
zhǔ kuà
  • main span
主跨[zhǔ kuà]
  1. 介绍该桥主桥主跨合龙的特点、技术措施、合龙前的架设状态、合龙步骤。

    This paper presents the characteristics , technical measures , erection status before closure as well as the closure steps of the main span steel girder of the bridge .

  2. 大跨宽箱PC连续刚构主跨底板钢束空间分析

    Analysis on steel strands space in main span bottom slab of large span PC continuous rigid frame

  3. 这个Web应用程序允许博主跨多篇博文快速查询评论,并删除包含可疑内容的评论。

    The Web application allows a blogger to quickly query the comments across his blogs and delete comments that contain questionable content .

  4. 主跨348m+348m三塔单索面PC梁斜拉桥

    Three Pylon and Single-cable-plane PC Cable-stayed Bridge with Main Spans of 348 m + 348 m

  5. 通过海林市南出口公铁立交桥的方案设计,经对比,论证了V形刚架配挂梁的主跨结构型式的优越性及适用性。

    In scheme design V-shape rigid frame has been used in the flyover in Hailin city . It has been proofed for V-shape rigid frame to have superiority and practicability in bridge stride structure .

  6. 洋河大桥120m主跨钢管混凝土系杆拱整体安装工艺

    Integral Installation Technology for Steel Tube Concrete Tied Arch of 120 m Mainspan of Yanghe Bridge

  7. 主跨145m刚构&连续组合体系桥梁施工监控

    The Construction Monitoring of Rigid-Continuous Combination System Bridge with 145m Span

  8. 我国《公路桥梁抗风设计规范》明确规定:主跨跨径大于400m的斜拉桥应计算其静力稳定性。

    The highway and bridge wind-resistance design standard Clearly defines as follows : cable-stayed bridge with main span more than 400m should calculate its static stability .

  9. 由于需要跨越大江大河和其它线路,所以预应力混凝土连续梁(PC连续梁)的修建需求也越来越大,其主跨跨径在变大,这就给该类型的桥梁施工技术带来更高的要求。

    To across rivers and other lines in traffic , more prestressed concrete continuous beam ( PC continuous girder ) bridges are required to be built and their main spans are longer and longer . That will bring higher construction technology requirements for them .

  10. 主跨602m的杨浦大桥主桥安装施工技术

    Installation Technology Adopted in Shanghai Yangpu Main Bridge with a Span of 602m

  11. 主跨1400m部分地锚式斜拉桥方案试设计

    Trial Design of a Proposed Partially Ground-Anchored Cable-Stayed Bridge with a Main Span 1 400 m

  12. 东海大桥主跨420m钢-混凝土箱形结合梁斜拉桥新技术

    New Techniques of Steel-Concrete Composite Box Girder of 420-M Cable-Stayed Main Span of East China Sea Bridge

  13. 以嘉陵江大桥为工程背景,提出了主跨180m的连续钢箱梁桥的设计方案。

    Based on the plan of the Jialing River Bridge , the conceptual design of a continuous box-girder bridge with 180 meters-mainspan is proposed .

  14. 该桥主跨900m,主梁为全焊钢箱加劲梁,分成72个节段在工厂制造后在工地全焊拼装。

    The main beam is of all welded steel box structure with strengthening bracings . It consists of 72 segments manufactured in plant and welding on site .

  15. 该类桥将大跨预应力混凝土V形墩连续刚构和拱桥两种体系有机结合在一起,整体受力以V形墩连续刚构为主,拱对主跨起加劲作用。

    This combined sysytem bridge is to combine large span PC V-shaped pier continuous rigid frame bridge and arch structure , and the bearing force characteristics of overall structure is on the former , then the later is to play a role of stiffening the main span .

  16. 该桥主桥为一联4孔预应力混凝土连续梁,主跨104m,主墩高达110m。

    The Bridge proper is of 4 spans in one continuous unit with a main span 104 m and pier height up to 110 m.

  17. 主跨138m预应力混凝土连续梁桥的施工控制

    Construction Control of A Prestressed Concrete Continuous Girder Bridge with a Main Span of 138 m

  18. 尤其近10年来,更向特大跨径发展,主跨已经超过1000m,形势十分喜人。

    Especially during the recent ten years , it goes on to the extra large span bridges develop , the main span have exceed 1000 meters , the situation is very well .

  19. 阐述了主跨256m钢管砼泵送施工工艺及施工中常遇的几个问题的处理措施。

    The paper discusses the technology and relative measures of 256 m steel pipe concrete pumping construction .

  20. 湛江海湾大桥主桥是主跨480m的混合梁斜拉桥。

    The main bridge of Zhanjiang Bay Bridge is a composite cable-stayed bridge with a central span of 480 meters .

  21. 海口世纪大桥是一座在建的主跨340m的双塔双斜索面预应力混凝土斜拉桥。

    The Century Bridge is a reinforced concrete cable-stayed bridge with double pylons , doube cable planes and a main span of 340m .

  22. 采用JC法,分别计算主跨关键截面的可靠度指标,并与一次二阶矩中心点法和改进的一次二阶矩法计算的可靠度指标进行比较。

    The reliabilities of the key sections of the main span are calculated with the method of JC individually , and are compared with the results computed by the mean point method and improved method of First-Order Second-Moment .

  23. 苏北运河大桥是主跨为70.9m的下承式钢管混凝土系杆拱桥。

    The bridge is a bottom-through concrete-filled steel tube tie-bar arch bridge with a main span 70.9m .

  24. 拉萨河特大桥为五跨三连拱结构,主跨108m,为单线Ⅰ级铁路桥梁。

    Lhasa River Bridge , with a main span 108 m , is a 5-span , 3-arch structure and is also a Grade I single-track railway bridge .

  25. 宜昌长江公路大桥桥型选择为双塔钢箱梁悬索桥,主跨960m。

    Yichang Changjiang River Highway Bridge is a steel box beam suspension bridge with two towers , main span of 960 m.

  26. 我国公路工程抗震设计规范只适用于主跨不超过150m的梁桥和拱桥,因此对所有的大跨度桥梁来说,都有必要专门进行地震响应验算与分析。

    Seismic resist design of long-span bridges has no rule to follow , In china , seismic resist design codes of road is only suitable to girder bridges and arch bridges which of main span under 150 meters .

  27. 介绍了青干河大桥设计研究有关情况,并对主跨256m中承式钢管混凝土拱的计算研究作了说明,从设计研究的角度对该工程关键工序及施工方案进行了阐述。

    This article interprets the calculation of 256 m half-through concrete-filled steel tube arch , and the construction process and key procedure .

  28. 某自锚式钢桁架悬索桥结构主跨408m,采用双层桥面,2根主缆为空间线形布置。

    For the self-anchored steel truss suspension bridge , the span of which is 408m , the double floors of deck are adopted .

  29. 缅甸钦敦江大桥为公铁两用的栓焊下承式钢桁梁桥,主跨112m。

    The Chindwin River Bridge is for the use of both highway and railway with superstructure of continuous steel trusses , and the main span is 112 m.

  30. 芜湖长江大桥,主跨312m,是目前国内最大跨度的公铁两用桥。

    Wuhu Yangtze River bridge with a 312 m main span is a highway / railway combined bridge with the largest span in China .