
  • 网络Secondary air;Second Air;overfire air
  1. 摩托车二次空气阀评价技术与标准

    The Evaluation Method and Standard for Motorcycle Secondary Air Valve

  2. 摩托车二次空气补偿阀在高原地域的调整和应用

    Adjusting and Application of Secondary Air Gulp Valve for Motorcycles in Highland

  3. 取消110kVPT二次空气开关并联电容的分析

    The Feasibility and Necessity of Removing the Shunt Capacitor of Air Switch at Secondary Winging of 110 kV PT

  4. 并重点研究了分级燃烧中一、二次空气比例的变化对燃烧过程的影响,以及对NOx生成的影响。

    The major research is the effects which the first and second air proportion change in grade burning on burning process and the inborn of NOx in the simulation .

  5. 结果表明:补气装置引入二次空气可提高催化器对CO和HC的转化率,且主动式比被动式二次空气喷射效果好;

    The results show that the secondary-air injection can raise the conversion efficiency of CO and HC , and the effect of initiative injection is better than that of the passive injection .

  6. CO和HC的排放浓度随二次空气量的增加而降低,当二次空气补气量在100%~160%时最佳。

    The emissions of CO and HC is decreased with the increasing of the secondary-air injection , and it has experimentally found that the optimal secondary-air ratio was 100 % ~ 160 % .

  7. 采用如低起燃温度催化剂、密耦催化剂、HC捕集器、二次空气注入和电加热催化剂等在内的排气后处理技术,可以有效地减少污染物尤其是HC的排放。

    It may effectively reduce the HC emissions to use a catalyst with low light-off temperature , close-coupled catalyst , HC traps , second air injection and electrically heated catalyst .

  8. 在摩托车催化转化器前引入机后二次空气补给可以达到提供O2、提高催化转化器转化效率和使之快速起燃的目的,从而有效降低摩托车的排放。

    If the secondary air is induced into motorcycle catalystic converter treated after exhaust gas dischages from cylinder , the conversion efficiency will be greatly improved with O2 provided and lighting-up quickened .

  9. 在摩托车化油器后采用电控节油净化器进行适当的机前二次空气补给来稀释、调整混合气,加大空燃比,对于降低CO、HC排放具有明显效果,具有实用价值;

    It is striking and practicable in reducing CO and HC for motorcycle to employ electrically-controlled economy purification device at its rear part for properly conducting secondary air supplement treated before air + fuel entering into cylinder to dilute and adjust gas mixture and increase the air-fuel ratio .

  10. RDF颗粒连续加入到热解室中,实现了在少量空气作用下部分燃烧并在较低温度下部分热解,热解气体与二次空气在上部燃烧室中高温燃烧。

    RDF was continuously fed to the spouting-moving bed pyrolyzer in which RDF was partially burned to supply heat for pyrolysis of RDF at a lower temperature , then the pyrolysis product gas was burned with secondary air at a higher temperature in the upper combustor .

  11. 北京市环保局表示,北京“PM2.5污染最严重的天数每年都在下降”,但环保专家指出,北京市在12月发布了第一次和第二次空气污染红色预警,这是危险级别最高的预警。

    The bureau said Beijing 's " number of days of most serious PM2.5 pollution is falling each year " but environmental experts pointed out that the city had declared its first two pollution red alerts - the highest level of danger - in December .

  12. 松开二次空气泵上的三个紧固螺钉。

    Undo the three fastening screws on the secondary air pump .

  13. 将二次空气管路向上导出发动机舱。

    Guide secondary-air line up out of the engine compartment .

  14. 将二次空气管路从气缸盖的连接中拔出。

    Pull secondary-air line out of the connection in the cylinder head .

  15. GB439-1990航空喷气机润滑油二次空气喷射减压阀

    Aviation jet engine lubricating oils secondary air injection relief valve

  16. 方法将治疗室每天二次空气消毒与每天一次空气消毒进行比较。

    Methods We compared two sterilization protocols : once-daily protocol and twice-daily protocol .

  17. 催化转化器与二次空气喷射技术

    Catalystic Converter and Technics for Second Air Injection System

  18. 采用二次空气补给降低摩托车排放的研究

    A Study of Reducing Emissions from Motorcycles by Means of Secondary Air Supplement

  19. 将两个二次空气泵接头压在一起并断开。

    Press the connectors of the two secondary air pumps together and disconnect .

  20. 二次空气对柴油机排气颗粒过滤体微波再生过程的影响

    Effects of Secondary Air on the Microwave Regeneration of Diesel Engine Exhaust Particulate Filter

  21. 肠套叠二次空气灌肠临床实践与选择

    The Clinical Practice and Choice of 2 stage Air Pressure Enema Reduction of Intussusception

  22. 从二次空气泵拆下电缆管。

    Detach cable plug from secondary air pump .

  23. 二次空气阀在摩托车上的应用

    Application of Secondary Air Valve on Motorcycle

  24. 方法:首次空气灌肠失败经选择后行二次空气灌肠29例。

    Method : Twenty nine cases of 2 stage air pressure enema reduction were analysed .

  25. 拆卸二次空气泵时必须拆卸托架上的四个铝制螺钉。

    The four aluminium screws on the bracket must be removed when removing the secondary-air pump .

  26. 二次空气喷射减压阀

    Secondary air injection relief valve

  27. 脉冲爆震发动机两相流喷射混合过程数值模拟二次空气喷射减压阀

    Numerical Simulation of Injection and Mixing on Two-phase for Pulse Detonation Engine secondary air injection relief valve

  28. 目的:探讨肠套叠二次空气灌肠的指征及其临床意义。

    Objective : To investigate the clinical implications of 2 stage air pressure enema reduction of intussusception .

  29. 比较了一次空气射流和二次空气射流对燃烧室内流场的影响。

    The effects of primary and dilution jets on the flow field in the combustion chamber are discussed .

  30. 本文以某型燃气轮机透平第一级叶片的二次空气系统为研究对象。

    In this thesis , the first stage secondary air network system of a gas turbine is studied .