
  1. 在共青团中央的倡导组织下,发韧于1993年的中国青年志愿者行动已历经十余载。

    The youth volunteer 's activities in china have last over ten years since 1993 under the advocating and organization of the center department of the Communist Youth League .

  2. 新的世纪,随着我国进入全面建设小康社会,加强推进社会主义现代化建设的新的发展阶段,中国青年志愿者行动更迎来了一个崭新的发展时期。

    In the new century , with china 's entry into a new stage of development characterized by the comprehensive building of a more comfortable society and further pushing the socialist modernization drive , the Chinese YVP is advancing into a brand-new stage of development .

  3. 正是在这种特定的社会背景下,在总结学雷锋活动和借鉴国外志愿者工作经验的基础上,共青团中央于1993年正式发起中国青年志愿者行动。

    Under this specific social context , the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League officially launched " Youth Voluntary Action in China " in 1993 on the basis of summarizing the experience of learn-from-Lei Feng activities and learning from the working experience of volunteers abroad .