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  1. 马丁代为当起了霍华德·科塞尔的儿子。

    Martin had become Howard Cosell 's surrogate son

  2. 阿奇博尔德为当赛季的得分王兼助攻王,成为了NBA历史上第一位达成此成就的球员。

    Archibald 's performance was part of a season in which he became the first player in NBA history to lead the league in scoring and assists .

  3. 更新特性被设置为当系统管理员(通过SSH或使用GUI)登录时,向其通知更新可用。

    The updating feature is set to notify system administrators of the availability of updates when they log in ( either through SSH or when using the GUI ) .

  4. 果彼,基于特征的参数化技巧未败为当古CAID体解的从要依靠脚腕之一。

    So , the parametric design technique based on feature has become very important in most CAID systems .

  5. 例如,getEmployee可以定义为当内部机制无法定位具有某个ID的记录时引发InvalidEmployeeID错误。

    For example , getEmployee might be defined to throw an InvalidEmployeeID fault when the internal mechanism cannot locate any records with that ID.

  6. 分析表明,起算震级M0对危险性分析结果的影响表现为当M0取值不够低时,场地的危险性将被低估。

    It is pointed out in this paper that the effect of threshold magnitude M 0 to the result of seismic hazard analysis may be expressed as underestimating the hazard when M 0 is not small enough .

  7. 他们为当了王太后的伊丽莎白女王举行了一个茶话会。

    They gave a tea party for Queen Elizabeth the queen mother .

  8. 为当在恐惧,人们倾向于卖在过度降低的水平。

    For when in fear , people tend to sell at overly depressed levels .

  9. 妊高征临床特点为当胎盘娩出后,临床症状和体征多自然消退。

    PIH can spontaneously relieve its symptoms and signs after the delivery of placenta .

  10. 为当根政府打交道时想使用爱尔兰语的公众提供便利。

    Facilitate the public who want to use Irish when dealing with the State .

  11. 我把这称之为当每个建议只会改变你(广告)标题的一个字。

    That 's what I call it when each suggestion changes just one word in your headline .

  12. 而且也为当水为连续相的产出剖面流量测量提供一个新参考思路。

    It also provides a new reference for measuring production profile flowrates when water is continuous phase .

  13. 表现为当弹性波在周期性结构中传播时,会产生弹性波频率的通带和禁带特性。

    Such as when elastic waves propagate in them , pass band and stop band will appear .

  14. 《金匮要略》确立了饮病治则和治疗大法,指出痰饮病总治则为当以温药和之。仲景认为温化和中是治饮之本;

    Jin Gui Yao Lue radicated the general control method of Fluid retention disease is using warm herbs .

  15. 其临床特点为当胎盘娩出后,临床症状和体征多自然消退。这一临床特点表明胎盘在妊高征的发病中起着重要作用。

    It is characterized by the spontaneous relieve of its symptoms and signs after the delivery of placenta .

  16. 限价单是指为当汇价达到某一价格而建立仓位而下的单。

    A limit order is placed to ensure a position is established once a price level in the market has been reached .

  17. 弹性可被定义为当施加于材料上的变形力被撤除时,材料恢复其原来形状的能力。

    Elasticity can be defined as the ability of the material to return to its original shape when the deforming force is removed .

  18. 不管多老练或双方所持的意图如何,三角恋都会为当事各方带来更多麻烦。

    Triangle love would cause much more trouble to all sides concerned , no matter how sophisticated or what intention either side carries .

  19. 银杏叶多年来一向被揄扬为当我们变老时,可贯串毗邻和改进影象和年夜脑成果的草药补充物。

    Gingko biloba for years has been touted as an herbal supplement that can maintain and improve memory and brain function as we age .

  20. 在样例中,网格配置为当另一个容器可用时异步执行消息的单一复制。

    In the sample as packaged , the grid is configured to synchronously perform a single replication of the message if another container is available .

  21. 嘉兴地区的白纹伊蚊为当地亚优势种,所占比例为24.2%,6~9月为密度高峰。

    Albopictus was the subdominant , the amount of which was 24.2 % . The peak time of population density was from June to September .

  22. 指纹识别技巧反在各类安齐范畴都取得了相当的当用,未经败为当古当用最为普遍的生物特征识别技巧之一。

    Fingerprint recognition system is applied in kinds of secure areas , and it has been the one of most popular biological feature recognition technologies .

  23. 社会的礼俗系统.②考察传统中国伦理道德体系的建构过程可以为当化中国伦理道德的建设提供丰富的历史经验。

    The study of the formation of Chinese ethical system may provide a rich historical Lesson for the construction of Chinese ethics of our time .

  24. 他告诉该委员会,他曾为当警察努力了3年,都因患糖尿病而被拒绝。

    He told the committee that he tried for three years to join the police force , but was rejected because he is a diabetic .

  25. 最后得出的结论为当以城市为代表的经济区域之间的联系超过城市与周边地区农村的联系时,国家就趋向于统一;

    Finally the article draws conclusion that when relation between the cities surpasses the relation between city and peripheral locality countryside , the country tends to unify ;

  26. 已有知识对儿童的类别建构有重要影响,表现为当类别特征能够在已有知识的基础上形成主题时,儿童倾向于按主题建构类别;

    Children would rather construct category by themes than by appearance similarity if parts of the category features can be related to one theme on the basis of prior knowledge .

  27. 例如,可以将系统基础架构设置为当检测到可疑的帐户活动时,例如提取大量资金,警告用户。

    For instance , the system infrastructure can be set up so that the user is alerted when suspicious account activity is detected , such as a large withdrawal of funds .

  28. 作为最后一招,为了让这个书香门第的后代能够从事需要高深学问的职业,父亲说服达尔文为当牧师而学习。

    As a last resort , in order for this scion of an educated family to enter one of the learned professions , his father persuaded Darwin to study for the ministry .

  29. 其中刑事责任的承担主要体现为当瑕疵出资达到严重程度构成犯罪时,行政责任的承担主要体现在责令改正或者罚款等方面。

    Criminal Responsibility will be shouldered mainly when defects contribution reaches a very severity degree that constituted a crime , administrative accountability is mainly reflected in ordered to make corrections or fines .

  30. 可以将快捷菜单设置为当在文档中发生事件之后出现,例如当用户右击文档、工作簿或宿主控件时。

    You can set a shortcut menu to appear after an event takes place in a document , such as when a user right-clicks the document , workbook or a host control .