- liabilities for administrative compensation

The investigation of the administrative compensation responsibility is conducive to strengthening government s ability of administration by law and to enhancing government 's sense of responsibility so as to achieve the goal of administration by law .
Exploring the Responsibility for the Administrative Monopoly Compensation
The Administrative Tort Analysis of Liability to Pay Compensation & Since Being Related abroad System Sees Our Country on This System Lack
The obligation should be specific to satisfy the requirements of the liability .
Finally , in the fifth part , the author gives the advice of compensation for administrative accountability methods and legislative proposals in the hope of our state compensation of administrative omission system establishment and improvement .
The proposed draft of Anti-monopoly Act that is available evades the compensation liability of government .
Achieve " administrative penalty liability-civil liability-responsibility for criminal punishment ," the integrity of the entire chain of liabilities .
In this part we use for reference of the rules about the nation compensates of administrative omission of western countries and provide a reference of perfecting the system of nation compensates of administrative omission .
In this part we analyse the factor which influence the nation compensates of administrative omission : subjective state of mind , objective act , the possibility of predicting the danger and the possibility of avert .
So called administrative recuperation responsibility and administrative compensation responsibility of government are not the content of governmental responsibilities itself . They are the mode of burden of the governmental responsibilities and the responsibility of redress .
Apportionment of Liability with Agency Inaction Compensation and Civil Compensation
Therefore it is necessary to define the negative administration act , to clear the necessity and the important composing elements of the state compensation duty on the negative administration act , to further perfect state legislation .
The author analyzes three kinds of state compensation according to related laws of our country .
The suggest is : adopting " generalization-liability exemption " legislation mode to amend the State Indemnity Law concerning the scope of administration Indemnity , to further expand the effective scope of administrative Indemnity , at the same time , scientifically define other situation of liability exemption .
The national administration compensation system of " the Expectant Duty behavior " means that the nation undertakes the compensative responsibility when " the Expectant Duty behavior " of administration illegally infringes on legitimate rights and interests of the administered and does the harm .
The damage casued by adminstration tort should be distinguished as pure factual damage and lawful compensable damage , and only the latter can be one of the constitutive requirements of the state 's liability for compensation .