
chéng fǎ
  • multiplication
乘法 [chéng fǎ]
  • [multiplication] 一般指 ab , a . b 或 a b 这些数学运算,其含义随有关的类型不同而异。当 a 和 b 为正整数时,这些运算的含义最简单,它们代表以 a 作单位重复取 b 次或反过来以 b 作单位重复取 a 次

乘法[chéng fǎ]
  1. 3乘11是一道容易的乘法题。

    3 × 11 is an easy multiplication .

  2. 老师反复地念诵乘法表。

    The teacher hammers away at the multiplication tables .

  3. 孩子们已经开始学习乘法和除法了。

    The children are already learning to multiply and divide .

  4. 他不知道11的乘法口诀。

    He didn 't know his eleven-times table

  5. 我努力背诵乘法表。

    I attempted to learn my tables .

  6. 这男孩会做乘法吗?

    Can the boy multiply ?

  7. 他儿子正在学习乘法和除法。

    His son is learning to multiply and divide .

  8. 一位印度新娘因为新郎背错乘法表,当场决定取消婚礼。

    An Indian bride canceled her wedding after her groom table of two incorrectly .

  9. PRESS在乘法回归模型中的改进及应用

    Modification and Application of the PRESS in the Multiplicative Regression Model

  10. Ih群元素的乘法表

    Table of I h Group Elements Product

  11. 基于FPGA的数字滤波器乘法模块改进

    Improvement of The FIR Multiplication Module Based on FPGA

  12. 如果一定要计算乘法,可以在计算乘法之前转换为unsignedshort。

    If you must multiply , cast to an unsigned short before multiplying .

  13. 用导矢叉乘法对NURBS曲线进行形状调整

    Adjusting Shape of NURBS Curve by Cross Product of Tangent Vectors

  14. 使用上述加法、乘法和求逆的基本电路单元,实现了RS编码器。

    The RS encoding algorithm is implemented by using the basis cell which is mentioned above .

  15. 使用MPI进行并行编程来实现矩阵与向量的乘法

    Parallel programming using MPI to multiply a matrix by a vector

  16. 蒙哥马利算法是在RSA密码系统中广泛应用的模乘法算法。

    Montgomery algorithm is the most popular method for modular multiplication in RSA systems .

  17. 多位乘法器的多阶Booth算法的实现一种快速大数乘法器的设计方法&大数乘法的高速实现

    Multi-radix Booth Algorithm of Multi-bit Multiplier One Large Multiplication 's Fast Implementation

  18. 基于查表的无乘法DCT快速算法

    Multiplierless Fast DCT Algorithm Based on Look-up-table

  19. 在乘法运算的实现中,采用Booth乘法器,可以大大缩短电路的关键路径,显著地提高硬件的执行效率。

    Booth Recoding multiplier is adopted to further improve the hardware implementation efficiency .

  20. Hardy空间上乘法算子的约化子空间的构造

    Construction of Multiplication Reducing Subspaces of Hardy Spaces

  21. 快速公式不使用Excel,但它们也不允许使用除法和乘法。

    Fast formulas do not use Excel , but they also do not allow the use of division and multiplication .

  22. 3)贝叶斯推理中各分步骤的困难程度由低到高分别是:乘法、P(-H)、加法、除法。

    3 ) Among the divided steps in Bayesian inference , division was the most difficult , P ( - H ) and addition were less difficult and multiplication was the easiest .

  23. 共进行了314次旋转运算,每次旋转运算约需k~2+1072k次乘法和加法运算,4≤k≤47。

    314 pivoting operations are involved each of which requires about k ~ 2 + 1072 k multiplications and additions for 4 ≤ k ≤ 47 .

  24. 本文讨论了具有两个高阶乘法的一类A∞-代数:(2,p,q)-代数。

    A special class of A_ ∞ - algebras with two nontrivial higher multiplications , called ( 2 , p , q ) - algebras , are studied .

  25. FET可变电阻乘法电路

    The Multiplier Circuit with the Controlled Resistance of FET

  26. 本文用矩阵的初等变换和矩阵乘法求出n元一次不定方程组的整数解。

    By using elementary matrix-transformations and multiplications of matrices , the author establishes a method of finding out the general solutions in integers of a system of linear Diophantine equations .

  27. 利用算术傅里叶变换(AFT)计算离散傅里叶变换(DFT)可使其乘法计算量仅为O(N)。

    The multiplicity of computing Discrete Fourier Transform using the Arithmetic Fourier Transform are just only o ( N ) .

  28. 证明了B(X)到B(Y)上保一秩算于点谱的反乘法映射具有形式(T)

    It is proved that an anti-multiplicative map from B ( X ) onto B ( Y ) that preserves the point spectrum of rank one operators is of the form .

  29. 同时一种基于快速傅里叶变换的矩阵向量乘法的算法可以有效地计算Hilbert变化。

    An efficient computational algorithm based on the FFT-based Toeplitz matrix-vector multiplication is used to calculate the Hilbert Transform .

  30. 第二个print语句用于打印新行,从而使乘法表中的下一行被打印在新的行中。

    The second print statement is used to print a newline so that the next row in the times table is printed on a new line .