
  • 网络multiplicative theorem;multiplication theorem;Multiplication formula
  1. 本文根据概率乘法定理,利用以条件数学期望和方差为参数的一维正态分布近似代替原来的条件分布,从而得出计算二维标准正态分布函数值的近似公式。

    Based on multiplication theorem of probability , an effective approximation is presented to the bi-normal distribution with substituting the original conditional distribution by the standard normal distribution of the same expectation and variance .

  2. 本文根据条件概率定义和概率乘法定理,建立了单元含矿性条件概率模型。该模型具有筛选变量和预测双重功能。

    Based upon the definition of condition probability and the multiplication theorem of the probability theory , a model for ore potentiality of a mining district is established , which has a double function : variable sieving and metallogenetic prognosis .

  3. 基于概率乘法定理,我们提出Ⅱ型乘法频率曲线。

    On the basis of multiplication theorem , we introduced " Multiplication Frequency Curve Type ⅱ" .

  4. 关于特征指数:一个新的为向量场乘法遍历定理而构造的Borel集

    On Characteristic Exponents Construction of a New Borel Set for the Multiplicative Ergodic Theorem for Vector Fields

  5. 对函数奇点乘法的Hadamard定理和Taylor展开一般以收敛圆为割线问题进行了深入研究,探讨了其思想的演变过程及重要影响。

    ' Hadamard theorem of the multiplication of function singularities ' and ' Taylor 's series generally considers its convergent circle as the cut secant ' are studied .