
  • 网络Tennis enthusiasts;tennis player
  1. 自2002年开始,ATP上海大师杯赛已成功举办6届,为中国培养了众多网球爱好者。

    Since 2002 , the successful holding of Shanghai Masters cup ( SMC ) has cultivated a lot of tennis enthusiasts for China .

  2. 温布尔登是所有网球爱好者的圣地。

    Wimbledon is a shrine for all lovers of tennis .

  3. 说的问题上对印度网球爱好者的心灵。

    That 's the question uppermost on Indian tennis aficionados'minds .

  4. 这样一款电子球拍是否真能提高网球爱好者的技术?

    Can the racquet improve a player 's technique ?

  5. 网球爱好者的俱乐部。

    A club of people to play tennis .

  6. 网球爱好者如何预防运动损伤

    How Can Tennis-lovers Prevent Sports Injury

  7. 因此,预防措施是每个网球爱好者的必备常识。

    So the knowledge of common injures and the prevention measures are absolutely necessary to the tennis fans .

  8. 我和兄弟一起打。我也是公司网球爱好者的一员。

    I play with my brother , and I 'm also a member of the company 's tennis circle .

  9. 据本土媒体报道称,目前中国有1300万网球爱好者,而六年前只有200万。

    According to local media , there are now13 million Chinese playing the game , compared to just two million six years ago .

  10. 无论是培训公司还是俱乐部,乃至私人教练,都一跃成为网球爱好者追逐的对象。

    Be still club disregarding being to train a company , are become the marriage partner that the tennis ball amateur runs after .

  11. 这次网球比赛业余爱好者与专业球员都可参加。

    This tennis tournament is open to both amateurs and professionals .

  12. 戴维斯杯网球赛也吸引了网球爱好者。

    The Davis Cup competition also focuses world attention on the sport .

  13. 按不同层次、不同级别、不同水平等要求举办多种形式的业余网球赛事,促进业余网球爱好者的参与度及网球俱乐部的建设。

    According to different levels , different levels , different levels and other requirements of the amateur tennis tournament held in various forms , to promote participation in amateur tennis fans and tennis club building . 6 .

  14. 从而掀起了一股网球热,热爱网球运动的体育爱好者越来越多。

    Thus giving rise to an " Tennis ", more and more sports fans who love tennis .

  15. 高校可以说是中国网球发展的源头,绝大多数网球爱好者都是在大学期间开展的网球课上才开始接触到网球,体会网球的魅力。

    Universities can be said to be the source of the development of Chinese tennis , most tennis fans are carried out in college tennis class access to the tennis began to experience the charm of tennis .

  16. 中国网球协会官方项目青少年网球发展项目及大学项目也将在新的一年中为更多网球爱好者们带来新契机;

    CTA junior , school and university programs continue to be recognized as the best in China and are offering new opportunities for future generations .