
  • 网络The reservation of public order
  1. 论我国公共秩序保留制度的完善

    The Improvement of The Reservation of Public Order In Our Country

  2. 公共秩序保留制度中的法官自由裁量权

    Discretion Power in Reservation of Public Order System

  3. 希望本文能够对公共秩序保留制度今后的研究有所帮助。

    Hoping this paper can keep the system help in the future .

  4. 公共秩序保留制度的式微

    The Degeneration of the Reservation of Public Order

  5. 论我国的公共秩序保留制度&评《民法典(草案)》第九编第11条

    A Review of Reservation Clause of Public Order

  6. 公共秩序保留制度本身有很大的弹性,赋予了法官广泛的自由裁量权。

    Public order itself is a flexible definition and the judges are endowed with extensive discretions .

  7. 因此,对公共秩序保留制度进行有效的限制是国际社会的普遍需求。

    To restrict the application of reservation of public order is the common demand of international community .

  8. 文章的第二部分介绍了公共秩序保留制度的几种理论并对这些理论作了简要的评析。

    The second part interdicts several theories about the reservation of public order and comment them in brief .

  9. 文章第三部分阐述了各国公共秩序保留制度的立法和发展趋势。

    The third part describes the legislation and developing trends of he reservation of public order in some countries .

  10. 我国在审理对外担保纠纷时在一定程度上存在滥用法律规避和公共秩序保留制度的现象。

    In China , the institutions of the evasion of law and the reservation of public order are mistakenly used in some cases .

  11. 我国虽然确定了公共秩序保留制度,但由于种种原因,该制度在立法上和司法实践中还存在诸多不足和问题。

    Although we has stipulated the RPO , there are still many deficiencies and problems on the system in legislation and judicature as well .

  12. 我国公共秩序保留制度相当完善,但仍存在一些疑难问题不能根本解决。

    The institution of the reservation of public order in our country is quite well-provided , but still some difficult problems can not be settled .

  13. 比较而言,区别论符合区际法律冲突中公共秩序保留制度的现实需要而得到许多学者的认可。

    Compared with other theories , difference theory accord with the need of public order in interregional law conflict and be approved by many scholars .

  14. 区际私法中尤其需要慎用公共秩序保留制度,当同性同居关系仅仅是作为其他问题的先决问题时,我国大陆法院可考虑适当承认该关系的有效性。

    If the same-sex marriage relationship is only a preliminary question of the case in China continental court , it is suggested to admit the validity of the marriage .

  15. 纵观新中国的法制建设,我国虽然确定了公共秩序保留制度,但在立法上和司法实践中还有一定的不足与缺陷。

    Tracing back Chinese legal construction , despite that this system has been enacted in the law concerned , there still exist some drawbacks in scale of the legislation and practice .

  16. 公共秩序保留制度作为国际私法的一项古老制度,在协调国际私法关系中发挥了极其重要的作用。

    Reservation of public order , as one of the oldest international private law , has played a vital role in the coordinate system of the relationship of international private law .

  17. 本文拟就此问题进行分析阐述,并对公共秩序保留制度中间接限制模式的存在提出新的见解。

    This article give analysis and elaboration in light of this , and the new opinion on the existence of the indirect limit pattern in the public peace and order retention system .

  18. 文章第一部分旨在对公共秩序保留制度作一个基本界定,从涵义、作用及其立法模式三个方面对公共秩序保留制度进行了简要的介绍。

    The first part , the content of which is mainly about the basic definition , has made a brief introduction of the reservation of public order from the essence , function and legislative pattern .

  19. 我国《民法典(草案)》虽然确定了公共秩序保留制度,但在立法上和司法实践中还有待进一步完善。

    Although the reservation clause of order public is already available in the draft Code of Civil Law of China , it is subject to further amendments in accordance with the actual practice of legislation and jurisdiction .

  20. 主要包括公共秩序保留制度、法律规避制度、最密切联系原则和有利原则、直接适用强制性规范、判决的承认与执行、对当事人意思自治原则的限制以及识别、反致、外国法的查明几方面。

    This part main includes reservation of public order , evasion of law , rule of most significant relationship , mandatory code , autonomy of will , judge 's recognition and performance and qualification , renvoi , proof of foreign law .

  21. 传统理论认为公共秩序保留制度的作用在于通过限制外国法律在法院地国的适用进而达到保护法院地国公共秩序的目的,并且现在的相关研究仍然多围绕这一主题展开。

    Traditional theory holds that the role of public order reservation system is by restricting the foreign law applicable in the State of the State Court and then to protect " public order " purposes , and the current research continues to expand more on this theme .

  22. 但国际上没有也不可能有统一的适用标准,由于人们对公共秩序的理解不尽相同,产生了一些公共秩序保留制度上的理论争议,所以它也是争论最多的问题。

    But it is impossible have inform application of standards , people have different undersigning about the reservation of public order , so there are some arguments about he reservation of public order , it is also the most controversial problem .