
  • 网络intermediate acceptance
  1. 码头桩基工程于1995年2月25日开始施工,10月30日基本完工,按合同工期提交了两个泊位。1995年12月26日进行了2个泊位中间运行验收。

    This project began to construct on February 25,1995 and was basically completed on October 30,1995 , with two ship berths commissioned on contract schedule .

  2. 调试的实施工作包括系统和设备的中间交工验收,调试计划的制定、调试试验条件的检查、调试的组织实施和调试向运行的移交。

    The implementation stage includes the commissioning programme planning , intermediate hand-over inspection of the system and equipments , inspecting conditions and setting organizations for commissioning , the transition from commissioning to operating .

  3. 针对高速公路的特点,从施工准备、路基和结构物施工、中间交工验收三阶段阐述了测量监理工作的程序和要点。

    According to the characteristics of expressway , discussion is made on the arrangements and outlines of surveying supervising job , especially in construction preparation , subgrade and framework construction , mid-term check and accept .

  4. 根据高速公路施工的特点,结合实际,从施工准备阶段、路基和构造物施工阶段、中间交工验收阶段论述了测量监理工作的任务。

    According to the features of the construction of superhighway and connecting with the reality , this paper discusses on the tasks of the measurement supervision in the construction preparatory phase , the roadbed and structure construction phase and the acceptance phase .

  5. 在各分部分项工程、部位工程的中间交工和竣工验收时,进行测量检查签认,作为技术符合性和计量的依据。

    Carry out survey , check and endorsement in interim handover and completion acceptance of all divisional and sub-divisional works and unit work as the basis for technical conformance and measurement ;

  6. 在机械加工最后一道工序时,按中间公差加工、按中间公差验收,可以令零件达到百分之百的互换,装配顺利,不返修,产品质量和生产率均可得到进一步的提高。

    When the final procedure is machined , working , checking and accepting in accordance with intermediate tolerance can make parts quality and productivity further increase , assembly more smoothly , exchanging rate reaching 100 % , and without return repairing .