
  • 网络LUCKY
  1. 乐凯医用x射线胶片

    Lucky medical X-ray film

  2. 乐凯HB-17与柯达D-76显影效果比较研究

    Comparative Research of Developing Effect of Lucky HB-17 and Kodak D-76

  3. 通过在乐凯胶片集团公司的在线实验,证明其能够准确检测出各种典型的胶片弊病,处理一帧大小为659×494像素的图像只需20ms。

    On-line experiments in Lucky Film Corp. proved that the algorithm can detect all kinds of film defects and process a 659 + 494 image within 20 ms.

  4. 评述了银盐扩散转移CTP版的市场及应用,描述了银盐CTP版的结构及原理,介绍了乐凯公司第二胶片厂银盐CTP版材的进展。

    The market and application of silver salt diffusion transfer CTP plates are reviewed . The construction and principles of silver salt CTP are described . Advances on silver salt CTP plates of The Second Film Factory of Lucky Group are also introduced .

  5. 而2003柯达乐凯联姻则是一个双赢的契约。

    But " 2003 Kodak & Lucky Marriage " was a win-win agreement .

  6. 数码影像时代的到来给乐凯集团带来更多的挑战;

    And the coming of digital image era brings more challenge to Lucky .

  7. 中国乐凯胶片集团公司战略研究

    Research on China Lucky Film Group Development Strategy

  8. 2003年10月29日,乐凯集团与柯达签订了长达20年的合作合同;

    On 29 Oct. 2003 , Lucky signed a 20-year long contract with Kodak ;

  9. 进入新的世纪,乐凯面临众多的机遇和挑战。

    In the new century , Lucy is faced with many opportunities and challenges .

  10. 乐凯安吉面向在法国和意大利经营的零售商以温州人为主销售手提袋。

    Luca sells handbags to a network of mostly Wenzhou retailers in France and Italy .

  11. 施乐凯的副作用根罕见,因为任何过量的钾都迅速由尿排出。

    Side-effects are rare with slow-K , as any excess potassium is rapidly excreted in the urine .

  12. 本文介绍了一种新型的胶片弊病检测仪,是目前乐凯第一胶片厂使用的胶片弊病在线检测系统的改进型。

    This paper presents a new type of film-defect inspection instrument , which is improved on the film-inspection system installed on the production line of Lucky Group .

  13. 2004年上半年乐凯胶片股份有限公司(为乐凯集团控股的集团核心企业,以下简称乐凯胶片)年报显示乐凯胶片每股收益在持续下滑,由1999年的0.843元下降到0.127元;

    In the first half of 2004 , the annals of Lucky Film Stock Limited Corporation ( the core company of Lucky Film Group ) show that the income of the stock is on a constant fall .

  14. 该系统已经安装在乐凯集团第二胶片厂的胶片整理车间,运行至今,系统运行稳定、抗干扰强,检测结果可靠、准确,各项指标符合实际生产要求,给企业带来了良好的效益。

    Having run for several months in the second film factory of Lucky Group , the system shows such performance as steady running status , good anti-jamming ability and reliable inspection results , which fit the production requirement finely , and brings the factory much benefit .