
  1. 康有为是近代中国主张实现国家工业化的第一个人。

    Kang You-wei was the first person who advocated national industrialization in modern China .

  2. 中国主张和平利用太空,反对在太空搞军备竞赛。

    China stands for the peaceful use of outer space and opposes arms race in outer space .

  3. 他表示,中国主张通过对话协商以和平方式处理和解决问题。

    He said China advocates addressing and settling the problem through dialogue and consultation and by peaceful means .

  4. 在实现消除核武器目标的过程中,中国主张防止核武器扩散。

    China advocates prevention of the proliferation of nuclear weapons as part of the process of eliminating such weapons .

  5. 为此,中国主张全面禁止和彻底销毁外空武器。

    To this end , China stands for the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of weapons deployed in outer space .

  6. 中国主张在平等互利的基础上广泛开展航空航天领域的国际合作。

    China maintains the development of international cooperation in civil aviation and space industries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit .

  7. 在伊朗核问题上,中国主张在国际原子能机构框架内通过对话协商方式妥善解决。

    On the Iran nuclear issue , China stands for an appropriate resolution within the framework of the IAEA through dialogue and consultation .

  8. 中国主张,各方均不应在海外部署具有战略反导能力和潜力的反导系统或开展相关国际合作。

    China holds that no state should deploy overseas missile defense systems that have strategic missile defense capabilities or potential , or engage in any such international collaboration .

  9. 中国主张和而不同,而欧盟强调多元一体。

    In China , we value our ideal preserving harmony without uniformity . And here in the EU , people stress the need to be united in diversity .

  10. 中国主张通过对话和谈判和平解决伊朗核问题,维护中东地区的和平与稳定。

    China is for the peaceful resolution of the Iranian nuclear issue through dialogue and negotiation , and for maintaining the peace and stability of the Middle East .

  11. “中国主张通过加强国际合作严厉反对黑客攻击,以依法保护网络发全与网民隐私”,马朝旭说。

    " China advocates severely fighting against hacking through beefing up international cooperation , so as to protect Internet safety and citizens'privacy in accordance with the law ," Ma said .

  12. 对历史遗留下来的边界、领土、领海争端,中国主张通过对话和谈判,求得公平合理的解决;

    China maintains that the disputes concerning borders , territory and territorial waters left over by history be solved through dialogues and talks so as to seek fair and reasonable solutions .

  13. 中国主张,如果边境地区失去控制,再度爆发敌对行动“务必尽最大努力防止出现另一个类似果敢事件”。

    China stands to lose if hostilities breaks out on its border , according to him . " It is therefore doing its utmost to prevent another Kokang-like incident ," he said .

  14. 中国主张运用自然延伸原则进行划界,而日本主张运用等距离中间线原则划分中日东海大陆架与专属经济区。

    China maintain , " extend naturally " principle , but Japan maintain " equidistant medium line " principle divide Sino-Japanese the continental shelf and exclusive economic zone of East Sea naturally .

  15. 中国主张,新一轮谈判的目标应当是:第一,有利于建立公平、公正和合理的国际经济新秩序;

    China proposes the objectives for the new round of negotiations as follows : First , to be conducive to the establishment of a fair , impartial and rational new international economic order ;

  16. 中国主张半岛无核化是很明确的,朝鲜无理智坚持核试验爆炸,飞导弹试验,向美国核武器专家公开核浓缩设备,接待州长访朝并同意‘诺干放弃核武’的建设性协议。

    Urging North Korea to allow the return of IAEA inspectors , who were asked to leave in2009 , is a departure for Beijing , which previously refused to condemn the Yeonpyeong attack .

  17. 中国主张,世界上的事情应该由世界各国共同决定,不能由一两个国家说了算。

    Likewise , China is of the view that in the real world , international affairs should be handled with joint efforts of all countries , not to be decided by one or two countries .

  18. 中国主张其对几乎整个南中国海拥有主权。在中国地图上,这一主张体现为“九段线”。九段线一直延伸到菲律宾、文莱、马来西亚、越南和印尼的海岸线附近。

    Beijing claims virtually the entire South China Sea . The claims are represented on Chinese maps by a " nine-dash line " that extends to the coastlines of the Philippines , Brunei , Malaysia , Vietnam and Indonesia .

  19. 中国主张的自然延伸原则,不仅是《联合国海洋法公约》明文规定的最基本的客观标准,也是国际司法实践确定的基本规则。

    The principle of " Natural Extension " held by China is not only the most basic objective norm stipulated by the UN Marine Law Conventions , but also the basic regulation defined by the practice of the international judicature .

  20. 与之前的调查相比,2019年版增加了文明交流互鉴的中国主张、新中国成立七十年来的中国国家形象评价等话题。

    previous surveys , the 2019 version adds topics including China 's advocacy of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations and the general impression of China 's national image since the founding of the People 's Republic 70 years ago .

  21. 他表示,中国主张国际社会兑现对阿富汗的援助承诺,帮助阿富汗实现可持续发展。中方将继续尽己所能向阿富汗提供援助,帮助阿加强自主发展能力和各领域能力建设。

    He said China always holds that the international community should keep the commitment of providing aid for the sustainable development of Afghanistan , adding that China will continue to do what it can to help Afghanistan to enhance capabilities for independent development and capacity building in various fields .

  22. 我们举办了博鳌亚洲论坛年会、上海合作组织青岛峰会、中非合作论坛北京峰会等主场外交活动,提出了中国主张,发出了中国声音。

    We hosted the annual Bo'ao Forum for Asia , the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Qingdao , as well as the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation . We put China 's proposals on the table and made our voice heard at these and other diplomatic events .

  23. 我们中国一贯主张国家无论大小一律平等。

    We Chinese people have persistently urged the equality of nations , big or small .

  24. 中国历来主张国家不分大小,应该一律平等。

    China has always insisted that all countries , big or small , should be equal .

  25. 中国坚决主张世界各国一律平等。

    China 's firm advocacy of the equality of all nations and nations .

  26. 中国一贯主张:经济发展必须与环境保护相协调;

    China consistently holds that economic development should be coordinated with environmental protection ;

  27. 中国一贯主张通过对话磋商解决贸易摩擦问题。

    China has consistently called for settling trade frictions through dialogue and consultation .

  28. 统一中国的主张已经得到大多数其他国家的支持。

    The claim to reunify China has been supported by most of other countries .

  29. 但中国极力主张谨慎行事,并呼吁削减草案的制裁力度。

    But China urged caution , and called for its provisions to be watered down .

  30. 中国不主张插手干预别国的内部事务,并不是说中国不承担国际责任。

    Her non-intervention of internal affairs police does not mean that China will not undertake any international responsibility .