
  • 网络personal deposit;personal saving
  1. 现金通兑方式是指,从客户指定的他行个人存款账户支付现金。

    Cash inter-bank universal withdrawal refers to the payment from personal deposit account in other bank designated by the client .

  2. 也谈个人存款账户实名制

    On the System of Personal Savings Account with Real Identity

  3. 杜晓伟个人存款为我们夫妻共同财产。

    Du xiaowei 's personal savings were our joint property of the spouses .

  4. 个人存款数目达历史低点,可是存款是一个舒适未来的保障。

    Personal savings have reached record lows , yet saving is essential to ensure a comfortable future .

  5. 投资者还应在全球范围内的交易市场中开立个人存款账户进行立易,以降低投资风险。

    Investors should also aim to reduce risk by spreading their Isa holdings across a range of global markets .

  6. 从银行的角度来说,这些新型在线产品可能造成个人存款外流以及基金销售额下降等情况。

    From banks ' standpoint , the new online products could lead to an outflux of retail deposits and decreased fund sales .

  7. 他认为通过个人存款账户妙股最保险的方式就是制定每月定期的存款计划。

    He argues that the safest way of investing in a stocks and shares Isa is through a regular monthly savings plan .

  8. 麦凯恩还危言耸听地说,如果不这样,银行信贷将崩溃,国内房产销售、个人存款及公司员工薪水都将受到不利影响。

    If not , McCain said ominously that credit will dry up , jeopardizing home sales , individual savings and company payrolls .

  9. 随着很多人不断花钱超支,最近些年个人存款率一直下降,并且处于历史低水平。

    Personal savings rates have dropped in recent years and remain low by historical standards as many people continue to spend beyond their means .

  10. 开征存款利息税对储蓄存款的影响将是持久的,个人存款实名制对储蓄存款的影响是暂时的。

    The effect of taxation over interest of household deposit will be permanent , while that of real deposit system on household deposit will be temporary .

  11. 在固定缴款退休金制度下,人们退休后应个人存款来买年金,这就固定了一生的年收入。

    People with DC schemes use their retirement savings to buy an annuity when they retire , which sets the size of their annual income for life .

  12. 政府有承保个人存款金额的上限,但是只有一些人们的存款超过这个限制。

    There is an upper limit on the amount of an individual 's deposit that the government will insure , but very few individuals'deposits exceed this limit .

  13. 大多数股份制银行的个人存款不足存款总量的10%,存款的稳定性差,成本始终维持在一个较高的水平上。

    Most of the joint-stock banks deposits of individuals less than 10 % of total deposits , deposits stability is poor , the cost always remain at a high level .

  14. 短期看,银行自身会为大笔的个人存款大量流入而不亦乐乎:这将降低他们对批发融资的依赖性。

    In the short term , the banks themselves will be very glad of a flood of retail deposits : that will leave them less dependent on jittery wholesale markets .

  15. 只能先把我自己的财务状况搞好,个人存款再提高20%,债务再减少50%,这样就没有问题了。

    But to build up my own finances , I need around 20 % more in personal savings and 50 % less debt . That 's all there is to it .

  16. 在我国现行的立法上和理论界,关于个人存款的法律性质,存在两种截然相反的观点:物权说和债权说。

    In our country , the existing legislation and the theoretical circles on the legal nature of the individual deposits have two diametrically opposed views : the property theory and the claims theory .

  17. 一个人存款的70%应该进行低风险投资,而剩下的30%,理财专家经常建议将其用于一些有把握的高风险投资。

    It is usually advised that at least 70 % of a person 's savings should be in low-risk investments but for the rest , financial advisors often advise taking some well-informed risks .

  18. 而至2002年,我国居民个人存款总额已突破70000亿人民币。如果把这些资金引入我国的基础设施的建设,对于缓解我国基础建没资金的不足,将有极其重大的意义。

    Till 2002 , our country 's individual saving account has exceeded 70000 hundred million RMB . If we use this money in the infrastructure construction , it has great significance to mitigate the lack of money .

  19. 前不久出台的《物权法》也没有对个人存款的法律性质给予明确的界定,这就使关于个人存款法律性质这一问题的争论仍在继续。

    Shortly before the introduction of the " property law " has not a clear definition about the legal nature of the individual deposits , which makes the controversial on the individual deposits ' legal nature is continuing .

  20. 利率市场化改革目前正进入最后的攻坚阶段,目前,除了存款利率的上限和个人存款利率的下限没有放开外,其他均已完全放开。

    The interest rate marketization reform has now entered phase of assault fortified positions , at present , in addition to lower the deposit interest rate upper limit and personal savings rate has not been released , the other has opening .

  21. 结合我国颁布的《个人存款帐户实名制规定》和相关国情,阐明了存款实名制的内涵和发展,较系统地论证了我国实行存款实名制的必要性和可行性。

    According to the Rules of Personal Account for Deposit with Real Name and the situation in China , this paper expounds the content and development of deposit with real name , and discusses systematically the necessity and feasibility to implement it in saving .

  22. 请问第一个是叫我提供什么啊???个人存款证明还是贷款合同证明啊?本存款证明书不得转让,不得抵押,不得为他人但保,不得作为提取上述存款凭证。

    A copy of either the deposit slip or passbook for the account that the loan was paid into . This certificate of deposit is non-negotiable and cannot be mortgaged , cannot be guaranteed for others , cannot be presented the cooperative for payment .

  23. 在此基础上,本文还在立法层面上将个人存款视为一种银行发行的优先债券,并从法律角度,对所涉及的具体问题作出相应的评论和分析。

    On this basis , this paper makes the personal deposits as a " Priority Notes " which issued by banks in the legislative level , and will make the corresponding comments and analysis on the specific issues involved in from a legal point of view .

  24. 办理城乡居民个人储蓄存款。

    Handle urBan and rural individual saving deposits .

  25. 非法查询、冻结、扣划个人储蓄存款或者单位存款的;

    The bank illegally inquires about , freezes or deducts deposits of individuals or units ;

  26. 个人活期存款账户的申请。

    Applicable to Individual Savings Account only .

  27. 个人通知存款是为了满足像您这样的有短期大宗存款的优质客户而设置的一种储蓄种类。

    Personal notice deposit is specifically designed for the valued clients like you with a large sum of short-term deposit .

  28. 国外或港澳地区的单位、企业、社会团体和个人的存款;

    Deposits by undertakings , enterprises , social organizations and individuals in foreign countries and the Hongkong and Macao regions ;

  29. 个人通知存款可一次或分次支取,每次最低支取额为50000元人民币。

    It can be withdrawn in a lump sum or by several times with the minimum withdrawal sum not less than 50 , 000 RMB yuan each time .

  30. 杨璐依加拿大相关法律已继承杜晓伟位于加拿大的房屋及杜晓伟于加拿大的个人账户存款。

    As provided by the laws of canada , Yang Lu had inherited Du xiaolei 's house property in Canada and Du xiaolei 's personal savings account in canada .