
zhǔ xí
  • president;chairman;chairpersons;host at a dinner;abbot
主席 [zhǔ xí]
  • (1) [chairman]∶主持会议或集会的人

  • (2) [chairman;president]∶某些国家、国家机关、党派或团体等一级组织的最高领导职位名称

  • (3) [host at a dinner]∶指主持宴会的人

  • (4) [abbot]∶寺观的住持

主席[zhǔ xí]
  1. 主席认为,失业在所难免。

    The chairman expressed the opinion that job losses were inevitable .

  2. 没有主席的支持,委员会是无能为力的。

    Without the chairman 's support , the committee is impotent .

  3. 他的评论被看成是对主席的冒犯。

    His comments were seen as an insult to the president .

  4. 这是对主席权威的直接质疑。

    It was a direct challenge to the president 's authority .

  5. 他是一个大型国际组织的主席。

    He 's the president of a large international organization .

  6. 主席不顾委员会的反对,径行签署了协议。

    The chairman overrode the committee 's objections and signed the agreement .

  7. 理查兹获得委任接替行将退任的主席。

    Richards has been tapped to replace the retiring chairperson .

  8. 争论持续不休,直到主席要求双方遵守议事规则。

    The argument continued until the chairman called them both to order .

  9. 主席尽力平息人们的激奋情绪。

    The chairman tried to take the heat out of the situation .

  10. 他接替伯纳德∙艾伦任主席。

    He became chairman in succession to Bernard Allen .

  11. 他当选为市议会主席。

    He was elected chair of the city council .

  12. 他的地位仅次于主席。

    He is second in line to the chairman .

  13. 主席蒙受了被拒于会议之外的侮辱。

    The chairman suffered the indignity of being refused admission to the meeting .

  14. 作为主席,我必须保持中立。

    As chairman , I must remain impartial .

  15. 委员会的某些成员试图削弱主席的权力。

    Some members of the board were trying to undercut the chairman 's authority .

  16. 欧盟主席一职由其成员国轮流担任。

    The EU presidency rotates among the members .

  17. 主席是通过无记名投票选举产生的。

    The chairperson is chosen by secret ballot .

  18. 委员会投票再次选举他担任主席。

    The committee voted to re-elect him chairman .

  19. 有人提议选出的主席任期为两年。

    It was proposed that the president be elected for a period of two years .

  20. 我提名汤姆∙埃利斯做主席。

    I propose Tom Ellis for chairman .

  21. 谢谢你,主席先生。

    Thank you , Mr Chairman .

  22. 他的主席职务被革除了。

    He was ousted as chairman .

  23. 俱乐部也对D.布朗被任命为主席表示祝贺。

    The club also offers its congratulations to D. Brown on his appointment as president .

  24. 要想当这儿的主席一定要家财万贯。

    Any aspirant to the presidency here must be seriously rich

  25. 我们等候主席到来的时候都没怎么说话。

    Very little was said as we awaited the arrival of the chairman

  26. 卡斯特罗主席已经提醒古巴人民为严重的经济危急状况做准备。

    President Castro has warned Cubans to prepare for a profound economic emergency

  27. 他还是主席,但在公司没有什么实权了。

    He remains chairman , but wields little power at the company .

  28. 英国会支持他竞选这个组织的主席职位。

    Britain will support him as a candidate for the presidency of the organisation

  29. 欧洲议会急需一位能改善其声望的主席。

    The European Parliament badly needs a president who can burnish its image .

  30. 玛莎百货公司的主席作的报告会透彻地讲明这一点。

    The report by Marks & Spencer 's chairman will ram this point home