
  • 网络Chinese Sculpture
  1. 同时佛像造像的艺术也促进了中国雕塑艺术的发展。

    Buddha Statues in art while promoting the development of Chinese sculpture .

  2. 为中国雕塑事业的发展而努力

    Striving for the Undertaking and Development of Chinese Sculpture

  3. 试论加入WTO后中国雕塑业者的新课题

    On the New Subjects for Sculptors of China in the post-WTO Era

  4. 民族传统文化应是当代中国雕塑的脊梁

    National Traditional Culture Should Be the Back of China 's Contemporary Sculpture

  5. 试析印度雕塑对元代中国雕塑艺术的影响

    Analysis of Indian Sculpture 's Influence on the China Yuan Dynasty 's Sculpture

  6. 漫谈中国雕塑的艺术走向&从2004上海艺博会谈起

    Informal Discussion of China 's Sculpture-Talk from 2004 " Shanghai Art Fair "

  7. 雕塑艺术的生态向度&第12届中国雕塑论坛述评

    The Ecological Direction of Sculpture Art & Comments on the 12th China Sculpture Forum

  8. 当代中国雕塑形式语言中丑的审美化取向

    Aesthetic standards in the language of contemporary Chinese sculpture is to move towards ugly

  9. 中国雕塑百年概述

    A Century of China 's Sculpture in Retrospect

  10. 中国雕塑传统三大断层论

    Three Traditional Fracture Statements on China ' Sculpture

  11. 你可以挑一些经典的中国雕塑作为装饰品送给你的工作伙伴们。

    You could take home some classical Chinese statutes as decorations for their offices .

  12. 《中国雕塑年鉴》序

    The preface to almanac of Chinese sculpture

  13. 国家三级美术师、中国雕塑学会会员、中国工艺美术学会会员。

    National levels , artist , Chinese Sculpture Institute , China Arts and Crafts Institute .

  14. 成为中国雕塑艺术的最精彩的华章。

    Be the China Sculpture best chapter .

  15. 新世纪中国雕塑的走向

    A Summary of the Forum : " China 's Sculpture in the New Century "

  16. 后现代情境中的当代中国雕塑

    Contemporary Chinese Sculpture in Post Modernist Circumstances

  17. 传统·现代·未来&2000年中国雕塑论坛主题确定

    Tradition , Modern Times and Future & Defining the Subject of ' 2000 China Sculpture Forum

  18. 丰富了中国雕塑的技艺手法和雕塑内容,成为一种具有独特魅力的艺术品。

    Enriched Chinese art techniques and sculpture content into a unique charm of art . buddhist statues .

  19. 但生命的有限,限制了他们建树现代中国雕塑体系的更大作为。

    However , the finiteness of life restricted their greater deeds to establish modern Chinese sculpture system .

  20. 在这十年,中国雕塑完成了由现代题材向雕塑的现代性和后现代雕塑转换。

    During this decade , Chinese sculpture had completed transition to contemporary and postmodern sculpture from contemporary subject .

  21. 秦兵马俑的出土,用数以千计的艺术造型丰富并传达了中国雕塑的表现手法。

    The discovery of Qin Terra cotta warriors enriching the expression skills of China sculpture with thousands art shapes .

  22. 这种特殊的情形就向雕塑界提出了这样的问题:现在的中国雕塑与历史上几千年的中国雕塑传统究竟是一种什么关系?

    Thus raises the question : What is the relation between the present Chinese sculpture and its tradition of thousands of years ?

  23. 第三章以中国雕塑公园为对象,对中国雕塑公园的形成、发展以及现状进行梳理、分析。

    In the second chapter , the formation , development and current situation of sculpture parks in China are classified and analyzed .

  24. 中国雕塑学会沙龙由中国雕塑学会创办,是全国性雕塑领域的艺术交流机构。

    China Sculpture Institute salon which is a nationwide art communication organization that major in sculpture is promoted by China Sculpture Institute .

  25. 百年尽头中国雕塑的末世面貌&第九届全国美展雕塑展述评

    The Future Look of China 's Sculpture Beyond the End of the Century & On the Sculpture of the Ninth National Art Exhibition

  26. 并以此作为切入点,必会有使中国雕塑艺术再现其民族特色的意义。

    And be point of penetration on this account , significance being able to have making the Chinese statuary reproduce whose national characteristics necessarily .

  27. 对于传统雕塑的态度,中国雕塑界基本有三种表现:即自觉型、盲从型和否决型。

    With regard to the attitude to the traditional Chinese sculpture , basically there are three manifestations in the Chinese sculpture field , they are : consciousness type ;

  28. 彩塑艺术数千年来在中国雕塑艺术造型语汇的历史演绎中,结合艺术的本体语言不断的创新、发展、变化。

    Painted sculpture art for several thousand years in China statuary art modelling vocabulary historical deduction , union art main body language unceasing innovation , development , change .

  29. 从大足石刻整个艺术风格来看,它在中国雕塑发展史上具有重要的地位,是晚期石窟造像艺术的代表。

    Dazu Rock Carvings has an important position in the history of the development of Chinese sculpture , and it is the representative of advanced grotto art in China .

  30. 二十世纪上、中叶,中国雕塑教育体系引自于法国和前苏联等国家,经过易地移植而生根发芽。

    The twentieth century , the middle of Chinese sculpture taken from the education system in France and the former Soviet Union countries , through the ex-situ transplantation root .