
èr lěi
  • second base;keystone;keystone corner
二垒[èr lěi]
  1. 他试图偷二垒但被判出局。

    He tried to steal second base but was out .

  2. 新内野游击手在二垒附近真是来去如飞。

    The new infielder really covers the ground at second base .

  3. 他将球击向左外场而跑上了二垒。

    He doubled to left field .

  4. 今年4月,大都会棒球队的二垒手丹尼尔·墨菲(DanielMurphy)为了在家陪妻子和刚出生的儿子未参加两场比赛,在电台引发轮番批评。

    In April , Daniel Murphy , the Mets second baseman , ignited a fury of radio chatter after missing two games to be at home with his wife and newborn son .

  5. 由游击手为二垒策应。

    The shortstop backs up the second base on the throw .

  6. 他击出一垒打,再因对方漏接而跑上二垒。

    He singled and went to second on a passed ball .

  7. 二垒审:负责监督二垒安全上垒或出局。

    Second base umpire-responsible for calling plays at second base .

  8. 让我上二垒就好?

    Just let me get to second base , huh ?

  9. 一垒二垒上现在应该有人。

    There should be a man on first and second right now .

  10. 游击手:防御二垒垒包与三垒垒包中间区域的内野手。

    Shortstop - Defensive infielder between second and third base .

  11. 好了,来吧,拿下二垒。

    All right . let 's go . let 's get two .

  12. 她轻盈地滑开去了。跑者安全地滑入二垒。

    She is skimming away . The runner slid safely into second base .

  13. 我在二垒和三垒间被触杀出局。

    I was tagged out between second and third .

  14. 你要知道,克里斯喜欢去第二垒。

    And just so you know , Chris Ioves going for second base .

  15. 击球手安全抵达第二垒的击打。

    A base hit on which the batter stops safely at second base .

  16. 两个打数都是二垒安打,也敲回两分打点。

    Both hits were doubles , and he also drove in two runs .

  17. 他简直是被困在二垒跑不掉了

    He 's been stuck on second base forever ,

  18. 一垒手、二垒手、三垒手和游击手则叫做内野手。

    The first , second and third basemen and shortstop are called infielders .

  19. 一垒和二垒都有跑者。

    There are runners on first and second base .

  20. 他能打第二垒或第三垒,也能打外场。

    He could play second base or third base and in the outfield .

  21. 在棒球运动中有四个垒位——一垒,二垒和三垒。

    There are four bases in baseball -- first , second and third .

  22. 你若一只脚仍踏着第一垒,便不能抢到第二垒。

    You cannot steal second base while keeping one foot on first base .

  23. 没说的,你不可能站在一垒接住二垒的球。

    You can 't make it to second base with your foot on first .

  24. 派克上第二垒,他成功上垒!

    Parker 's going for two , and he 's in there , standing !

  25. 打到二垒手位置的滚地球在最舒服位置的双手投篮。

    A two-handed shot from a stationary position .

  26. 二垒手:防御二垒垒包附近的内野手。

    Second Baseman - The fielder who plays the infield near the second-base bag .

  27. 我读过小波的棒球生涯是从二垒手开始。

    I 've read that Jorge Posada started his career as a second baseman .

  28. 跑垒者滑进二垒。

    The runner slid into second base .

  29. 谁跟我描述一下二垒吧。

    Somebody describe second base to me .

  30. 他停在二垒比较好。

    He made it to second fine .