
  • 网络dual structure;Dualistic Structure;binary structure;dualism
  1. 政府会计中构建二元结构会计要素的研究

    Study on Constructing Dual Structure of Accounting Elements in Government Accounting

  2. 城乡二元结构与公共分配制度的作用机理分析

    Analysis on Operation Mechanism of Dual Structure with Public Allocation System

  3. 二元结构环境下的IPO定价模型研究

    The Study on IPO Pricing Model based on Dualistic Structure of China Stock Market

  4. GABE完全符合用于合成低滚动阻力、高抗湿滑性的二元结构溶聚丁苯橡胶所需调节剂的要求,对我国二元结构SSBR的研制提供了很好的技术支持。

    GABE can fully satisfy the request for modifiers used to prepare the binary structure solution styrene and butadiene rubber with low rolling resistance and good wet traction , which will provide good technical support for the development of binary structure SSBR in China .

  5. 经济法责任体系的二元结构及二重性

    Dualistic Structure and Dual Nature of the Responsibility System of Economic Law

  6. 苏中二元结构趋同特征和发展路径

    The Convergence Feature and Development Path of Didactic Structure in Central Jiangsu

  7. 断裂二元结构探讨及相关工程地质问题分析

    Discussions on fracture binary structure and analysis on relative engineering geological problems

  8. 三是受内部经济二元结构与外部国际竞争的制约;

    The third is internal dualistic economic structure and outside international competition ;

  9. 二元结构理论的哲学基础及其模式简析

    The Philosophy Foundation and Pattern Analysis of Dual Structure Theory

  10. 区域经济法律调整的二元结构解析

    On the Dualistic Structure of Regional Economy Legal Regulation

  11. 试论城乡二元结构破解与我国当前户籍制度改革

    Chinese Dualistic Economic Structure Transference and Household Register System

  12. 企业二元结构的成因、危害与根治

    The Cause , Harm and Treatment to Enterprises ' " Dualistic Structure "

  13. 二元结构下加快我国城市化进程的探析

    A Study on the Speed up of Chinese Urbanization under Dual Economic Structures

  14. 论城乡经济二元结构的矛盾与小城镇建设

    The Conflict between Urban and Rural Economy and Construction of Small Size Cities

  15. 竞争力二元结构与成长模型:一个外生的视角

    The Binary Structure and Growth Model of Company Competitiveness : An External Angel

  16. 城乡二元结构是制约城乡发展一体化的主要障碍。

    The existing urban-rural dual structure is a main obstacle to integrated development .

  17. 硼矿床含硼地层的二元结构模式

    Binary Association of borate bearing sequences in borate deposits

  18. 城乡协调发展的提出源于我国典型的城乡二元结构。

    The proposal of coordinated development of urban-rural areas was derived from dualistic structure .

  19. 中医文化的二元结构对中医医院管理的意义

    The Significance of the Dual Structure of TCM Culture to Management of TCM Hospitals

  20. 加强政府宏观调控是破解城乡二元结构的关键。

    Government to strengthen macro-control is to break the key to urban-rural dual structure .

  21. 宁夏城乡差距及二元结构研究

    Research on the gap between city and country in Ningxia and the duality structure

  22. 从城乡二元结构看和谐社会的社会公平

    Look at the Social Justice of the Harmonious Society from the Binary Urban-Rural Structure

  23. 中国经济呈开放部门与垄断部门并存的二元结构格局。

    China 's economy takes on the shape in which coexist open and monopolized sectors .

  24. 传统经济学将二元结构归为发展经济学的研究范畴。

    Dual structure is classified to research category of development economics in the traditional economics .

  25. 二元结构对延边社会、经济发展的影响及改革思路

    Influence of Dual Structure on Yanbian Society and Economy Development and reforming Train of Thoughts

  26. 城乡二元结构与农村学前教育

    The Dualistic Structure of Urban and Rural Areas , and Preschool Education in the Countryside

  27. 多次构造叠加形成的独特的盆地二元结构是成矿的有利因素。

    Another control factor for ore-forming is special binary structure formed by repetitious tectonic activities .

  28. 挑战民事主体二元结构的帝王之位

    Challenge to Binary Structure of Civil Subject

  29. 本文将堤基的工程地质条件划分为四种类型,即二元结构型、透水层型、软粘土型和基岩型。

    The engineering geological condition of dike foundation is divided into four types : binary beds .

  30. 完善我国教育系统二元结构构建具中国特色的和谐社会

    Perfect The Dualistic Structure of Chinese Education System And Construct the Harmony Society With Chinese Feature