
ɡè rén suǒ dé shuì
  • individual income tax;personal income tax
  1. 系统采用c/s模式开发,工具采用POWERBUILDER6.0,数据库系统采用SybaseSQLAnywhere,提供了解决高校个人所得税代扣代缴问题的一种方法。

    The system uses the c / s mode , the tool uses Power Builder 6.0 , and the database system uses Sybase Sql anywhere 5.0.In conclusion : the problem of withholding individual income tax is solved in colleges and universities .

  2. 个人所得税免税额是否应该调整及其相关问题分析

    A Correlative Analysis on Adjusting the Allowance of Individual Income Tax

  3. 中国最高立法机构周五通过了个人所得税修正案,将个人所得税最低起征标准从3500元每月提高到5000元每月或60000元每年。

    China 's top legislature passed the amendment to the personal income tax law on Friday , raising minimum threshold for individual income tax from 3500 to 5000 yuan per month , or 60000 yuan per year .

  4. 随着我国经济飞速发展,尤其在我国加入WTO后,现行的个人所得税制度已经不能适应经济发展形势,需要个人所得税制改革来加以解决。

    Along with the rapid economical development , particularly after our country 's entry to the WTO , the present individual income tax system could not meet the demands of the economic development , and need be reformed .

  5. 在他们削减个人所得税和公共开支的同时,撒切尔的第一届政府拉高了销售税,即VAT税&一种单一税制,无情地倒退到比人头税更恶劣的程度。

    At the same time as they cut income tax and public spending , the first Thatcher administration hiked the sales tax , VAT – a flat-rate tax far more remorselessly regressive than the poll tax .

  6. 毕马威(KPMG)的查尔斯•金斯利(CharlesKinsley)表示,由于许多较贫穷市民的所得还未达到个人所得税的征收下限,上述举措的好处可能只有香港中高收入居民才能体会到。

    The benefits are likely to be felt only by the middle and high-income households in Hong Kong , said KPMG 's Charles Kinsley , because many poorer workers do not earn enough to pay salaries tax in the first place .

  7. 个人所得税:政策目标与完善

    Personal Income Tax : The Objective of Policy and its Perfection

  8. 中美英个人所得税税率比较

    Comparison in income taxes among China , America and Great Britain

  9. 中国个人所得税税率的优化

    Study on optimization of the personal income tax rate in China

  10. 浅析个人所得税社会稳定器效能的发挥

    An Analysis of the Social Stabilizer Function of Personal Income Tax

  11. 个人所得税申报归档的最后期限是4月15日。

    April 15 is the deadline for filling individual income-tax returns .

  12. 我国个人所得税制度研究:非和谐性及其风险

    Research on Personal Income Tax System : Non-harmony and its Risks

  13. 对工资薪金所得与劳务报酬所得合并征收个人所得税的探讨

    On Levying Personal Income Tax Combining Salaries Income and Labor Income

  14. 个人所得税已从你的收入中扣除。

    The individual income tax have been deducted from your income .

  15. 能指点我填个人所得税申报表吗?

    Can you direct me to file the tax return form ?

  16. 股票方面的亏损可在个人所得税中扣除。

    Losses on shares are now allowable against personal income tax .

  17. 对个人所得税潜在收入能力的测算方法进行了创新和修正。

    To innovate the measure to estimate potential personal income tax .

  18. 个人所得税征收中的问题与建议

    The discussion and suggestion on imposition of individual income tax

  19. 我国个人所得税指数化的必要性和可行性思考

    On the Necessity and Feasibility of Individual Income Tax Indexation in China

  20. 完善我国个人所得税的征收与管理

    Perfect the Collection and Administration of State Individual Income Tax

  21. 浅谈个人所得税中的纳税筹划问题

    Talk about the Problem in the Tax Planning of Personal Income Tax

  22. 我国个人所得税的拉弗曲线实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis with Laffer Curve of Individual Income Tax in China

  23. 关于我国个人所得税征管信息化建设的对策建议

    Suggestions on Construction of Our Country 's MIS of Personal Income Taxation

  24. 美国“富人”支付的个人所得税占了美国个税总额的60%。

    America 's'wealthy'pay60 % of the nation 's income taxes .

  25. 由公司代扣代缴的个人所得税。

    Individual income taxes withheld and paid by Party A on behalf ;

  26. 我能了解一下中国个人所得税的情况吗?

    Can I have some information about China 's Individual Income Tax ?

  27. 应对分红险保单红利征收个人所得税吗?

    Shall individual income taxes be paid on dividends from participating policy ?

  28. 某些洲除了征收销售税还征收个人所得税。

    Some states have an income tax in addition to sales tax .

  29. 我国个人所得税的设置、建立和完善

    The Establishment and Perfecting of the Individual Income Taxation System in China

  30. 高收入群体个人所得税流失的法律对策研究

    The Research on the Loss of Personal Income Tax of High-income Groups