
Results To determine the Oridonin extracted from diethyl ether of plasma by RP-HPLC method , the retention time was stable , the linear curve fitted well , and the results were accurate and reliable .
The number of leaves of heading Chinese cabbage correlated positively to the winterness .
The middle of winter has long been a time of celebration around the world .
The discuss of imposing the construction charge of winter and rainy season in project cost control
The seasonal variation of upward transport is consistent with the variation of the large scale circumfluent .
Based on the traditional production techniques , the article introduces improved production techniques and production quality index of Zizhong Mustard Tine .
The area of winter wheat has expanded with climate warming , but the area of spring wheat has decreased in the middle Gansu province .
Analysis of Genetic Relatedness of Traits and Its Selection in Early Generation on Winter Wheat in the Shuttle Breeding between Irrigation and Drought Planting Environments
Results : The contents of oridonin in leaves and stems were found to be about 0 55 % and 0 025 % , respectively . The average recovery was 97 45 % .
In the rice-based multiple-cropping systems , the nutrient uptake of winter crops depended mainly on fertilization , whereas that of early-rice and late-rice derived primarily from the nutrient pool of soil , and hence the input of fertilizers must be guided by this feature of crop nutrition .
Caspase-3 gene activity in radiation-induced dog biliary duct mucle cells apoptosis
New Properties of the Radon Transform of the Cross Wigner / Ambiguity Distribution Function
Objective to extract oridonin from Rabdosia rubescens and determine the content of oridonin .
For middle ripe winter wheat district in southern area , the number of ears was the key factor in arid land ;
Three different varieties of wheat in development properties were treated by means of vernalization , devernalization and were analyzed by SDS - PAGE .
Yield of wheat of different quality types significantly varied in various sites and yield of winter wheat of middle quality associated with environmental effects were smaller than that of other wheat cultivars of quality type ;
It is discovered that in the last 100 years or so , there are similar long-term variation trend in cold warm between early winter ( November and December ) and late winter ( February ) .
An analysis of winter half year SST changes in the northern Pacific Ocean
Optimal scheme of potassium , zine and manganese for high-yield winter wheat cultivation of secondary fertilization in south Shanxi
Based on linear correlation techniques , the SST changes due to two categories of processes have been discussed .
Objective To explore the optimized method for new anticancer drug research of chemical ingredients in the Rabdosia rubescens Hemsl .
In the process of large-scale extracting research of oridonin , a large amount of components of pigment and fat were also extracted as impurities .
We have showed that the Radon transform of the cross Wigner distribution function is a separable multiplication of fractional Fourier transform of these functions .
In the test , the critical point of nitrogen level causing the harvest index and efficiency of nitrogen of winter wheat and summer com to descend appears respectively as 225kg / hm2 and 150kg / hm2 .
The result showed in the process of the alternative selection and breeding of three lines both in South and North China , the ecological environment of Hainan in winter could meet the basic need of three lines breeding .
Measures for winter construction of main work of buildings
The darkest evening of the year .
The field plot experiment was conducted to study the difference of Nitrogen Use Efficiency in 10 winter wheat cultivate ( genotype ) on the loess plateau .
The results showed that under no irrigation , winter wheat used mostly water of 20 ~ 60 cm soil layers , and increased the consumption of soil stored water by 96.84 mm ;
A growth model is used in assessing and forecasting drought in order to emphasize the crop 's effects on water consumption and crop 's demand and sensitivity to water in different developmental stages .