
  • 网络Main functional area;priority zones;development priority zones
  1. 促进主体功能区建设的财政转移支付制度设计

    A Design of Transfer Payment System for the Development Priority Zones

  2. 基于主体功能区规划的区域管理框架研究

    Research on Regional Management Framework Based on the Plan for Development Priority Zones

  3. 基于GIS的河南省主体功能区区域划分系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Henan Main Function Division System Based on GIS

  4. 基于PSO的主体功能区区域划分的应用研究

    Research on the Application of Area Partition of Main Function Area Based on PSO

  5. 基于主体功能区的辽宁省水资源承载力SD模拟

    Study on SD Simulation of Water Resources Carrying Capacity in Liaoning Province Based on Major Function Areas

  6. 3S技术在衔接主体功能区规划与土地利用管理中的应用

    Application of 3S technologies in coordination between major function oriented zone planning and land use management

  7. 上海市主体功能区划分中可利用土地资源评价

    Evaluation of exploitative land resources in major function zoning of Shanghai

  8. 主体功能区战略引导下的区域土地利用模式及情景模拟

    Regional Land Use Pattern and Scenario Simulation Guided by Development Priority Zoning

  9. 行政区经济约束下的主体功能区建设研究

    Study on the Major Functional Areas Development Restrained by District Regional Economy

  10. 东北主体功能区绩效评价体系的构建

    Establishment of performance evaluation system for northeastern main functional region

  11. 基于免疫遗传算法的主体功能区规划应用研究

    Study on Dominating Functional Zones Based on Immune Genetic Algorithm

  12. 主体功能区的划分及其财政政策效应

    The Division of the Main Functional Areas and Its Financial Policy Effects

  13. 基于新区域主义视角的我国地域主体功能区规划解读

    On the Development Priority Zone Planning in China Based on New Regionalism

  14. 基于主体功能区建设的经济发展方式转变研究

    Research on the Change of Economical Development Ways of Principle Function Construction

  15. 基于主体功能区视角的生态补偿机制研究

    Study on Eco-Compensation Mechanism Based on Perspective of Main-Functional Areas

  16. 以主体功能区建设推进新疆生态农业产业化发展

    Promoting Development of Eco-agricultural Industrialization by Building Major Functional Districts

  17. 环境政策指引方面分别阐述了四类主体功能区的环境政策。

    Secondly , the environmental policy of four principal functional areas are described .

  18. 加快推进主体功能区建设。

    Accelerate the construction of the main functional areas .

  19. 推进主体功能区形成的区域补偿政策研究

    A Study on Regional Compensation Policy as Formed through Propelling Primary Function Area

  20. 主体功能区建设中的基本公共服务均等化问题研究

    A Study of Equalization Basic Public Service in Construction of Main Function Area

  21. 土地发展权及其对主体功能区建设保障研究

    Land Development Rights and Its Impact on the Construction of Principal Function Regions

  22. 基于主体功能区构架的耕地占补平衡制度研究

    The Research about Balance of Cultivated Land Based on the Main-functional Zones in Chongqing

  23. 宁夏主体功能区规划地理信息技术平台的实现和应用

    The Major Functional Regions of Ningxia Planning Geography Information Technology Platform Realizes and Applies

  24. 第五部分是云南主体功能区建设中的产业调整研究。

    Part V is the industry adjustment research for Yunnan subjective function zone building .

  25. 主体功能区建设对边疆地区发展影响因素分析

    Analysis on Influencing Factors of Developing Border Areas by Main Functional Regions ' Construction

  26. 主体功能区建设中区域利益的协调机制研究

    A Study on the Regional Interest Coordinating Mechanism of the Major Functional Areas Development

  27. 世界经济危机形势下的东北优化开发主体功能区建设方略

    Strategy Adoption in Construction of the Northeast Development Priority Zone v.s Global Economic Crisis

  28. 开发长春汽车产业主体功能区的财政政策建议

    About the Suggestions of the Financial Policies of Changchun Automobile Industry Main Functional Area

  29. 西部地区主体功能区划分与建设若干问题的思考&以新疆为例

    Discussions about Some Problems to the Western Region of the Main Functions Division and Construction

  30. 第二部分是主体功能区划分的理论与方法的集中探究。

    The second part was concentrating inquiring of theories and methods for subjective function dividing .