
  • 网络Buying stocks;buy shares
  1. 现在买股票的人,当股票价格上涨时往往会赚大钱。

    People who buy shares now will clean up when the price rises .

  2. 努力做到与主力资金心心相印,买股票先主力一步介入。

    Strive to be affiliated with the main funds , to buy shares first major step to intervene .

  3. 如果你一直在犹豫是否要买股票,现在或许是买的时候了。

    If you have been dithering about buying shares , now could be the time to do it .

  4. 你在买股票前,最好听听行家的意见。

    You had better get professional advice before buying stocks .

  5. 有一天,或许很快,经纪商就可能开始(begin)敦促我们根据今年或明年的经济增长状况花高价买股票了。

    At some point , maybe even soon , brokers may start urging us to pay too much for stocks on the basis of this year 's economic growth or next .

  6. 投资集团BerkshireHathaway董事长巴菲特指出:看到股价大幅飙升时,我们从来不买股票。

    We never buy stocks when we see prices soaring , said Mr Buffett , the renowned investor and chairman of Berkshire Hathaway , the investment group .

  7. 如果打算买股票,格罗斯建议远离像苹果公司(Apple)这样所谓的成长型股,买入埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)等持续派息的股票。

    But if you are going to buy stocks , gross says stay away from so-called growth stocks , like say apple ( AAPL ) , and instead buy consistent dividend paying stocks , like Exxon Mobil ( XOM ) .

  8. “现在的股票很便宜,也许是自1980年来的最好的买股票时刻”,比尔米勒星期三告诉CNBC记者。

    Stocks are cheap right now and it may be the best time to buy them since the early1980s , Legg Mason Capital Management Chairman and CIO Bill Miller told CNBC Wednesday .

  9. 买股票的时候,在优质股票中寻找特价的。

    When buying stocks , search for bargains among quality stocks .

  10. 但很多人买股票是为了投机。

    But a lot of people who buy stocks are speculators .

  11. 我要把我的公寓卖了去买股票。

    M : I 'll sell my apartment to buy stocks .

  12. 王经理听说杰克想买股票,高兴极了。

    The manager is very happy to hear the news .

  13. 但用人民币买股票的理由则不那么让人信服。

    But the rationale for buying equities with renminbi is less compelling .

  14. 现在,我周围的许多人都在买股票。

    Right now , lots of people around me are buying stocks .

  15. 你买股票时知道如何将风险降至最低吗?

    Do you know how to minimize your risks when buying stock ?

  16. 借钱买股票是有风险的。

    Borrowing to buy stocks is going to be risky .

  17. 2.三年内他靠炒买股票积聚了大量财富。

    Within three years he accumulated great wealth by speculations in stocks .

  18. 在银行我可以买股票和债券吗?

    Can I buy stocks and bonds from the bank ?

  19. 人们买股票是为了赚钱。

    Buying stock is in order to roll money .

  20. 环保法规以及可交易的污染许可能够遏制污染,买股票却不能。

    Regulation and tradeable pollution permits discourage pollution ; buying shares does not .

  21. 他无论买股票还是买艺术精品都采用同样的手法。

    Whether buying stocks or works of art he adopted the same technique .

  22. 在网上我可买股票,查看股票行情。

    Over the Internet I can buy stock and check my stock value .

  23. 香港还利用买股票赢得的时间提高了防御能力。

    Hong Kong also used the time it bought to bolster its defences .

  24. 但是用所有的积蓄买股票是不明智的。

    But you 'd be unwish to invest all your savings in stocks .

  25. 他买股票时有点言行不一。

    He acted inconsistently when he bought these stocks .

  26. 他们买股票是希望得到更多的钱;

    They buy stocks in hope of getting more money than they have .

  27. 一些投资者买股票期权因为他们认为股票价格将上涨。

    Some investors buy options because they think a stock price will rise .

  28. 传心术美剧风采你什么意思,你不通过电话买股票?

    What do you mean , you don 't buy stock over the phone ?

  29. 54岁的黄女士就表示:我买股票几乎从来不看基本面。

    I bought shares almost without basis , said a 54-year-old woman surnamed Huang .

  30. 随着股价上涨,更多经纪商乐于贷款给投资者买股票。

    As prices rose , more brokers were willing to lend to buy more shares .