw thermal images , and the quadratic coefficient image of cubic logarithm regression shows the highest SNR .