
  • 网络standing;personality;subject;Qualification;capacity as a subject
  1. 在海洋生态损害赔偿诉讼中,原告的诉讼主体资格经常是引起争议的问题。

    In compensation litigation for damages on marine ecosystem , the plaintiff 's standing frequently caused disputes .

  2. 论私法主体资格的分化与扩张论非法人团体的民事主体地位

    On the Division and Expansion of Civil Personality On the Civil Subject 's Position of Entity without Legal Personality

  3. 第三部分,对NGO作为环境公益诉讼的主体资格,是否具有必要性和可行性进行分析。

    The third part makes an analysis about the necessity and feasibility of subject qualification on NGO as environment commonweal lawsuit .

  4. WTO要求我国内外资企业立法一体化,内资企业立法平等化,企业立法模式统一化、内容系统化。改造我国企业立法要确立非法人企业的民事主体资格;

    The process of the entry of WTO makes it necessary for our country to ensure an equal and integrated legislation of domestic and foreign enterprises , unified modes and systematic contents of legislation .

  5. 依据权利义务标准,环境NGO已具备有限的国际环境法主体资格。

    According to the standards of right and obligation , environmental NGO already has a limited subject qualification of international environmental law .

  6. 这些争议的焦点问题主要集中在参与WTO争端解决机制的主体资格、非政府组织的代表性、特殊利益集团控制和贸易保护倾向等四个问题上。

    Their arguments concentrate on the following four issues : the subject qualification of WID dispute settlement mechanism , the representative of NGOs , the control of SIG ( Special Interest Group ), the trade protection tendency .

  7. 从BOT立法内容入手,针对BOT方式的适用范围、项目审批、主体资格、法律适用、法律责任及政府保证等方面,提出对BOT投资方式的立法对策。

    Started with BOT main contents , this article puts forward some legislative countermeasures on the investment of BOT in the light of its applicable scope , project examination and approval of government , qualifications of main body , law application and responsibility , and guaranty by government as well .

  8. 第二部分的主要内容是关于团体主体资格的历史探寻与价值分析。

    The second part concentrates on historic seeking and value analysis .

  9. 再论保证人主体资格及范围

    A Restudy of the Subject Qualifications and Scope of the Warrantor

  10. 对我国民事主体资格理论的反思

    Turn Over to Think about the Qualification of Civil Principle Part Theory

  11. 这部分论述了查阅权的主体资格和范围。

    This part discusses right as principal and scope of inspection right .

  12. 矿业市场准入资格和矿权主体资格

    The Qualifications of Mining Market Access and the Dominance of Mineral Right

  13. 我国司法鉴定主体资格问题探析

    On qualification for appraisal entity in forensic authentication of China

  14. 浅析高等学校的行政主体资格

    On the Qualification of Higher Education Establishment 's Administrative Entity

  15. 试论企业法人主体资格证明标志

    On the Sign Proving the Staus of Enterprise 's Legal Person Subject

  16. 每个成员企业都具有独立的法律主体资格,但不一定要求有法人资格。

    They are legal entities but not necessarily legal person .

  17. 罗马法中主体资格制度的基本类型;

    The basic types of the personality in Roman law ;

  18. 论体育法律关系主体资格特征及其确立

    Discussion on Main - body Qualification in Sport Law Relationship

  19. 我国应该赋予自然人外贸主体资格

    Necessity of Natural Person 's Subjective Qualification in Foreign Trade

  20. 驰名商标司法认定的主体资格亟待完善

    Qualification and Perfection of Judicial Confirmation Bodies for Well-known Marks

  21. 境内公司主体资格审核申请表。

    Application form for the principal qualification review of the domestic company .

  22. 市场经济环境要求有独立的主体资格。

    An independent subject is required in the market-oriented economy .

  23. 主体资格、组织结构、董事会决议、股东会决议等;

    Subtitute qualification , organization structure , board resolution , shareholder meeting resolution ;

  24. 我国业主委员会诉讼主体资格问题解决之路探寻

    Solution Exploration to Problems on Suit Qualification of Owners ' Committee in China

  25. 它是一个国家政府权力的重要组成部分,具体包括市场主体资格控制权、市场秩序维持权、宏观调控权以及经济立法权等。

    It constitutes an important part of government power .

  26. 行业组织的行政主体资格探讨

    The discussion on industrial associations ' becoming administrative subject

  27. 电子合同及其主体资格的认定

    Electronic Contract and the Confirmation of Its Subject Qualification

  28. 债务人首先要具备民事主体资格,其资格的取得、丧失与否,直接关系到债权利益实现的问题。

    First of all , a obligator must have qualification of civil subject .

  29. 国际贸易中自然人的经营主体资格与作用

    On the Principal Qualification and Roles of the Natural Person in International Trade

  30. 国家级开发区管委会行政主体资格研究

    The Study on the Administrative Subject Qualification of Administrative Organization of Development Zone