
  • 网络Money laundering
  1. 行贿和受贿是促进洗黑钱活动的有效媒介,其祸害绝对不容忽视。

    Here bribery is considered an effective means to facilitate money laundering , and its significance cannot be overstated .

  2. 它希望以此表明,与一个被控造假钞和洗黑钱的国家打交道并不危险。

    It wants the move to be taken to show that there is no danger in doing business with a state accused of counterfeiting and money laundering .

  3. 他可能替wolf洗黑钱。

    He could have been laundering wolf 's money .

  4. 2005年9月,美国财政部谴责澳门汇业银行(bancodeltaasia)是“高度关注洗黑钱银行”,称该行心甘情愿为朝鲜效力。

    In September 2005 , the US Treasury Department accused Banco Delta Asia of being a " primary money-laundering concern " and " willing pawn " for Pyong-yang .

  5. 我可以继续为你洗黑钱。

    I 'd be as indictable as you for laundering that money .

  6. 你们真的认为孩子们在洗黑钱?

    You really think these kids are laundering money ?

  7. 另一件事是重要的洗黑钱活动时,婴儿服装,是要确保您的任何清洗布尿布分开。

    Another thing that is important when laundering baby clothing is to make sure that you launder any cloth diapers separately .

  8. 传统观点认为,开设这些离岸中心是为了洗黑钱,而如今情况不同了,麦格雷戈表示。

    The historical view that these offshore islands are here to pick up disreputable money is just not true , says Mr McGregor .

  9. 他们想问问流亡伦敦的俄罗斯政治寡头鲍里斯?贝瑞左夫斯基该俱乐部是不是被用来洗黑钱。

    They want to speak to Boris berezovsky , a Russian oligarch based in london , about whether the club was used to launder money .

  10. 世界上最大最完美的钻石之一在从洗黑钱者手中缴获后将被拍卖。

    One of the largest and most perfect diamonds ever unearthed is going up for auction , after it was seized from a money launderer .

  11. 一名法庭官员称,对俄罗斯石油巨头霍多尔科夫斯基的审理正在奉命进行,霍多尔科夫斯基在去年12月被指控偷窃和洗黑钱。

    The judge who convicted Mikhail Khodorkovsky , a Russian oil magnate , for theft and money-laundering in December was acting under orders , said a court official .

  12. 警方正着手加强收集情报和调查的能力,以对付经济和严重罪行,例如洗黑钱和商业诈骗。

    In the fight against crime , the Police Force is strengthening its intelligence and detection capabilities against economic and serious crimes , such as money laundering and commercial fraud .

  13. 他面临涉嫌受贿、洗黑钱、滥用职权等76项罪名。据称,他和妻子因此获得的非法收入是二人7年工资净收入的57倍。

    He faces 76 charges of taking bribes , money-laundering and abuse of power , which allegedly resulted in him and his wife earning 57 times the income their jobs should have netted them over a seven-year period .

  14. 在一些不太有名的离岸中心,审查压力致使以前许多肮脏做法(为逃税、洗黑钱甚至最近的资助恐怖主义提供便利)已得到控制。

    The weight of scrutiny has meant that many of the bad old practices facilitating tax evasion , laundering the proceeds of crime and , more recently , funding terrorism have been reined in in the less respectable centres .

  15. 于是SP9就能利用世界最大的银行之一来洗白黑钱。

    Then sp-9 uses one of the biggest banks in the world to clean its dirty money .