
  1. 关于这个话题可研究的层面很多、能借助的方法也很多,本论文研究方法主要是以符号学原理为理

    The lays for research and method for

  2. 阿斯顿大学职业服务中心为理学硕士课程的学生和毕业生提供高质量的就业指导、教育和信息服务。

    Aston University Careers Service provides high quality careers guidance , education and information services to MSc students and graduates .

  3. 人们须从气上认取理,但是认气为理,把理气完全等同起来,则是错误的。

    People must understand Li from the perspective of Qi , but it is wrong that Li is equal to Qi .

  4. 本文研究主体为理工大学随机选择的54名来自不同专业的非英语专业大学生。

    The subjects who participated in the study were 54 sophomores of non-English majors randomly chosen from five classes of different majors .

  5. 同时,孙奇逢在把理学纳入儒学的正统,为理学的进一步发展寻找合理性的道路上成就了自己的实学思想。

    He achieved his own practical thought on the way of bringing Confucianism into legitimacy and finding reasonableness for further development of Confucianism .

  6. 还有一些院校过去被称为理工学院,但在1992年以后,这些院校也被允许自称为大学。

    And there are those that used to be called polytechnics , but which have , since 1992 , been allowed to call themselves universities too .

  7. 理学内部基于对《中庸》与《孟子》两部儒家经典所阐明心性论思想的不同理解,分化为理学与心学两派;

    Neo-Confucianism divided into two groups according to different understanding of the thought of " the Doctrine of the Mean " and " Meng Zi " .

  8. 在油液监测的综合诊断方法中,诊断判据划分为理化检测项目的定量诊断判据和磨粒图库的定性诊断判据。

    Diagnosis judgement comprises quantitative judgement of detecting items of physicochemical properties and qualitative judgement of debris images in the methods of synthetic diagnosis in oil analysis .

  9. 即便是他们的发明在被誉为理工科生奥林比克的挑战杯比赛中获得极大的关注,这支团队仍然按部就班地从事着日常工作。

    The team stuck to their routine even after their work caught much attention at the Challenge Cup , which is considered an Olympic event among science and technology students .

  10. 主要说明二程对《西铭》的表彰与发挥,以揭示关洛学派为理学家构筑起共同的精神家园。

    And mainly analyze Cheng Brothers to Western Inscription the recognition and promotion in order to reveal the Western Inscription is the common spiritual home of Guan School and Luo School .

  11. 这一点也为理学家们所不断的实践着,其中的很多思想和方法对于我们现代社会的生活方式有着很重要的养生意义。

    This is for Neo are the constant practice of the , one of the many ideas and ways of life in our modern society has a very important health significance .

  12. 从学生学习需求出发,该课程应设定为理实一体化项目课程,其中知识的有机融入是一项关键技术。

    Starting from the learning needs of students , the course should be set as project management course of theory and practice integration , among that organic integration of knowledge is a key technology .

  13. 不过,李钟和表示,各国政府不应将前景的改善视为理所应当。他警告称,若想经济前景持续改善,仍有赖于西方经济体的复苏,以及亚洲继续采取财政及货币刺激措施。

    However , Mr Lee said that governments should not take the improved outlook for granted , warning that a sustained improvement would require a recovery in western economies and continued fiscal and monetary stimulus in Asia .

  14. 首先要求对工程伦理教育观念的转变,包括将工程伦理课程列为理工科高校的必修课以及对理工科大学生进行专业伦理教育。

    First demanding change the concept of engineering ethics education . include listing the engineering ethics education course as required courses in the science and engineering universities and carrying out the special ethics education on the science students .

  15. 只有以当代中国的艺术与审美经验为理据,解决当代中国的美学问题,中国美学才能完成其现代建构,真正做到既是中国的,又是世界的。

    The modern reconstruction of Chinese aesthetics relies solely on a correct understanding of the artistic and aesthetic experience of contemporary China and aims at solving her aesthetic problems , through which Chinese aesthetics will really become world-oriented with Chinese characteristics .

  16. 为理工科师生在信息环境下的创新教学和创新学习做了一些试验,取得了较好的教学效果,并在互动教学的软硬件环境建设方面,作了许多工作。

    It has done some tests for engineering course students and teachers in innovate teaching and innovate learning , and gaining some preferable teaching effect , and did much work in the building of Interactive Teaching in the aspects of software and hardware environment .

  17. 那些和这类院校有某种关联的人(我与其中一所院校的一名讲师结婚了)知道,尽管这些院校有一些低于平均水平的课程——正如一些历史悠久的大学一样——这些前身为理工学院的院校有自身的优势。

    Those who have had some contact with these institutions ( I am married to a lecturer at one ) know that while they have some below-par courses - just as some of the old universities do - the former polytechnics have their own strengths .

  18. 因此,建立及时、准确的水环境污染监测手段是以人为本重要思想的体现,对人体健康有着重要的作用。水环境监测通常分为理化监测和生物监测两种。

    Therefore , the establishment of timely and accurate monitoring of water pollution means is an embodiment of " people-oriented " thinking and has an important role on human body health . Usually , there are two ways to monitor aquatic environments : physics / chemistry and biology .

  19. 第二部分为理学诗兴起的原因分析,从政治、经济、思想、诗坛原因加以分析,侧重于诗坛原因分析,对理学诗兴起概况作宏观认识。

    The second part is to gain the reason for the rise of Neo-Confucianism poetry from the political , economic , ideological , reasons , especially , focusing on the poetry cause analysis . To the extent , Overview a macro understanding as to the rise of Neo-Confucianism ' poetry .

  20. 1993年经国家教委批准,更名为华东理工大学。1996年6月学校进人国家“21I工程”重点建设行列。

    In June 1996 , ECUST was selected as one of the top 100 universities in China for the national " Project 211 "

  21. 本文所研究的系统为武汉理工大学211工程学科重点建设项目&水泥生产过程计算机仿真系统(CPPCSS)的子课题之一:水泥生料生产过程仿真系统。

    Cement Producing Process Computer Simulation System ( CPPCSS ) is a highlight of 211 Engineering in Wuhan University of Technology . The Raw-material System Computer Simulation described in this paper is one of the subsystems of it .

  22. 第一,汉语的时间词为形态理据显性词;

    First , time words in Chinese are transparent in morphemic motivation .

  23. 本研究立足于相关文献提供的理论背景及问卷调查提供的实验数据。研究对象为山东理工大学的120名非英语专业的二年级学生。

    The participants were 120 non-English major sophomores from Shandong University of Technology .

  24. 朱熹在山水诗的发展历史上主要有以下三方面的特点:从山水娱情转变为以理节情;

    There were some new peculiarities in the landscape poems of Chu Hsi .

  25. 此课程为麻省理工学院大地工程硕士班之核心课程。

    This course is a core requirement for the Geotechnical Master of Engineering program at MIT .

  26. 这段全长六分钟的影片,重点为麻省理工领导力中心开幕,然后才是讨论。

    A six-minute video presentation highlighting the launch of the MIT Leadership Center precedes the discussion .

  27. 这些构造为复理石盆地的动态演化研究提供了新的证据。

    Thus , the syn-sedimentary compression structures can provide new evidences and constraints on the dynamic evolution of flysch basins .

  28. 教员正在讲授一门课程。本课程为麻省理工学院之开放式课程。

    The teacher is delivering a course of lectures . This subject is taught at MIT in an open format .

  29. 研究结果将为重点理工科院校外语教学中的文化教学改革提供参考。

    The findings will function as references for cultural teaching reform in foreign languages teaching in key science and engineering universities .

  30. 由于受后期构造作用的影响,盆地内东川群地层呈块断产出,可具体分为会理块、会东块和东川块。

    The strata here occur as block faults , and may be divided into the Huili , Huidong and Dongchuan blocks .