
  • 网络History of Chinese Fiction
  1. 试论鲁迅研究中国小说史的实证精神&以《中国小说史略》为例

    On the Positivism of Lu Xun in Studying the History of Chinese Fiction & Take " A Brief History of Chinese Fiction " as an example

  2. 《红楼梦》以其宏大的包容量以及独特的艺术魅力,在中国小说史上占有极其重要的地位。

    " Dream of Red Mansions ," with its ambitious package volume and a unique artistic charm , in the history of Chinese fiction occupies an important position .

  3. 20世纪中国小说史上少有严格意义上的成长小说(Bildungsroman),但是青春成长主题却在众多小说中大量存在。

    In the history of the 20th century Chinese novels , there rarely exists Bildungsroman ( German ) in a strict sense . However , there exist a great number of novels concerning the growing up theme of youth .

  4. 中国小说史自鲁迅《中国小说史略》之后走上了自己的道路。

    The stylistic approach to the study of history of fiction ;

  5. 结构宏阔精美,语言幽默诙谐,充满神奇丰富的想象和复杂深刻的思想,在中国小说史上独树一帜。

    Its content is exquisite , humorous and full of magical imagination and profound thoughts .

  6. 在中国小说史上,《品花宝鉴》是一部特点鲜明的小说。

    " Precious Mirror " is a characteristic bright novel in the Chinese novel history .

  7. 时事小说是中国小说史上不可忽略的历史存在,它取材于当时政治大事,讥切时弊,体现出直面现实的勇气。

    The existence of current-event novels can not be neglected in the Chinese literature history .

  8. 改写中国小说史

    Rewriting Chinese Novel History

  9. 中国小说史,不仅仅是一部创作史,还是一部重写史。

    History of Chinese novel , not only is a creation , but also a history of rewriting .

  10. 教育小说《歧路灯》在中国小说史上的地位矿井电致发光安全头灯

    On the Role Played by the Educational Novel & Lamp of Branch Road in the History of the Chinese Novels

  11. 唐代小说中侠客形象在中国小说史上有重要地位,塑造了几个著名的侠客形象,对武侠小说的影响巨大。

    Fifthly , it is on the position of the figure of swordsmen in Tang dynasty in Chinese history of novels .

  12. 出现在《红楼梦》之后的《镜花缘》是中国小说史上的又一部奇书。

    Jing Huayuan is another unique book in the Chinese novel history after the appearance of " The Story of Stone " .

  13. 这种独特的言说方式使得她的作品独具魅力,这证明了她的小说在20世纪中国小说史上的重要地位与独特价值,及对现代小说的影响。

    The special writing style makes her novels full of unfailing charm and notable influence on Chinese cotemporary novels of 20 th century .

  14. 该小说在中国小说史上具有重要的意义和价值,以至被有的小说史家称之为里程碑式的作品。

    The novel has so important meaning and value at Chinese novel history that it is called " milestone " work by some historians of novel .

  15. 在20世纪中国小说史上,河南小说家虽然不乏优秀的作家作品,但总的来说声音是比较微弱的,孤寂的。

    In the history of the twentieth-century Chinese novel , some Henan novelists are better , but wholly speaking their voice is weak , and alone .

  16. 聊斋志异在中国小说史上具有重要的地位,是我国古代短篇小说的巅峰之作。

    Liao Zhai Zhi Yi holds the important status in the Chinese novel history ; it is the peak of literary short stories of our country .

  17. 文章最后概括了《红楼梦》中潜意识描写的重大意义,并且指出它在中国小说史上的里程碑地位。

    Finally , the thesis generalizes the significance of subconscious depiction in the novel and points out that it is a milestone in the Chinese fiction history .

  18. 中国小说史上的第一座丰碑&论唐传奇在小说史上的地位

    The First Brilliant Monument in the History of China 's Novels & A Discussion on the Position of the Romance of Tang Dynasty in the History of Novels

  19. 兴于明末、盛于清初的才子佳人小说是中国小说史上较为引人注目的一个小说流派。

    Scholar-beauty novels appeared in late Ming Dynasty and they become very popular in early Qing Dynasty . They form a remarkable novel school in the history of Chinese fiction .

  20. 因此,在中国小说史上,战争小说无疑是题材相对独立、有着丰富的文学积淀与深厚的文化内蕴的一种小说品类。

    Therefore , The Chinese War Novel which has bountiful literature accumulations and rich cultural connotations undoubtedly can be regarded as a comparatively unique novel category in the history of .

  21. 余论部分对《歧路灯》进行全面评价,以确立其在中国小说史及文学史上的地位。

    The final part is an overall evaluation of Qi Lu Deng , for the sake of its position 's reestablishment in the history of Chinese novel and Chinese literature .

  22. 唐临《冥报记》在中国小说史上,被归为以志怪体书写的「释氏辅教之书」;

    《 Ming Bao Ji 》, the Chinese novel using Zhi Guai 's writing way , written by Tang Lin was classified as a book of " Buddhistic teaching " .

  23. 中国小说史上战国至六朝时期的早期小说观念,并不是一个文学性文体概念,甚至也不是一个纯粹的文体概念,只能说是一个准文体概念。

    In Chinese novel history , the concept of novels from the Warring States to the Six Dynasties is only a quasi-style , rather than a literary style or a mere style .

  24. 中国小说史上多续书,这是一个令人深思的文学现象,也是我国古代小说研究的一个重要课题。

    Chinese novel history top many continuous book , this is a literature phenomenon that ream person think deeply , and also is our country ancient times novel study of an importance lesson .

  25. 除了评述小说文献的整理成果,还力图对中国小说史研究的得失予以探讨。

    Apart from commenting on the accomplishments in sorting out the literature of fictions , the paper also tries to explore the gain and loss in the study of the history of Chinese fictions .

  26. 晚清小说在中国小说史上占有重要地位,其革新和繁荣使其成为古代小说与现代小说的桥梁。

    The Novels in the Late Qing Dynasty is important in the History of the Chinese Fiction , for its innovation and boom which become a bridge between Chinese Traditional Novel and Modern Novel .

  27. 作者运用多样性的心理描写手法,对传统有继承更有开拓和发展,在中国小说史上有其独特价值。

    The author has used a diversity of psychological description techniques , which was not only the succession but also the development and creation of the tradition and has its unique value in the history of Chinese fiction .

  28. 汉魏六朝是中国小说史上一个承前启后、继往开来的时代,小说在这一时期获得了巨大的发展,从文史不分开始走向小说自己的历史。

    Six Dynasties is an era between the past and the future in the history of the novel , the novel during this era made a great progress , which has own its history from mixed literature and history .

  29. 汉代是中国小说史上的一个重要阶段,是审视、描述中国小说史时绝不可忽略的一大环节。

    Therefore , Han is a critical link in the observation and description of Chinese novel history , an important stage in the development of China novels and is of great value and significance as it is a source for many developments .

  30. 而《侠剑传》和《续侠剑传》两部文言短篇侠义小说集,则是研究古代侠义小说的渊薮,在中国小说史上具有不可磨灭的价值。

    Knight-Errants ' Stories and Sequel of Knight-Errants ' Stories , two collections of short novels on knight-errantry in classical Chinese , are the gathering place for the research of China 's ancient novels , and of indelible value in the history of China 's novels .