
  • 网络chinese clothing;chinese dress;The Costume of China
  1. 情与景、形与神的交融,体现出如诗如歌般的意境,包蕴了中国服饰艺术的精华。

    The combination of emotion and scenery and that of form and spirit together bring about a poetic vision of the essence of Chinese clothing art .

  2. 说起中国服饰,一百多年前我们穿的长衣服叫作“长袍”或“马褂”。

    Talking about the Chinese clothing , a hundred years ago we wore long gowns , we call them " Chang Pao " or " Ma Gua " .

  3. 论中国服饰文化的传承与变异

    On the Heritage and Variance of China 's Traditional Clothing Culture

  4. 康有为:近代中国服饰变革的倡导者

    Kang Youwei & an Advocate of Costume Change in Modern China

  5. 进入20世纪以来,中国服饰历经剧烈的变迁。

    Since 20th century , Chinese costume has gone through tremendous changes .

  6. 论中国服饰文化&传统与现代设计的融合

    Chinese Costume Culture-A Mixture of the Traditional and the Modern

  7. 重建服饰话语&解构主义之于当代中国服饰文化的意义

    Reconstruct the apparel discourse & The meaning of deconstruction to china apparel culture

  8. 而中国服饰文化更是中国文化表现力的重要组成部分。

    And dress of China culture important component that Chinese culture display even more .

  9. 中国服饰图案符号学研究

    Study of semeiology of dress patterns in China

  10. 约翰:旗袍。那是一种传统的中国服饰。

    John : A Qipao . It 's a kind of traditional Chinese dress .

  11. 儒家思想与中国服饰文化

    Confucian Idea and Chinese Dress Adornment Culture

  12. 中国服饰如同中国文化,是各民族互相渗透及相互影响而产生的。

    Chinese dress just like our culture is the outcome of national osmosis and affect .

  13. 学科体制对20世纪中国服饰史研究发展的影响

    The Influence of Disciplinary System to Development of Chinese Clothes History Research in 20th Century

  14. 中国服饰风格与中国美术

    Chinese dress style and Chinese arts

  15. 在中国服饰中,蜡染是一种流传时间长、流行范围大、使用领域广的服装工艺。

    Wax printing has long been a widespread technique used in the history of Chinese fashion .

  16. 中国服饰文化与儒家道德观

    Chinese Costume Culture and Confucianism

  17. 在中国服饰文化节上,瑰丽多彩的少数民族服饰,给人留下了深刻的印象。

    On the Chinese cultural festival of dresses and personal adornments , the beautiful and colorful clothes specifications .

  18. 他这种独树一帜的儒家服饰美学思想,为继承、丰富和发展中国服饰审美文化奠定了千古难移的深厚根基。

    His conceptions of finery have laid a solid foundation for finery culture of China for thousands of years .

  19. 从这些例子可以看出传统的中国服饰乃是现代时装的基础。

    From these examples , it can be seen how traditional Chinese dress is the foundation of modern fashion .

  20. 引起现代人对它更多的关注,丰富现代中国服饰的设计语言。

    To make people pay more attention to them . Enrich the language of design about Chinese costumes of today .

  21. 摘要通过对国际、国内解构主义时装的分析,探究解构主义对于中国服饰文化的深刻意义。

    The profound meaning of deconstruction is researched to China apparel culture through analyzing the international and internal deconstruction fashion .

  22. 少数民族印染工艺具有很高的科学水平,为中国服饰工艺做出了宝贵的历史贡献;

    The dyeing of the ethnic minorities has high scientific level and made precious contribution to the Chinese costumes technology .

  23. 中国服饰经过几千年的不断传承、发展和创新,呈现出丰富多彩的形态。

    Chinese apparel , after several thousand years of succession , development and innovation , has revealed the colorful patterns .

  24. 中国服饰的含蓄美深深地根植于中国几千年博大精深的文化中。

    The reserved beauty of Chinese traditional dress plants profoundly the Chinese culture which is great and deep in several thousand years .

  25. 这一时期的妇女服饰发展到一个顶峰,在中国服饰变迁中极具代表性。

    The female apparel in this period reached a peak , and was most representative during the transition of apparel and accessories in China .

  26. 起源于黄河文明的中国服饰文化深受传统东方文化的影响,追求精神层面。

    Chinese fashion culture originating from yellow river civilization is deeply affected by the traditional eastern culture and strives to pursue its spiritual level .

  27. 自古以来,中国服饰文化通过举世闻名的“丝绸之路”流传到世界各地。

    Since ancient times , Chinese fashion has evolved and reached other parts of the world mostly by way of the legendary Silk Road .

  28. 将符号学作为研究服饰图案的理论工具,有助于挖掘出中国服饰图案更深层次的文化内涵。

    If semeiology is used as the theoretical tools studying the dress patterns , deep cultural meaning of the Chinese dress pattern can be found out .

  29. 本文的基本结论是塑造品牌是中国服饰企业构建核心竞争力的灵魂,没有品牌就没有服饰企业的核心竞争力。

    The conclusion of this dissertation is that brand modeling is the soul of fostering the core competence of the Chinese garment corporation , without brand , without core competence .

  30. 考察中国服饰史,羽衣之名对应的服装款式呈现出多样性,这便造成了羽衣作为文学意象的复杂多义性。

    When we examine the history of Chinese clothing , the styles of " feather-clothe " show great diversity , which has resulted in its complex ambiguity in literary imagery .