
mǎi kōng
  • bull;buy long;buying long;short purchase
买空[mǎi kōng]
  1. 近年来许多买空者几乎都背负着沉重的债务。

    Many buyouts in recent years were heavily financed with debt .

  2. 应用内点算法求解允许买空/卖空情况下的投资组合问题

    Solving Optimal Portfolio Selection Problem with Short Sale via Interior Point Methods

  3. 期货市场的交易可以说是双向的(卖空和买空)。

    Futures markets can be traded in both directions ( up and down ) .

  4. 我们向贵公司买空买的录像机有一台有问题。

    We are having problems with one of the videotape players we purchased from you .

  5. 该模型建立在允许买空和卖空的情形下,即可以融资买入或者融券卖出。

    This model is allowing short buying and short selling the securities , which means the margin trading .

  6. 在假设投资者是风险厌恶的前提下,提出了一种新的买空-卖空投资组合选择模型,并考虑了交易费这种摩擦。

    A new long-short portfolio selection model is proposed with the attrition of transaction cost while we supposing that the investors are risk-aversed .

  7. 噢,天哪!你好像把超市都买空了,我们已经有很多东西要扔了!

    Oh , dear , it looks like you bought out the supermarket , can 't you see we 've got a lot of junk to dispose of already !

  8. 配股将加大对冲基金从新股发行前的买空操作中获益的难度,因为它们自己必须已拥有股票,才能参与新股配售。

    Rights issues would make it more difficult for hedge funds to profit from shorting stocks ahead of new issues , since they would need to own shares already to participate in the new allocation .