
  1. 去年在温布尔敦公开赛上,李娜和中国网球队有了新的突破,作为中国第一位女网球队员进入了温布尔敦大满贯单打的半决赛。

    Last year was a breakthrough season for not only Li but Chinese tennis as Li became the first from her country to reach a Grand Slam singles quarter-final ( Wimbledon ) .

  2. 我们中没人能想到中国女子网球队能走那么远,但是她们做到了。

    None of us knew the Chinese team could get so far , but they did .

  3. 昆仑山和王老吉都是加多宝集团旗下的品牌,并且也是2010年中国国家网球队的赞助商之一。

    Kulunshan , part of the JDB Group along with Wang Laojie , is also a2010 sponsor of the China National Tennis Team .

  4. 如今刘硕已是第二年在中国国家网球队担任教练,他的主要职责是发展年轻的球员张帅的网球事业。

    Now Coach Shuo , in his second year as a China National Tennis Team coach , is responsible for developing the career of young Zhang Shuai .

  5. 随着2012年伦敦奥运会的临近,中国国家网球队将再一次在奥运会的舞台上受到世人的瞩目。

    With the2012 London Olympics a little more than a year away , the world once again has been put on notice that the China National Tennis Team will be a contender for Olympic glory .