
  • 网络verse
  1. 耶鲁公开课-聆听音乐课程节选我们会谈到主歌和副歌,等我们遇到那种曲式的类型再说

    to speak together We 'll talk about verse and chorus when we get to the issue of form .

  2. 由于除了主歌、副歌,其他部分基本都是纯音乐组成,因此流行音乐中人声的识别对于流行音乐的结构分析有着很大的辅助作用。

    Since it is that the whole pop music is almost pure instrumental except verse and chorus , so detection of vocal part in pop music can do great help to pop music structure analysis .

  3. 这首歌的主歌有四行歌词,副歌有两行。

    The verse has four lines and the chorus has two .

  4. 在副歌部分,她显得轻浮,但回到主歌,她又变得多疑,还有一丝凌乱。

    By the chorus , she 's flirty , but back in the verses , she 's skeptical and a little bedraggled .

  5. 在主歌里,她懒洋洋地唱着,仿佛在诱惑,要不就是刚睡醒:我说,‘没人知道我们在干什么’/他的手放在我的头发里/她的衣服在我房间里。

    In the verses , Ms. Swift sings drowsily , as if seducing or just waking up : I said ' No one has to know what we do ' / His hands are in my hair / His clothes are in my room .

  6. 主耶和华说,歌革上来攻击以色列地的时候,我的怒气要从鼻孔里发出。

    And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel , saith the Lord GOD , that my fury shall come up in my face .