
  • Central Park;Parque Central;Center Park
  1. 他穿过街道,沿着中央公园走。

    He crossed the street and walked alongside Central Park

  2. 中央公园不如过去那样芳草如茵了。

    The Central Park is not so well grassed as it used to be .

  3. 该公司凭借其新开发的“中央公园”度假村而赚了个盆满钵满。

    The company has struck gold with its new holiday development , Center Parcs .

  4. 去了中央公园西路,看了一套公寓,76号,我很喜欢。

    Visited Park West . Viewed a flat , no. 76 . Which I like .

  5. 这些机构投资者不愿意投资于一家位于中央公园西路(CentralParkWest)的、只有两个人的小公司。

    These are institutions unwilling to invest in a two-man outfit on Central Park West .

  6. 这家科技集团并不会从这个紧邻中央公园(CentralPark)西南角的黄金地点彻底消失。

    The tech group will not be disappearing altogether from this prime site , tucked on the southeast corner of Central Park .

  7. 新的分类已经出现——“摩天瘦楼”,即超纤瘦的摩天大楼,其精神家园位于中央公园(CentralPark)的边缘。

    A new typology has emerged - the skinnyscraper - the ultra-slender , uber-extruded tower whose spiritual home is the edge of Central Park .

  8. 代表中央公园马车夫的当地车夫工会(TheTeamstersunionlocal)以激烈的言辞提出了反对。

    The Teamsters union local representing the Central Park carriage drivers objected in strenuous terms .

  9. Early还会把我们带到中央公园去“卖弄”英语,如果我们足够幸运,能够遇到外国友人的话,还会问候他们。

    Early will take us to the Central Park to " show off " our English and greet the foreign friends if we are lucky enough to have met ones .

  10. 这是将要去度假的BillBlakemore在中央公园上空报道ABC新闻。

    This is Bill Blakemore ABC News heading to a vocation from high above Central Park ;

  11. 这位高盛(GoldmanSachs)董事长兼首席执行官在纽约布鲁克林区东纽约(EastNewYork,靠近贝德福德-施托伊弗桑特)的公租房中长大,但现在住在中央公园附近。

    The chairman and chief executive of Goldman Sachs grew up on a public-housing project in East New York – close to Bedford Stuyvesant – but now lives by Central Park .

  12. 为了更好地观赏中央公园的全景,以及周边的都市景观,不妨到文华东方酒店(MandarinOrientalhotel)的大堂酒廊里喝一杯。

    For a great panoramic view of Central Park and the surrounding skyscrapers , head to the Mandarin Oriental hotel 's Lobby Lounge for an evening drink .

  13. 中央公园(CentralPark)的罗艾柏船屋(LoebBoathouse)于1954年开业,在这片面积超过840英亩(约340公顷)的绿地中,这座船屋一直是个地标。

    The Loeb Boathouse in Central Park opened in 1954 and remains as a landmark in the more than 840-acre green-space .

  14. 可到头来,这个占地面积大约是纽约中央公园(CentralPark)3倍的巨大项目,既体现出中国房产市场的过度建设,也突显出该市场近期的急转直下。

    Instead , the enormous project , which is about three times the size of New York 's Central Park , exemplifies both the excesses and more recent sharp downturn in China 's property market .

  15. 作为曾经的一位高能力华尔街律师人,JonathanFields在十多年前就辞去了那份工作,而到中央公园以每小时15美元开办个人训练培训。

    Jonathan Fields , a high-powered Wall Street lawyer , quit that job more than a decade ago to do personal training sessions in Central Park for $ 15 an hour .

  16. 我们决定在88th街和Broadway的交界处(J注:纽约uptown,靠近中央公园,抄牌很厉害的区域)的一个外卖餐馆买点食物。

    We decided to get some takeout at a place on the corner of88th and Broadway .

  17. 从1962年到1973年,李名觉是如今的公共剧团在中央公园戴拉寇特剧院举办的公园中的莎士比亚(ShakespeareinthePark)项目的主要设计师。

    From 1962 to 1973 , Mr. Lee was the principal designer for what is today the Public Theater 's Shakespeare in the Park program at Central Park 's Delacorte Theater .

  18. 但其他人可能回答得更实在:曼哈顿下城区起于此岛的最南端,止于34街;而上城区实际上从59街的中央公园(CentralPark)开始。

    But others may have a more literal answer : Downtown Manhattan extends from the southern-most tip of the island , ending at 34th street , while Uptown Manhattan truly begins with Central Park , at 59th street .

  19. Opus公寓每平方英尺大约售价9000美元,有望加入伦敦和纽约超豪华公寓的阵营,比如伦敦的海德公园一号(OneHydePark)和纽约的中央公园西路15楼盘(15CentralParkWest)。

    At an estimated $ 9000 per square foot , Opus aspires to be in the same league as ultra-luxury developments in London and Manhattan such as One Hyde Park and 15 Central Park West .

  20. 这门课的教师之一乔舒亚·科恩(JoshuaCohen)是斯坦福大学的教授,他在课上举纽约的中央公园为例。

    One of the teachers for this course , Joshua Cohen , a Stanford professor , brought up Central Park in New York .

  21. 该剧演员们近日出现在中央公园的毕士大平台拍摄婚礼的场面,这次比上一次Blair和王子的婚礼场面要小。

    The cast gathered at the Bethesda Terrace in Central Park to shoot the wedding scene , which is considerably smaller than Blair 's royal wedding last season .

  22. 在带着他的拳师犬米斯特(Mister)前往中央公园和布鲁克林海滨的短途旅行中,友好的乘客跟过来打招呼,并要求抚弄他的宠物狗。

    On jaunts to Central Park and the Brooklyn waterfront with his boxer Mister , friendly riders say hello and ask to pet the dog .

  23. 以设计曼哈顿中央公园西15号(15CentralParkWest)等豪华建筑而著称的纽约罗伯特・斯特恩建筑师事务所(RobertA.M.SternArchitects)正在设计大连中航国际广场(DalianAVICInternationalSquare),这是一个新古典风格的综合开发项目。

    Robert A.M. Stern Architects of New York , known for luxury buildings such as Manhattan 's 15 Central Park West , is designing Dalian AVIC International Square , a mixed-use development in neoclassical style .

  24. 百慕大一位雄心勃勃的男士想尽办法寻找最有创意的求婚方式,但今年《纽约时报》收到的标准的令人难忘的求婚故事发生在中央公园(CentralPark)。

    While an aspiring groom in Bermuda went to great depths to find the most creative way to ask his girlfriend to marry him , the benchmark for memorable proposals submitted to The New York Times this year was set in Central Park .

  25. 2013年11月,在中央公园管理委员会(CentralParkConservancy)的一次慈善活动上,金斯伯格对基施鲍默说,她一直很喜欢中央公园长椅上的献词,希望将来有一把椅子是献给自己的。

    In November 2013 , while at a benefit for the Central Park Conservancy , Ms. Ginsburg mentioned to Mr. Kirschbaum that she had always loved the dedications on the benches in Central Park and hoped to have one someday .

  26. 五年前,一家纺织品和壁纸公司的老板安妮・杜布斯(AnneDubbs)和她的丈夫、银行家理查德(Richard)买下了纽约中央公园西(CentralParkWest)一栋埃尔多拉杜(Eldorado)式地标建筑中的一套战前时期的公寓。

    Anne Dubbs and her husband , Richard , a banker , bought a prewar apartment in the landmark Eldorado building on New York 's Central Park West five years ago .

  27. 好吧,现代艺术博物馆(ModernMuseumofArt)就在中央公园下方,这家博物馆无论如何都值得去看看,而且其中的冰岛艺术家与音乐家比约克的怀旧作品展,即便作为一场现代艺术展来看也十分前卫。

    Okay , so MoMA is just below Central Park , but The Modern Museum of Art ia always worth a visit and its retrospective of work by the Icelandic artist and musician Bj ö rk pushes the boundaries , even for a contemporary art exhibition .

  28. 他家十几岁的儿子在Facebook上贴了一些照片,从其中特别的建筑细节、以及背景中的中央公园风景来看,似乎是在这套公寓里拍摄的。

    The Chawlas ' teenage son had posted photographs on his Facebook page that , with their telling architectural detail and views of Central Park in the background , seem to have been taken from inside the unit .

  29. 在曼哈顿的中央公园里,有两只雄性南极企鹅,分别叫做Roy和Silo,在它们固步自封的一年中,对于雌性企鹅毫无兴趣。

    Two male chinstrap penguins in Manhattan 's Central Park Zoo , named Roy and Silo , bonded and paid no attention to females in their enclosure for at least a year .

  30. 不需演技就可以:这对美剧《绯闻女孩》中的情侣在现实中也不负众望,布莱克·莱弗利(BlakeLively)和佩恩·贝格利(PennBadgley)戏里戏外一样恩爱。他们现在正在位于纽约的中央公园进行拍摄呢。

    No acting required : Real life couple Penn Badgley and Blake Lively film scenes for Gossip Girl in New York 's Central Park as on-screen couple Dan and Serena