
  • 网络Japanese encephalitis vaccine;Jev;Vero;EBV;BHK
  1. [结果]五苗全程合格接种率97.36%,乙脑疫苗接种率为90.41%,流脑疫苗接种率为94.03%。

    [ Results ] The vaccination qualified rate of the five kinds of vaccines were up to 97.36 % ; the vaccination rate of JEV and Meningitis were 90.41 % and 94.03 % ;

  2. 大规模区带离心纯化Vero细胞乙脑疫苗

    Large Scale Purification of Inactivated Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine from Vero Cells by Zonal Centrifugation

  3. 初步资料表明,同时接种SA14-14-2乙脑疫苗和麻疹疫苗是安全可靠的。

    Preliminary data on co-administration of the SA-14-14-2 JE vaccine with measles vaccine have been reassuring .

  4. GACVS被告知,尚没有确切的证据说明发生急性播散性脑脊髓炎的危险性增加与使用乙脑疫苗之间存在时间上的相关性,且两者之间存在的因果关联也未经证实。

    GACVS was advised that there is no definite evidence of an increased risk of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis temporally associated with JE vaccine and a causal link has not been demonstrated .

  5. 乙脑疫苗应急接种影响乙脑流行特征分析

    Analysis on Epidemic Character of Japanese B Encephalitis Affected by Emergent Vaccination

  6. 85.0%的病例无乙脑疫苗接种史;

    85.0 % of cases had no history of type B encephalitis vaccination ;

  7. 流行性乙型脑炎的流行病学乙脑疫苗研究进展

    Progress in the research of Japanese encephalitis B

  8. 国内外3种乙脑疫苗在小鼠体内的保护力试验比较

    Study on the comparison of Protective Effect in Mice with Three Kinds of JE Vaccine Made in

  9. 接种乙脑疫苗和灭蚊是预防控制乙脑流行的重要措施。

    Vaccination and anti-mosquito measure appear to be most important to control the spreading of Japanese B encephalitis infection .

  10. 这种疫苗占目前全球生产的所有乙脑疫苗的50%以上。

    The uptake of this vaccine has increased substantially , and it is now the most widely used JE vaccine .

  11. 疫情发生的主要原因是2003年5月以前乙脑疫苗接种率低。敏感和质量可靠的诊断试剂,对于这次疫情的判定起了重要作用。

    The reason was low immunization rate of JE vaccine before Mar.2003.Sensitivity and credible diagnose reagent is an important role in this confirming progress .

  12. 日本政府预计在有新的、可能更安全的、灭活的乙脑疫苗可用之后,再重新审议该国的国家疫苗接种建议方案。

    The Japanese Government expects that the national recommendation for vaccination will be reconsidered when newer , possibly safer , inactivated JE vaccines become available .

  13. 所有患者均无乙脑疫苗免疫史,患者蚊帐和灭蚊剂使用率分别为36.99%和4.1%。

    None of the cases had been immunized by Cephalitis vaccine . 36.99 % and 4.1 % of the patients had used mosquito nets and pesticide respectively .

  14. 死亡7例,病死率为16.28%,0~15岁儿童为4.17%,15岁以上为31.58%。43例病人中,乙脑疫苗全程接种的只有1例。

    Seven cases of the patients were dead in the end . The morbidity was 16.28 % , and 4.17 % for children , 31.58 % for adults .

  15. 91.7%的预防接种工作人员认为多对家长宣传动员,71.7%的预防接种工作人员认为接种完全免费可以提高乙脑疫苗的接种率。

    91.7 % of the staff thinks that much publicity and mobilization to the parents and 71.7 % of the staff thinks that full free vaccination can raise JE vaccination rate .

  16. 虽然还有数家企业也在生产乙脑疫苗,但中国产的这款单剂型疫苗是首个获批用于儿童患者身上的此类疫苗,这为该产品参与低价非专利药竞争铺平了道路。

    While several other manufacturers make similar JE vaccines , the new single-dose Chinese product is the first to be approved for paediatric use and paves the way for cut-price generic competition .

  17. 在乙脑疫苗接种工作中,应该严格执行免疫程序,掌握过敏性休克的抢救知识,做好应对过敏性休克的准备。

    In the epidemic encephalitis vaccine vaccination work , medical workers should strictly carry out the immunity procedure , grasp the rescue knowledge of the allergic shock , and be ready for treating allergic shock .

  18. 4随着乙脑疫苗在儿童中的普遍接种,成人乙脑发病的问题越来越引起关注,公共卫生部门在制定乙脑防控策略之际,应该考虑成人发病的问题。

    With the wild use of JE vaccine for children , adult JE incidence increased cause more and more concerns . Public health departments should consider this issue of adult cases when making JE prevention and control strategy .

  19. 方法:采取适当检索策略,搜索中国学术期刊全文数据库(1994-2004年)中乙脑疫苗致过敏性休克的个案报道。

    Method : The suitable retrieval strategy was adopted to search the documents of case reports on the anaphylactic shock caused by Japanese encephalitis vaccine which were published from 1994 to 2004 in the Full Text Net of Chinese Science Periodical Database .

  20. 对1993~1997年间因接种乙脑疫苗引起的7起异常反应进行了调查和分析,主要是Ⅰ型变态反应(0.33%~1.6%)和心因性反应(11.7%~24.2%)。

    Seven cases of adverse reactions including type ⅰ allergic reactions ( 0.33 % ~ 1.6 % ) and psychogenic reactions ( 11.7 % ~ 24.2 % ) . After Japanese encephalitis vaccination in the period between 1993 ~ 1997 were surveyed and analysed .

  21. 以BDK细胞传1代的14-2株病毒作生产毒种,收毒前冻溶1次等工艺法制备五批疫苗,全面检定结果均符合《乙脑活疫苗规程》的质量标准。

    Lots of the freeze-dried live JE vaccine were produced using the strain 14-2 virus at BDK passage 1 as a working seed and adopting the technological process of freezing and thawing one times before virus harvest .

  22. 目的筛选冻干乙脑活疫苗的保护剂。

    Objective To screen the protective agent of freeze dried live vaccine .

  23. 表明乙脑活疫苗诱导的免疫应答中细胞免疫在保护效力中占有重要地位。

    It indicated that the cell immunity induced by live JE vaccine played an important role in protective potency .

  24. 流行性乙型脑炎(乙脑)是疫苗可预防疾病,近年开发新的Vero细胞乙脑疫苗是一个热点。介绍了五种以Vero细胞为基质的乙脑疫苗的研制情况及特点

    Japanese B encephalitis ( JE ) is vaccine-preventable disease The new generation vaccine with Vero cell substrate developed during current years is highly concerned This review introduces the development and specialties of five kinds of JE vaccine with Vero cell substrate

  25. 环磷酰胺对乙脑灭活疫苗和减毒活疫苗免疫效果的比较

    Effect of Cytoxan on Immune Response of Japanese Encephalitis Virus Killed and Live Vaccines

  26. 以114名同龄健康儿童接种地鼠肾乙脑灭活疫苗为对照。

    114 healthy children of the same age were set up as control ( group D ) receiving hamster kidney cell JE vaccine .

  27. 将细菌内毒素检查法(凝胶法)扩大应用于乙脑灭活疫苗的质量控制及其内毒素的检测。

    Bacterial endotoxin test ( GEL CLOT method ) was employed expansively to control the quality and to detect endotoxin of Japanese Encephalitis Inactivated vaccine .

  28. 方法应用检测特异性细胞毒性T细胞(CTL)活性的方法检测乙脑减毒活疫苗的细胞免疫应答,并以灭活疫苗作对照。

    Methods The specific CTL cell mediated immune responses induced by live attenuated and activated Japanese encephalitis ( JE ) vaccine in mice were compared .

  29. 将该方法用于检测乙脑减毒活疫苗和用于生产疫苗用的普通级乳地鼠肾中的Sendai病毒。

    This method was used to detect Sendai virus in Japanese encephalitis attenuated live vaccine and the kidney of nurturing hamster , which was used for producing vaccine in China for years .

  30. 目的构建乙型脑炎病毒(乙脑病毒)活疫苗生产株SA14142的感染性克隆。

    Objective To construct infectious Japanese encephalitis virus ( JEV ) based on the in vitro-ligated cDNA template of the vaccine strain SA_ ( 14 ) - 14-2 , and identify the virus .