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  1. 学科体制对20世纪中国服饰史研究发展的影响

    The Influence of Disciplinary System to Development of Chinese Clothes History Research in 20th Century

  2. 考察中国服饰史,羽衣之名对应的服装款式呈现出多样性,这便造成了羽衣作为文学意象的复杂多义性。

    When we examine the history of Chinese clothing , the styles of " feather-clothe " show great diversity , which has resulted in its complex ambiguity in literary imagery .

  3. 此图对中国服饰史研究的重要性,尚未被诸多曾经引用此图的学者所充分认识,此图中几个穿着组合上的要点,则被他们所忽视。

    The significance of this picture to the history study of ancient Chinese Costume has not been fully recognized by many scholars , including those who had cited this picture in their researches .