
  1. 京沪高速铁路是《中长期铁路网规划》中投资规模最大、技术含量最高的一项工程,也是我国第一条具有世界先进水平的高速铁路,设计最高运行时速350千米,共设置21个客运车站。

    It will be l , 318 kilometers long and will be the longest single-phase high-speed railway ever built in the world .

  2. 随着我国《中长期铁路网规划》这一铁路行业纲领性文件的提出,近年来我国铁路事业迅猛发展,众多客运专线项目陆续上马开始规划建设。

    With the implementation of our national railway network planning , the railway undertaking has been developing rapidly in recent years . Many passenger dedicated line projects started being planned and built in succession .

  3. 根据国务院批准的《中长期铁路网规划》,我国将规划建设省会城市及大中城市间的快速客运通道。

    According to the State Council 《 Medium and Long-term Railway Network Plan 》, high-speed in passenger transport railways between provincial capital cities and big cities will be planed and constructed in our country .

  4. 世纪之初,国务院出台了《中长期铁路网规划》,其中明确提出建设四横四纵的高速铁路客运专线的规划设想。

    At the beginning of 21st century , the State Council promulgated the " long-term railway network plan ," which clearly proposed to build " four vertical and four horizontal " high-speed rail passenger line .

  5. 根据国家《中长期铁路网规划》,到2020年,全国铁路运输能力将满足国民经济和社会发展需要,主要技术装备达到或接近国际先进水平。

    According to the long-term railway network plan , by 2020 , the capacity of national railway trans will suffice the needs of national economy and social development , and the primary tech-equipment will reach or approach the international advanced level .

  6. 我国《中长期铁路网规划》对高速铁路建设运营进行了长期、系统的规划,这对于我国社会经济、政治、文化、民生有着重要的影响。

    Our " the long-term plan of railway network " has made a long and systematic plan about the construction and operation ,! which has an important impact for our society , economy , politic , culture and livelihood of the people .

  7. 根据《中长期铁路网规划》,到2020年我国将建成1.6万公里的客运专线和4000公里的城际客运线路,形成联接30多个大城市的四纵四横客运专线网络。

    According to the " mid-long term railway network plan ", China will build 16,000-thousand-kilometer-long passenger dedicated lines ( PDL ) and 4000-kilometer-long intercity passenger dedicated lines . These lines will form a network of passenger dedicated lines which connects more than 30 large cities .