
  • 网络Life philosophy;outlook on life
  1. 福赛特世家的老乔里恩及其人生理念

    Old Jolyon of the Forsyte Saga and His Philosophy

  2. 从《海狼》看杰克·伦敦的人生理念

    On the Life Idea of Jack London Based on His Works The Sea Wolf

  3. 古希腊时期的生死观与人生理念

    View of Life and Death and Theory of Life at the Ancient Greek Period

  4. 我的人生理念:生命不息,奋斗不止。

    My philosophy of life : fight as long as one has a breath in one 's body .

  5. 情感的执着与理性的超越&解悟陶渊明的人生理念及时代价值

    Feeling 's Persistence and Reason 's Transcendence & Analysis on Tao Yuanming 's Life Ideal and Its Value of the Times

  6. 从参保者内部机能看,观念变革、价值取向、人生理念也会对社会保障可持续发展产生一定的影响。

    As to the internal function of people who join insurance , idea innovation , value orientation and life concept will affect the sustainable development of social security .

  7. 中国是多民族国家,从汉族到少数民族,他们的生活方式、人生理念无一不在婚庆上体现出来。

    China is a multi-ethnic country , from the Han Chinese to ethnic minorities , their way of life , the concept of life all reflected in the wedding .

  8. 本论文试图从研究老子无为思想中所包含的政治、管理、生态、人生理念四方面的内容,为我国构建现代和谐社会提供理论上的支持。

    This paper attempts to study inaction thinking included the political , management , ecology , life opinion four areas of content , as on Constructing a harmonious society provide modern theory of supporting .

  9. 这才有了鄂东建置以来医药文化不断发展的局面,千百年来,一代又一代人身体力行的践行着济世救民的人生理念,形成了独特的鄂东医药文化特色。

    This was by building further since the development situation of medical culture , one thousand years , generations after generations of physically practice " saving their nation " life philosophy , and formed unique eastern medicine culture features .

  10. 全文通过人物个性、语言特色、心理活动、历史变迁等方面应用了小说创作的表现手段,表达了全世界各民族所共同拥有的爱与恨、生与死的人生理念。

    The whole text applies novel creation expression means through personality , language characteristic , mental activities and history changes , expressing love and hate , life and death of life philosophy common owned by all ethnic groups around the world .

  11. 当代大学生必须树立能力本位的人生价值理念。

    The contemporary college students must establish the life value of ability standard .

  12. 建构可持续发展的人生观教育理念

    Constructing Sustainable Philosophy Education Concept

  13. 首先,追求生活质量、提倡物质利益最大满足的消费文化,透视出在消费生活中实现人生价值的理念。

    First , the consumption culture that peruses the quality of life and advocate for the profit-maximization reveals the idea of realizing the value of life in consumption .

  14. 中国古典园林艺术在空间营造上显示出独特的人生智慧和空间理念。

    Building space showed wisdom of life and idea of space in traditional Chinese garden .

  15. 关于人生的各种重要理念,以及作为一个人,活在这个特定的星球上是怎样的都在书中呈现。

    All sorts of major ideas about life and what it is like to be a human being , and stuck here on this particular planet , arise .

  16. 中国人大都遵从中庸思想,保守,勤劳,有较强的忧患意识和乡土观念,这一点也可以从其人生观以及教育理念体现山来。

    By contrast , Chinese people tend to be more conservative and industrious , with a strong sense of adversity and a deep sense of " parochialism ", which can also be found in their views on life as well as their educational concept and ideas .