
  1. 对于朝鲜族音乐文化的研究,应该从各种音乐形式入手。

    Korean music and culture for the study should start from a variety of musical forms .

  2. 朝鲜族音乐长短与舞性

    Korean Music Long-Short and Dance

  3. 同中国其它地区的民歌一样,五声调式音阶也是朝鲜族音乐曲调的基础。

    The same as folk song in other area , pentatonic scale is also the base of Korean music melody .

  4. 再次,要有组织、多侧面的在汉族音乐工作者中开展朝鲜族音乐理论方面的学习活动,组织汉族音乐家创作带有朝鲜族音乐风格的作品;

    Thirdly , organizing musical staff members of Han nationality to study musical theory of Korean nationality and organizing the musicians of Han nationality to create the productions with Korean nationality musical style ;

  5. 中国朝鲜族钢琴音乐创作发展轨迹研究

    The Research of Track of Creation and Development of Chinese-Korean Piano Music

  6. 浅谈朝鲜族民间音乐艺术特点

    The Art Characteristic of Korean Folk Music

  7. 本文共分为三个部分:第1章:朝鲜族民谣音乐的背景。

    This article is divided into three parts : Chapter 1 : Korean folk music in the background .

  8. 朝鲜族民间音乐在整个少数民族音乐中处于非常重要的地位。

    This thesis is mainly on the important role of Korean folk music played in the whole ethnic minority music .

  9. 对朝鲜族民间音乐的社会价值、文化继承进行研究,具有非常重要的意义。

    The profound significance has been served by the research in the social value and cultural inheritance of Korean folk music .

  10. 本文以朝鲜族民谣音乐作为朝鲜族音乐文化研究的一个窗口,透过对朝鲜族民谣音乐本体结构的技术性分析,希望探求到朝鲜族音乐文化的一部分特征。

    In this paper , Korean folk music as a cultural study of Korean music as a window on the Korean folk music through the body structure of the technical analysis , I hope to explore a part of Korean culture , the characteristics of music .

  11. 对朝鲜族民族民间音乐中的调式研究,是研究朝鲜族音乐的基础。

    The mode study of Korean folk music is the base of searching Korean music .

  12. 朝鲜族民歌是朝鲜族音乐文化研究的一个窗口,透过对朝鲜族民歌的研究,可以探求朝鲜族音乐文化的一部分特征。

    Korean folk is a window for the study of Korean music culture .

  13. 以平调式为基础的朝鲜族民歌&朝鲜族民族音乐系列研究之二一个说朝鲜语的本地人或居民。

    Korean Folk Music Based on " Flat Mode " & Study of Korean Folk Music II ; a native or inhabitant of Korea who speaks the Korean language .

  14. 平调调式是朝鲜族民歌中的主要调式之一,因此,对平调调式音阶的认识与了解,也就必然成为研究朝鲜族民族民间音乐的切入点。

    It becomes the key to study , since flat mode is one of the main modes of Korean folk music .

  15. 朝鲜族悠久的历史和灿烂的民族文化在中华民族文化史上占有一定的地位,而其特殊的长短节奏是朝鲜族民族音乐的标志。

    Korean long history and splendid culture in the history of Chinese culture holds a certain position , and its special " length " Rhythm is a symbol of Korean folk music .