
  • 网络chinese enterprises
  1. 中资企业国际创业风险管理体系研究

    Research on International Entrepreneurship Risk Management System for Chinese Enterprises

  2. 档案数字化是档案工作的必然趋势,也是驻缅中资企业档案管理的工作方向。

    Archival digitization is the inevitable trend of archival work and the direction of archival management of the Chinese enterprises to Myanmar .

  3. 包括平安保险(pinganinsurance)在内,很多在香港上市的大型中资企业正在等待回归内地股市。

    Large Chinese companies which are listed in Hong Kong are lining up to sell shares on the mainland market , including Ping An insurance .

  4. 十月十七日,《伦敦时报》的一篇报道称,去年一家中资企业Achieve教育买下了切斯文法学校,一所位于斯塔福德郡坎诺克区,寄宿与非寄宿结合的学校。

    An article carried by the Times of London on October 17 reported that last year Chinese-owned company Achieve Education bought Chase Grammar , a boarding and day school in Cannock , Staffordshire .

  5. 今年5月,中国与非洲开发银行(AfricanDevelopmentBank)合作建立了一个20亿美元的基金,并宣布将把合同授予最合适的竞标方&而不仅仅是中资企业。

    In May , China created a $ 2bn fund in partnership with the African Development Bank and announced that it would open the resulting contracts to the most suitable bidder – not just Chinese companies .

  6. 虽然2015年在退市方面已经是创纪录的一年,但去年是中资企业在美国IPO最繁忙的一年,筹资总额达到290亿美元。

    While 2015 is already a record year for delistings , last year was the busiest for China IPOs in the US , totalling $ 29bn .

  7. 相比之下,SOHO中国的主要客户群体是中小型中资企业,比如矿业企业。

    By contrast , Soho 's main customers are small and medium-size Chinese businesses , including coal-mine owners .

  8. 本公司是一家专业制造标准件的中资企业,并通过ISO9001国际认证。

    Our company is a Chinese-Capital enterprise specializing in producing fastener which has passed ISO9001 International quality management certification .

  9. RealCapitalAnalytics董事总经理、房产分析师丹??法苏洛(DanFasulo)指出,这栋公寓楼完工后,开发商鑫苑置业将成为在美上市中资企业里首家在美国建设大型居住开发项目的企业。

    This would make developer Xinyuan one of the first US-listed Chinese companies to build a significant residential development in the US , according to Dan Fasulo , managing director at Real Capital Analytics , the property analysts .

  10. 新加坡解决方案使中资企业不必以VIE结构在海外上市,从而为它们打开了在中国证券交易所实现第二上市的大门。

    By allowing the Chinese enterprise to list abroad without a VIE , the Singapore Solution opens the door to secondary listings on China 's stock exchanges .

  11. 中资企业CAA资源公司(CAAResources)今年年初重新启动了这座休眠的铁矿,迅速提高产量至每年50万吨,并计划明年再增加一倍。

    The Chinese-controlled CAA Resources , which reopened the dormant mine early this year , has rapidly ramped up production to an annual rate of 500,000 tons , with plans to double it by next year .

  12. 中资企业CAA资源公司(CAAResources)今年年初重新启动了这座“休眠”的铁矿,迅速提高产量至每年50万吨,并计划明年再增加一倍。

    The Chinese-controlled CAA Resources , which reopened the dormant mine early this year , has rapidly ramped up production to an annual rate of 500000 tons , with plans to double it by next year .

  13. 英国议会一个委员会周四表示,在没有进行足够安全检查的情况下,中资企业华为技术有限公司(HuaweiTechnologiesCo.)就成为英国电信业的主要供应商,这令英国容易受到网络攻击和政府支持间谍活动的骚扰。

    The U.K. has left itself vulnerable to cyberattacks and state-sponsored spying by allowing a Chinese company , Huawei Technologies Co. , to become a major player in Britain 's telecommunications industry without adequate security checks , a parliamentary committee said Thursday .

  14. 然而,由于文化背景、管理习惯等多方面因素,多数中资企业在海外工程承包项目方面,尤其是EPC总承包项目管理方面,目前实际的管理水平并不理想。

    However , the actual management of most Chinese-invested enterprises in overseas project , especially in EPC project , is not ideal at present due to the differences between cultural background , management habits and other factors .

  15. 近十几年来,中资企业在海外EPC工程总承包市场取得了比较突出的成绩,愈来愈多的中资企业开始承揽海外EPC等复杂的综合型管理项目。

    Over the past decade , Chinese-invested main contractors have made prominent achievements in overseas EPC contracting market , and more and more Chinese-invested enterprises began to contract for comprehensive overseas project , which is very complex in management such as EPC project .

  16. 专用化学品公司W.R.Grace今年将中国员工薪水平均上调了8.5%,以此同中资企业和其他西方公司竞争。

    W.R. Grace GRA - 1.46 % & Co. , a specialty-chemicals company , has raised employee salaries an average of 8.5 % in China this year , to compete with domestic companies and other Western corporations .

  17. 招聘公司华德士(RobertWalters)亚太区首席执行长帕内尔(RichardParnell)说,一些在中国经营的西方公司还在谈论采取更进一步措施,把薪资调整频率从每年变为每季度,以此领先于中资企业。

    Some Western companies in China are also taking the ' radical ' step of reviewing their pay every quarter , rather than once a year , to stay a step ahead of local companies , said Richard Parnell , chief executive , Asia Pacific , of recruiting firm Robert Walters .

  18. 西方和亚洲跨国企业会员组织CEB的一项调查显示,去年,47%的中国员工说他们更愿意在中资企业工作,而更愿意选择外资企业的员工比例只有24%。

    Last year , 47 % of China 's workers said they preferred to work at a domestic company , compared with 24 % that preferred a foreign firm , according to a survey by CEB , a membership group for Western and Asian multinational companies .

  19. 优势中资企业发展定位研究

    Business Data Development Orientating Study About Superior Enterprises of China

  20. 人民币被广泛接受可帮助中资企业减轻汇兑风险。

    A widely accepted yuan could help Chinese companies alleviate foreign-exchange risks .

  21. 如果收购方是一家中资企业,这一风险可能还要高。

    That risk would likely be even higher for a Chinese acquirer .

  22. 中资企业同时也在争夺知名的外籍高管。

    Chinese companies also are competing for high-profile foreign executives .

  23. 中资企业在市场竞争中处于弱势和守势。

    In marketing competition , Chinese Capital Corporation is weak and guarding .

  24. 在伦敦,中资企业已聘用了经验丰富的交易员。

    In London the Chinese entities have hired experienced traders .

  25. 钰鑫公司是克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区一家规模较大的中资企业。

    Yuxin is a large-scale Chinese company operating in the Krasnoyarsk region .

  26. 但今年7月份,她却在一家中资企业找到了一份工作。

    But in July , she took a job with a Chinese company .

  27. 驻港中资企业的管理体制问题探讨

    The Management System of State Owned Enterprises in HongKong

  28. 例如内地来港上市中资企业,应该是可以募捐的目标。

    For example , they should turn to mainland companies listed in the territory .

  29. 35岁的温雅静称自己选择中资企业的原因之一是工作稳定。

    Ms. Wen , 35 years old , cites job security as one reason . '

  30. 中资企业股即H股指数跌0.3%。

    The index of China Enterprise stocks , or H shares , eased 0.3 per cent .