
  • 网络Ancient Chinese Society;chinese ancient society
  1. 古牌坊是中国古代社会特有的一种建筑形式。

    Memorial arch is an peculiar architectural form in Chinese ancient society .

  2. 第三章,法律在中国古代社会控制中的功能和作用。该章就中国古代法律在社会控制中的功能及其所表现的特点进行了考察。

    It studies the function of law and its characteristics in Chinese ancient society .

  3. 招幌广告是中国古代社会商业广告的一种重要形式。

    Billboard is one of important commercial advertisements in ancient China .

  4. 富民阶层的崛起,极大地推动了中国古代社会的变革,由此形成一个新的富民社会。

    The new class promoted the social change in ancient China .

  5. 中国古代社会分层明显,社会差异很大。

    There was a apparently society stratification in ancient society of China .

  6. 从中国古代社会饮食观管窥中华文明

    Viewing Chinese Civilization through the Concept of Diet in Ancient Chinese Society

  7. 中国古代社会是以伦理为本位的社会。

    The Ancient China was a society based on ethics .

  8. 宋代是中国古代社会经济发展的重要时期。

    Sung Dynasty is an important period for Ancient China socio-economic development .

  9. 柳在中国古代社会有特殊的涵义,就民俗而言,主要表现为插柳及汉唐盛行的折柳习俗。

    Willow had distinguished implicature in the folk custom of ancient China .

  10. 隐士是中国古代社会所独有的一种现象,对中国文化影响巨大。

    The hermits are some individual people in ancient society of China .

  11. 对中国古代社会史研究中几个问题的思考

    Reflections on several issues in the research on ancient Chinese social history

  12. 中国古代社会对开封犹太人的认识和态度

    The Understanding and Attitude of Ancient Chinese Society towards the Kaifeng Jews

  13. 皇后,是中国古代社会非常特殊的一群人。

    The queens are a special group of people .

  14. 祭祀是中国古代社会重要的政治活动。

    The memorial ceremony was an important political activity in ancient Chinese society .

  15. 中国古代社会是根据宗法制度建立起来的宗法社会。

    Ancient Chinese society is the patriarchal society founded on the patriarchal system .

  16. 汉字与中国古代社会的祭祀与占卜

    Chinese Written Characters and Offering Sacrifices and Practicing Divination In Ancient Chinese Society

  17. 中国古代社会有一个兼具开放性与超稳定的阅读系统。

    In ancient China , there was an open and super-stable reading system .

  18. 家族、宗族关系是中国古代社会基本的社会关系之一。

    Kinship and clanship were among the fundamental relationships in the ancient Chinese society .

  19. 饮食文化与中国古代社会政治

    Dietetic Culture and Social Politics of Ancient China

  20. 其中,中国古代社会的政治法律制度与宗法制度是相共生的。

    The political , legal and agnate system in our ancient society are symbiotic .

  21. 论国家在中国古代社会经济结构中的地位和作用

    On the Status of the State in the Economic System of Ancient Chinese Society

  22. 此制度在中国古代社会存在发展了两千余年。

    It lived through more than two thousand years in the ancient Chinese society .

  23. 爵制是中国古代社会等级制度的一项重要内容。

    Titles system is an important issue of the hierarchy in Chinese ancient society .

  24. 中国古代社会文明因素在这个时期虽然已有,但较稀少。

    There had been a little result of Chinese ancient civilization in that age .

  25. 礼与刑是中国古代社会的两种主要社会规范。

    Rites and criminal law were the principal standards of society in Chinese ancient history .

  26. 戒律、家规、国法与中国古代社会的秩序调控

    Mitzvoth , Family Rules , National Laws , and Social Order Control in Ancient China

  27. 基于救助的社会保障体系&中国古代社会保障体系研究论纲

    Relief-based Social Insuring System : a Research Outline of the Ancient Chinese Social Insuring System

  28. 对中国古代社会经济的开发,起到了重要的促进作用。

    It plays a important role in the development of social economy in ancient times .

  29. 傩是中国古代社会一种驱鬼逐疫的祭仪。

    Nuo is a kind of cult for banishing the ghost in archaic Chinese society .

  30. 试析中国古代社会监察制度的特征

    Features of Supervisory System in Ancient China