
  • 网络Middle School Times
  1. 中学时代最后一节课结束了。

    The last class of middle school times ended .

  2. 中学时代是一个人身心发展的关键时期,它活力充沛、个性张扬、思维活跃,但也叛逆独立、单纯幼稚。

    Middle school times is the key period that one people body and mind develops , that it is plentiful of vigour , individuality makes known to public , thought enlivens , but also rebels against is independent , exclusively childish .

  3. 我喜欢回顾我的中学时代,那是我一生中最幸福的日子。

    I like to look back on my high school days , which were among the happiest in my life .

  4. 想起中学时代开始我的青春期。

    I think I became adolescent in my middle school days .

  5. 尽管在中学时代她就已是无可争议的明星了。

    Although she was an undisputed star in high school .

  6. 她中学时代有三个好朋友。

    When she was in high school she had three good friends .

  7. 这就象我回到了中学时代!

    It 's like being back in high school !

  8. 自从中学时代我就想去看长城了。

    I have had the idea to visit it since in middle school .

  9. 铮森自中学时代开始参与社会服务工作。

    Sam has participated in voluntary service since he was in secondary school .

  10. 她集邮的兴趣始于中学时代。

    Her interest in stamp collecting dates back to her high school days .

  11. 我从中学时代就开始戴眼镜了。

    I 've been wearing glasses since I was a high school student .

  12. 当选班长是我中学时代最辉煌的时刻。

    Being elected class president was the zenith of my years in high school .

  13. 下学啦!看到这种场景就让我想起了中学时代。

    Class is over ! This scene makes me remind my high school period .

  14. 在中学时代应开设驾驶课管理理论在驾校经营中的应用

    Setting up Driving Lesson in Middle School Application of Administration Theory in Driving School Management

  15. 中学时代,她获得国家物理竞赛一等奖。

    As a middle school student , she won first prize in the national physics contest .

  16. 一些参赛者甚至教他们的机器人如何做他们中学时代做过的运动。

    Some participants even taught their robots how to do the exercises they had done in middle school .

  17. 我一生中最难忘的时光中学时代大部分是在中国四川省度过的。

    I spent the most unforgettable period of my life my secondary school days mostly in China 's Sichuan province .

  18. 这个问题给了学生一个机会把他们中学时代的地理知识和他们的家乡联系起来。

    The question gives candidates an opportunity to apply concepts from their A level geography course to their home area .

  19. 作为中学时代的径赛明星,萨利•克劳切克曾名列她所在州跳高运动的榜首。

    As a track star in high school , Sallie Krawcheck ranked among her state 's best at the high jump .

  20. 大学教授们所要求的写作风格和你在中学时代所熟悉的那一套完全不同。

    College professors are typically looking for a different style of writing than what you were used to in high school .

  21. 我是我同学中最懂事的,但仍然在中学时代有许多困挠。

    I was more mature than most of my peers and still had a lot of trouble going through middle school .

  22. 中学时代,他受到法国启蒙思想的影响,已有为人类谋幸福的崇高理想。

    Middle School , he received France influence of enlightenment thought , for the happiness of the noble ideals of mankind .

  23. 那时我才发现,在爱尔兰问路所用的英语和我们在中学时代学的差异相当大。

    Only then did I realize the difference between the English in real scene and the English we had learnt in school .

  24. 离开了家人和中学时代的朋友,孤单的大学新生需要尽快结交新朋友沈阳翻译公司。

    Being away from home and high school friends , lonely college freshmen need to make new friends as soon as possible .

  25. 中学时代的我很令人尴尬:擅长运动,却骨瘦如柴;理科成绩好,自尊心却不强。

    I was awkward in middle school : bony and athletic , with a high grade in science and a low one in self-esteem .

  26. 中学时代主要是全面学习基础知识,为以后深造打基础。

    Then priority is given to overall learning of fundamental knowledge while at middle school so as to establish a solid base for further learning .

  27. 刚进大学时,与在中学时代所受的约束相比,大多数学生对较为自由的大学生活有了深刻的印象。

    When they first come up , most students are impressed by the freedom of university life as compared with the restrictions they have known at school .

  28. 现在回过头看,不论是过去还是现在,我都比布里塔尼更优秀。尽管她曾对我中学时代的种种缺陷指手画脚,但我再也不会让她得逞了。

    Looking back , I was and am better than Brittany , and though I let her rule over my inadequacies in middle school , I never did again .

  29. 虽然柏明在中学时代的成绩并非十分突出,但在科大求学期间,却加深了他对电脑的兴趣,毕业时更名列前茅。

    Although Pak Ming was not a top student at school , his interest in computing has been fostered during his time at HKUST , turning him into a front-runner .

  30. 中学时代老师说我写作风格细腻,如今已慢慢演变成了韵律,虽然不是律诗绝句,但字字都刺痛我心底。

    The man of High school told me that Delicate is my style , today that 's Prosodic , though that 's not poetry , but they hurt my heart deeply .