
  • 网络The rise of the central region;rise of middle region;der Aufstieg der zentralchinesischen Gebiete
  1. 农业发展与中部地区崛起

    On the Rise of Middle Region Agricultural Development

  2. 中部地区崛起的城市群战略

    Agglomeration Strategy for the Rise of Middle Region

  3. 大力发展产业集群加快中部地区崛起

    Striving to Develop Industry Cluster and Quickening Prosperity of Middle Region

  4. 积极促进中部地区崛起。

    We will energetically promote the rise of the central region .

  5. 依靠科技进步和创新促进中部地区崛起

    Energizing the Central Region Relying on Scientific Technological Advances and Innovations

  6. 做大做强林产工业,为江西在中部地区崛起作出贡献

    Strengthening Forest Products Industry for the Rise of Jiangxi in Central China

  7. 促进中部地区崛起是统筹区域协调发展的关键。

    The rise of Mid-china becomes the key issue of harmonious regional cooperation .

  8. 图书馆在中部地区崛起中的作用

    Roles played by the libraries in the upsurge of central region of China

  9. 促进中部地区崛起;

    Promote middle region 's rise ;

  10. 信息化:推动江西在中部地区崛起的强劲动力

    Information is the important forces that promote the economic prosperity of Jiangxi in the middle region

  11. 因此,提高自主创新能力,是实现中部地区崛起的关键。

    Therefore , improving the capability of independent innovation was the key to develop the central region .

  12. 基于中部地区崛起的城市群整合发展

    A study on the integration development of urban agglomerations & based on the rise of central China

  13. 率先在中部地区崛起必须不断清除思想障碍

    The Thought Obstacles Must be Constantly Cleared Away in Taking the Lead in the Rising in the Mid-China

  14. 鄱阳湖生态经济区是国家中部地区崛起战略的重要组成部分。

    The Ecological Economic Zone of Poyang Lake is an important part of promoting the rising national central region strategy .

  15. 壮太民营经济是江西实现在中部地区崛起战略目标的根本保证。

    Strengthening private capital economy is basic guarantee of Jiangxi 's strategy target " rise in the central part region " .

  16. 江西在中部地区崛起,应赋予林业以重要地位。

    It is necessary to put forestry on an important place for Jiangxi 's rise in the central region of China .

  17. 实施促进中部地区崛起战略为中部地区人才工作带来了机遇与挑战。

    Implementation of strategies to promote the rise of the central region has brought opportunities and challenges for the human resources work .

  18. 自从2001年提出在中部地区崛起的目标以来,江西省的经济取得了令人瞩目的发展。

    Since the proposition of " Developing in The Central Area of China ", the economy of Jiangxi province has achieved remarkable growth .

  19. 江西要实现在中部地区崛起,是顺应世界经济和国内改革发展的要求提出的发展战略。

    To realize the rising of Jiangxi in the Mid-China is an objective request for complying with international economy and domestic reform and development .

  20. 依靠自主创新,推进结构调整和促进经济增长方式的转变是中部地区崛起的关键。

    Relying on independent innovation , improving restructuring and promoting the change of economic growth mode are crucial for the central region to energize .

  21. 论中部地区崛起与政府制度创新&一种动态博弈的视角

    On the Prosperity of the Economy in Central Parts of China and Government 's Mechanism Innovation & From a Point of View of Dynamic Gaming

  22. 继续实施东北地区等老工业基地振兴战略,积极促进中部地区崛起。

    We will continue to implement the strategy of rejuvenation northeast China and other old industrial bases and energetically promote the rise of the central region .

  23. 中原崛起对于中部地区崛起、全国区域经济协调发展具有全局意义。

    Booming of the central plains plays a comprehensive role in the growing economy of central China and the coordinated development of the national and regional economy .

  24. 江西农村人力资源发展问题是事关江西在中部地区崛起战略目标能否实现的关键问题之一。

    The development of rural human resources in Jiangxi province is one of the key problem to accomplish the strategy of " Jiangxi rising from central China " .

  25. 湖北省在中部地区崛起战略中起到中心支点的地位,在促进经济增长的各种途径中,产业结构的优化是其中一种有效途径。

    Hubei Province in central China played a central strategic fulcrum position . Optimizing the industry structure is an efficient approach in the different approach speeding up economic .

  26. 因此,党和政府都明确提出要促进中部地区崛起,把它当作实现我国区域协调发展的一个重要内容。

    Therefore , the rising of the central section has been become a national strategy , which is considered as the important part of regional coordinated development of China .

  27. 江西省要实现在中部地区崛起目前还面临着许多问题,其中最主要的是经济发展与人才需求间的矛盾。

    At present Jiangxi province confronts many problems in the course of its development , the principal one is the contradict between economy development and the needs of talents .

  28. 充分利用国家促进中部地区崛起的发展战略,加快中原城市群建设速度,提高城市化水平。

    Full use of the state " for the central region " development strategy , speed up the construction pace of Central China city group , raising the level of urbanization .

  29. 皖江城市带是实施促进中部地区崛起战略的重点开发区域,是泛长三角地区的重要组成部分。

    Little City with the rise of the central region is to implement the strategy will focus on the development of regional , Pan-Yangtze River Delta region is an important part .

  30. 在我国现阶段,实施以中为重的发展战略,主要表现为促进中部地区崛起、提高中等收入者比重、发展中等教育、应用中间技术等四大方面。

    At present , emphasizing " middleness " means to push forward the middle parts of China , increase the mid-income people proportion , develop the secondary education and apply the medium-sized technology .