
  • 网络The Religion of Chinese Minority Nationalities
  1. 解决中国西部少数民族宗教问题就是要有立足中国实际,放眼世界潮流的胸怀和眼光。

    It is to be based on the reality of China , looking at the trend of the mind and vision .

  2. 中国西南少数民族的宗教与巫术

    Religion and Wizardry in Minority Groups of Southwest of China

  3. 在中国南方少数民族传统宗教中,梅山教是受道教影响较深的宗教。

    Among the traditional religions of the ethnic groups in southern China , the Mei Shan Religious Sect was deeply influenced by Taoism .

  4. 同样,我们深信各民族的宗教和文化应受到尊重与保护,每一个人都能够畅所欲言,其中包括中国的少数民族和少数派宗教团体,当然也包括美国的少数族裔和少数派宗教团体。

    And that includes ethnic and religious minorities in China , as surely as it includes minorities within the United States .