
  • 网络small and medium-sized commercial banks
  1. 银行信用风险演变的KMV模型分析&以五家中小商业银行为例

    Analysis on the development of banks ' credit risk using KMV model & in view of five small and medium-sized commercial banks

  2. 论中小商业银行在后金融危机下的发展战略

    The Development Strategies of Small and Medium-sized Commercial Banks Under Post Financial Crisis

  3. 加入WTO后我国中小商业银行市场定位战略的选择

    The Choice of the Market-locating Strategy of china 's Medium-and-Small Commercial Banks After Entering WTO

  4. WTO环境下我国中小商业银行比较优势分析

    The analysis of comparative advantage of medium and little sized commercial bank of China after entering WTO

  5. 加入WTO后,外资银行的涌入将从业务范围、经营管理机制等方面对我国中小商业银行形成冲击。

    After entering the WTO , the appearance of the foreign banks will impact them from business circles and business administration mechanism .

  6. 但是,我国中小商业银行仍旧面临着巨大的市场压力:内有四大国有银行垄断市场和众多金融机构争抢金融市场份额的激烈竞争,外有我国加入WTO后外资银行的强有力挑战。

    However , the medium and small commercial bank of China still faces the enormous market pressure : four major state-run banks cornering the market , numerous financial institutions fighting for financial market share and powerful challenge of the overseas bank after entering WTO .

  7. 地方中小商业银行战略联盟的研究

    Study of the Strategic Alliance on the Local Small-Medium Commercial Bank

  8. 区域性中小商业银行信用风险管理研究

    A Study on Credit Risk Management of Regional Small-Medium Commercial Banks

  9. 对中小商业银行财务危机预警机制的思考

    Thinking on small and medium commercial bank finance crisis prevention mechanism

  10. 市场差异是非完全竞争市场结构形成的基础,也是中小商业银行赖以存在与发展的基础。

    Market difference is the foundation of surviving and developing .

  11. 中小商业银行发展的三个关注点

    The Three Keys to the Development of Small and Medium Commercial Bank

  12. 区域金融市场&中小商业银行民营化的内在驱动力

    Regional Finance Market & Driving Force behind Private Middle and Small Commercial Banks

  13. 基金代销:中小商业银行如何分得一杯羹

    Fund Distribution : How Can Small and Medium Sized Commercial Banks Be Success

  14. 中小商业银行发展县域金融的战略思考

    Small and Medium-sized Commercial Banks to Finance the Development of County Strategic Thinking

  15. 中国中小商业银行业又开始了向三线城市扩张。

    Many small and medium commercial banks began to line three city expansion .

  16. 中小商业银行国际化应采用渐进式的目标积聚战略。

    The state-run commercial banks should adopt the progressive total cost leadership strategy .

  17. 中小商业银行IT外包的战略联盟研究

    The Strategic Alliance Research on Small and Medium-sized Commercial Banks in IT Outsourcing

  18. 另外中小商业银行的流动性风险也有其自身原因。

    Small and medium-sized commercial Banks ' liquidity risk also have their own reasons .

  19. 陆续增设和重组120多家股份制中小商业银行。

    More than 120 small and medium-sized shareholding commercial banks have been established or reorganized .

  20. 金融深化及抑制与中小商业银行之发展

    On Deepening the Finance Reform and Restraint and the Development of Small and Medium-sized Commercial Banks

  21. 我国中小商业银行发展战略和模式研究

    Study on the Development Strategies and Modes of Small and Medium-sized Commercial Banks in Our Country

  22. 信用评分技术与中小商业银行业务创新

    Credit Marking Skill and Business Innovation

  23. 什么样的定位适合中小商业银行成品糠醛微量水分测定方法的研究

    Position of small - and-medium commercial banks DETERMINATION OF SMALL AMOUNT OF MOISTURE IN COMMERCIAL FURFURAL

  24. 首先,有利于促进我国中小商业银行的可持续发展。

    First , it helps to speed up the sustainable development of Chinese small-and-medium sized banks .

  25. 在这场几近白热化的争夺战中,中小商业银行处境艰难,面临着严峻的生存压力。

    Small-and-medium sized commercial banks find themselves stuck in this perfervid battle facing great pressure for survival .

  26. 本文的第二部分共分为三章。第一章分析了我国中小商业银行进行不良资产处理时可能面临的信息不对称问题。

    The second chapter analyzes the particularity of small banks ' bad assets management in our country .

  27. 中小商业银行与关系型融资

    Medium-small Bank and Relationship Lending

  28. 本文是在作者参与写作的成都市商业银行不良资产处理方案的基础上形成的,文章首先对我国中小商业银行不良资产处理的特殊性进行分析;

    At first , this article analyzes the particularity of the bad assets management in small banks .

  29. 第三部分为我国中小商业银行战略联盟的概述。

    Part Three is for the account of the strategic alliance of the small & middle commercial banks .

  30. 中小商业银行在新形势下提高资本充足率的新选择

    The New Choice of Increasing the Rate of Capital Adequacy of Medium Small-sized Commercial Banks under New Situation