
  • 网络China Vision;Visions of China
  1. 因此,我们对于你们理解我们的10万人留学中国计划愿景并正在使其成为现实深表感谢。

    So we are deeply grateful that you have understood our vision for 100,000 Strong and are making it a reality .

  2. 今年1月,安倍首次以领导人身份出访,目的地是越南、泰国和印度尼西亚,他在行程中阐明了建立亚洲民主国家合作联盟这一虽未明说但明显针对中国的愿景。此举使其在中国招致一些批评。

    Mr Abe drew criticism from some in China in January during his first trip abroad as leader - to Vietnam , Thailand and Indonesia - for laying out a vision for a coalition of Asian democracies that would co-operate in what appeared to be unspoken but obvious opposition to China .

  3. 最后提出的中国书法发展的愿景和方向,是研究过程中作者一直思索的问题,拙见仅为抛砖引玉,只希望能在研究方面给文章提供更多视角。

    Finally , the vision and direction of the development of Chinese calligraphy , has been pondering the problem of the course of the study , only initiate humble opinion , only hope that can provide more perspective in the research article .

  4. 这对中国来说是好消息,中国制定了长期愿景,并具备实现愿景的手段。这对印度和巴西是坏消息,它们似乎恰恰缺乏长期视角和稳定性。

    That is good news for China , which has a long term vision and the means to implement it , but bad news for India and Brazil , who seem to have a lack of exactly that long term perspective and stability .