
  1. 索尼PS控制器iPod/iPhone支架乐高积木版iPhone支架

    Sony Playstation Controller iPod / iPhone Dock Rotating LEGO iPhone Dock

  2. 乐高积木由ABS塑料制成,在写这篇文章时这种材料的成本约为每千克1美元。

    Lego bricks are made of ABS plastic , which costs about a dollar per kilogram at the time of this writing .

  3. 乐高积木公司(LEGO)的高管也在利用网络社区为公司产品搜集创意。

    At Lego , executives are using their online communities to generate new ideas for Lego sets .

  4. 有科技含量的展品比较出类拔萃:如由乐高积木拼成的壁画和“失落大学”(LostUniversity,迪士尼旗下的ABC电视网主打电视节目的网络衍生剧集)都大受喜爱。

    Some exhibits were better than others ( a shout-out to the the Lego mural and booth for " Lost University , " a clever new online spin-off of the hit TV show on Disney 's ABC network . )

  5. 根据英国广播公司(BBC)的研究结果,如果你把2×2的乐高积木一块一块往上叠,需要叠25万块积木才能让最下面那块积木崩溃。9

    according to a BBC investigation , you could stack a quarter of a million 2x2 bricks on top of each other before the bottom one collapsed . 9

  6. 此外,她的复制品出现在世界各地。在美国密歇根州格林维尔镇一年一度的丹麦节上,小美人鱼雕像的复制品和由乐高积木(Lego)搭成的安徒生雕像相伴出现。乐高积木同样原产于丹麦。

    In addition , replicas of her have popped up across the world , including in Greenville , Michigan , where it forms part of the town 's annual Danish Festival , along with a statue of Andersen -- made of Lego pieces , a product that originated in Denmark .

  7. 目前,乐高积木由石油基塑料制成。

    Lego 's current bricks are made from oil-based plastics .

  8. 生产乐高积木的商家他们都该进监狱

    And the manufacturers of Legos , they should all be in prison

  9. 无论是艺术创作、阅读、玩拼图、乐高积木等。

    Be it art work , read , puzzles , Lego blocks , etc.

  10. 我现在仍深情地记得乐高积木的弟弟杜培乐积木。

    I remember fondly the younger brother of the Lego , the Duplo .

  11. 它的世界看起来很斑驳,如同像素化的乐高积木。

    Its worlds look blocky , like pixelated Legos .

  12. 已经生产出来的乐高积木数量够建造这么一座大桥吗?

    Have that many Lego bricks been manufactured ?

  13. 就像我小的时候,会用蜡笔和乐高积木来表达。

    Just like when I was smaller , I would use crayons and legos .

  14. 这个乐高积木的手袋真的很适合做潮流配饰。

    This Lego Pouch really fits well within the realm of acceptable geeky accessories .

  15. 每次搭乐高积木首先是按照不同的形状和颜色将积木分类。

    Every Lego project begins with an assortment of pieces , all different shapes and colors .

  16. 和英国广播公司得出的结果相似,他们得出的结论也是乐高积木非常结实。

    Their conclusion , like the BBC 's , is that Lego bricks are surprisingly tough .

  17. 这次我看到的是一块面板,上面展示的是用乐高积木搭成的五个目标国家的国旗。

    this time , a board displays the flags of its five target countries in Lego .

  18. 我爱玩的乐高积木和电路板被收了起来。

    The Lego blocks and electronic circuits I 'd loved as a boy were put away .

  19. 联邦广场,50多万块乐高积木被用来制作这棵圣诞树。

    Over half a million Lego bricks were used to create this Christmas tree in Federation Square .

  20. 这个48岁、头发支楞着的首席执行官坐在自己的办公室里,看上去仍像个男孩,周围摆满了乐高积木系列,其中包括一座巨大的迪士尼城堡。

    surrounded by sets that include a gigantic Disney castle - the spiky-haired 48-year-old retains a boyish air .

  21. 新办公室占据了大楼的几个楼层,这栋闪烁着微光的大楼仿佛是用庞大的白色乐高积木和玻璃搭建而成。

    It occupied several floors of a gleaming building that appeared as if it were made out of giant white Lego blocks and glass .

  22. 四月,她带去了三个引人瞩目的手提箱,里面装满乐高积木,因为他的工作室无法买到足够的做模型用的积木。

    In April , she carried in three conspicuous suitcases filled with Legos because his studio was unable to obtain enough for its prototypes .

  23. 就像搭乐高积木一样;脚本是您的构建和测试环境的不同组建模块之间的连接器。

    As if you are playing with Lego parts ; scripts are the connectors between the different building blocks of your build and test environment .

  24. 他们认为,经济是各种“能力”的集合体,这些能力就像乐高积木那样,可以被组合成不同的产物。

    They argue that economies are collections of " capabilities " , building blocks that can be put together like Lego to produce different products .

  25. 这种想法遇到的第一个问题是世界上没有足够的乐高积木来建造出这种样式的乐高大桥。

    The first problem with this idea is that there aren 't nearly enough Lego blocks in the world to build this kind of bridge .

  26. 大西洋海床正在从中间的一条裂缝向两边延伸,速度大约是每112天移动1块乐高积木的距离。

    The Atlantic sea floor is spreading outward from a seam down the middle , at a rate-in Lego units-of one stud every 112 days .

  27. 在使用乐高积木艺术媒介作为,肖恩希望孩子成为启发他们的想象力和创造想象事物本身的伟大。

    In using LEGO bricks as an art medium , Sean hopes that children will become inspired to visualize their imagination and create great things themselves .

  28. 这些玩具将以植物元素(如叶子、灌木、树木)为特色,它们和经典乐高积木没什么差别。

    The toys , which will be indistinguishable from classic Legos , will also feature " botanical elements " like leaves , bushes , and trees .

  29. 一块块拼起来的乐高积木并不具有防水性7,而且制作乐高积木的塑料密度大于水。

    Lego bricks don 't make a watertight seal when you connect them together , 7 and the plastic used to make them is denser than water .

  30. 乐高积木也许没有像飞机和计算机那样改变世界,但对一位小孩来说,它们完成了神奇的先进技术都无法完成的任务。

    Legos may not have changed the world the way the airplane and the computer have , but for one little boy , they accomplished what no incredible piece of technology could do .