
  • 网络Gas pressure;kpa;Mpa;GHP
  1. 燃气压力保险机构在火箭弹引信中的应用

    The Application of Gas-pressure Safety Mechanism to the Rocket Bomb Fuze

  2. 燃气压力越高,引射作用越强;

    The higher fuel gas pressure , the stronger injecting action ;

  3. 基于高速开关阀的数字式燃气压力控制装置研究

    Research on the digital burning gas pressure control equipment of high-speed switching valve

  4. 燃气压力调节和流量控制系统。

    Fuel gas pressure-regulation and flowrate control system .

  5. 采用对爆震管封闭端燃气压力积分的方法计算发动机冲量。

    Impulse was calculated by integrating the pressure at the closed end of the tube .

  6. 研究了由于火药燃气压力在身管中激发的振动问题。

    This paper deals with the dynamic response of a gun including the effect of the powder gases pressure .

  7. 本论文通过正交实验从燃气压力、水流量、进风口面积和排烟口面积这四个因素中找出了影响强制平衡式燃气热水器的燃烧和热工特性的主要因素。

    Through the orthogonal experiments , the author found out the major factor affecting the combustion and thermal characteristics from the gas pressure , water flow , air-inlet area and fume-exhaust area .

  8. 计算结果表明,转子与静子相碰主要是由作用于刚度及强度均较弱的原燃烧室机匣上的燃气压力所引起。

    The results of calculation indicate that the touching of rotor and stator was mainly cuased by the gas pressure exerting on the original combustor casing which has a relatively low strength and stiffness .

  9. 根据流体动力润滑理论与活塞动力学方程建立的分析模型,依据发动机燃气压力的变化,计算了增压前后的活塞裙部最小润滑油膜厚度和摩擦力。

    The minimum lubrication oil film thickness and the friction force on piston skirt were calculated in the different combustion gas pressures . The establishment of model was based on hydrodynamic lubrication theory and piston dynamics .

  10. 发动机在运转时,各部件之间是相互作用相互影响的,而且整个机构并不是绝对的刚体,在周期性变化的燃气压力和运动质量惯性力的作用下会产生弹性振动。

    There is interaction between every component as the engine works . And the components are not absolutely rigid bodies . The effect of cyclical gas pressure and moving mass inertia force will produce elastic vibration .

  11. 其硬件电路包括汽油喷嘴信号、燃气压力信号、水温信号、氧传感器信号、点火信号和转速信号的采集;以及555定时器接成的多谐振荡器、单片机外围程序存储器的扩展和驱动电路的设计。

    The hardware circuit includes the signal gathering of gasoline nozzle , gasfired pressure , water temperature and oxygen sensor , multi-oscillator conjuncted with 555 timer , and also the designing of extending and driving circuit of singlechip periphery program memory .

  12. 往复式活塞发动机作为机动车辆的主要动力源,其固有的燃气压力、输出转矩的周期性波动、不平衡惯性力(矩)必然会引起发动机本身的刚体振动和弹性振动。

    Reciprocating piston engine is the main power source of motor vehicle and the rigid body vibration and elastic vibration are caused by its natural combustible gas pressure 、 output torque of periodic fluctuations 、 the unbalanced inertial force ( moment ) .

  13. 而利用瞬态曲轴转速波动估计出平均指示压力甚至估计出缸内燃气压力后,则可以明确地诊断出是否发生单缸熄火及熄火缸的位置。

    Whether single cylinder is misfired or not and the position of misfire cylinder can be clearly confirmed in the light of the estimated IMEP ( indicated mean effective pressure ) and even the gas pressure inside the cylinder using transient speed fluctuation of crankshaft .

  14. 应用:适用于汽车动力燃气的压力监测。

    Application : monitoring the pressure of the gas used as car engine .

  15. 某重型燃气轮机压力雾化喷嘴性能试验研究及统计分析

    Experimental Investigation and Statistical Analysis of the Pressur Atomizing Nozzle on a Heavy Gas Turbine

  16. 采用实验方法,分析预混燃气装填压力、配比等因素对不稳定燃烧的影响;

    The influence of a combustible gas mixture filled pressure and its equivalence ratio on abnormal combustion is analysized by experiments .

  17. 该系统如同其它弹性系统一样,在发动机燃气爆发压力、运动件质量及其往复惯性力和行驶阻力矩变化等激振作用下,产生扭转振动。

    Like other elastic system , it causes torsional vibration under actuating actions such as piston pressure , weight of moving parts , reciprocating inertia force , resistance moment during driving .

  18. 作为燃烧室的重要组成部分,气缸盖受力十分复杂,其下部承受燃气爆发压力作用,上部受到螺栓预紧力约束。

    As an important part of combustion chamber , the stress that cylinder cover bears is very complex , it bears gas explosion pressure and bolt pre-tightening force at the same time .

  19. 介绍了柴油机排气压力的测量方法,计算分析了气波增压器进气即柴油机排出的高压燃气的压力波动对增压器转子流场的影响。

    A method is proposed to measure and record the pressure of diesel exhaust gas ( COMPREX intake gas ), the effect of the pressure fluctuation on rotator flow field is calculated and analysed .

  20. 发动机机体不但承受着燃气爆发压力、旋转及往复惯性力的作用,而且外负载的反扭矩通过台架系统与发动机支承作用于机体。

    The body of engine not only bears the maximum gas force and rotating as well as reciprocating inertia forces , but the reverse torsion with outer load are also act on it via supporting and rig test system .

  21. 研究结果表明:气缸盖中的喷油器护套、进排气道、气门导管座孔、中隔板和加强筋通过不同的形式,传递并分散了作用在气缸盖上的燃气爆发压力;

    The results showed that the jacket of the injector , the inlet port , the exhaust port , the valve guides , the jobbing plate and the strengthen rib could transfer and disperse the explosive pressure acting on the cylinder head by different mechanisms .

  22. 研究了活塞在燃气爆发压力和温度载荷共同作用下活塞的应力和变形机理,并进行了数值模拟,结果表明活塞在顶部以热应力为主,在裙部以机械应力为主。

    This paper has investigated the mechanism of the stress and deflection that the piston withstands the gas pressure and temperature load . The result reveals that the thermal stress is prominent in the piston head , and the mechanical stress is prominent in the skirt of piston .

  23. 牛顿法在燃气管网节点压力计算中的应用

    Application of Newton method for calculation of interconnection point pressures in gas network

  24. 燃气、蒸汽压力管道等气体管道系统已经广泛的应用于电力、石油、化工、天然气等工业部门中。

    Gas piping system , such as gas 、 steam pressure pipeline , has been widely used in electric power , petroleum , chemical , natural gas and other industrial sectors .

  25. 燃气低压管网计算压力降的合理分配

    Rational Distribution of Pressure Drop for Low Pressure Gas Network

  26. 燃气用具工作额定压力的确定

    Determination of Nominal Working Pressure of the Gas Appliances

  27. 主要介绍了燃料气压缩机是为燃气轮机提供一定压力和温度的燃料气的动力设备。

    This paper introduces the fuel gas compressor is motive power equipment , and it supplies certain pressure and temperature 's fuel gas for gas turbine .

  28. 燃气锅炉的蒸汽压力保护与水位一样,采用多道保护,本公司锅炉使用以下几种压力保护。

    Gas fuel boiler 's steam pressure protection is the same as water level protections , it takes many methods to protect , our products have these pressure protections as following .

  29. 燃气销售企业应当确保燃气压力、燃气气瓶的充装重量符合标准。

    The fuel gas selling enterprise shall ensure that the fuel gas pressure and the filling weight of fuel gas cylinders conform to the standard .

  30. 研究双喷管火箭发动机燃气流对直升机的影响,对燃气流场中的压力、温度和速度分布等进行理论计算和试验测量。

    The effect of double nozzle jet of a rocket to a helicopter is studied by calculating and testing the pressure , temperature and velocity of the flow .