
  • 网络wealth tax;Tax On Rich;Reichensteuer
  1. 遗产税作为一种富人税有劫富济贫的作用。

    Inheritance tax plays a role as " Robin Hood " .

  2. 你就要达到交富人税的水平了。

    You 're in a new tax bracket .

  3. 如果富人税能够厘清税收体系在高端人群税收待遇方面的混乱,应该是一件好事。

    If a millionaires ' tax cleans up the mess of the tax code at the high end , that would be a good thing .

  4. 虽然高达75%的富人税令舆论哗然,但其实它至多也只能填补今年预算缺口的1/4。

    But for all the commotion over the 75 % tax rate , it will only , at best , close a quarter of the budget gap for this year .

  5. 盖洛普(Gallup)的一项民调显示,三分之二的美国人支持对那些年收入25万美元以上的富人增税。

    A Gallup poll found that two-thirds of Americans favour raising taxes on those making more than $ 250,000 a year .

  6. 因此,我呼吁对富人增税。

    So I called for an additional tax on the rich .

  7. 两人都承诺对富人增税,并对中产阶级提供更多支持。

    Both promised higher taxes for the rich and more support for the middle classes .

  8. 但民调显示公众普遍支持对富人增税。

    But polls show wide public support .

  9. 缴富人的税来养穷人吧

    Tax the rich Feed the poor

  10. 大多数选民或许会支持对富人增税的举措以及其它举措。

    Most of the electorate may approve of higher taxes on the rich along with other measures .

  11. 格雷厄姆认为国家应限制减税,不要给富人增税,而民主党恰恰强调给富人增税。

    Graham favours capping deductions , not raising actual tax rates on the rich which Democrats prefer .

  12. 对富人增税是否会抑制经济增长,延缓复苏?

    DOES raising taxes on those who are doing well economically stifle growth and slow down the recovery ?

  13. 就共和党的立场而言,对富人低税对于经济增长至关重要。

    The Republican party position argues that low tax rates on the wealthy are essential for economic growth .

  14. 奥巴马总统表示,减少美国的债务需要削减政府项目和对美国的富人增税。

    Obama says reducing the nation 's debt requires cuts in government programs and tax increases on wealthy Americans .

  15. 但好的政策的确应该在削减社会福利和对富人增税之间进行一种完全不同的平衡。

    But it does mean a completely different balance between cuts to social services and tax increases on the rich .

  16. 白宫希望通过对大公司以及富人增税,来为它的经济计划买单。

    The White House wants to raise taxes on large corporations and wealthy individuals to help pay for its economic initiatives .

  17. 预算案假设未来若干经济会强劲发展,并限制富人抵税的金额以及对大公司减免税务的优惠。

    It assumes robust economic growth in coming years , and limits tax deductions for the wealthy as well as corporate tax breaks .

  18. 最近这位气势汹汹的总统也保证会否决国会任何谋求削减老人健保的提议但不否决对富人增税。

    The newly combative president also promised to veto any attempt by Congress to cut health-care benefits without also raising taxes on the wealthy .

  19. 恢复对财政的控制需要削减开支(包括社保和联邦医疗保险计划)并增税(不只是对富人增税)。

    Restoring fiscal control will require spending cuts ( including from Social Security and Medicare ) and higher taxes ( not just on the rich ) .

  20. 是否对富人增税,这更加取决于我们对政府的合理大小和再分配过程中合理角色这两个政治问题上的判断。

    The question of whether to tax the wealthy more depends on political judgments about the right size of the state and the appropriate role for redistribution .

  21. 9月20日的盖洛普民调显示,三分之二的受访者支持对那些年收入在20万美元以上的富人增税,以解决奥巴马提议的就业促进法案的资金问题。

    The September 20 Gallup poll found 2-to-1 support for higher taxes on those making more than $ 200,000 a year to pay for his proposed jobs bill .

  22. 奥巴马回应共和党以及保守派茶党,指责他以针对富人增税的方式,挑起“阶级斗争”的说法。

    The president responded to Republican and conservative Tea Party critics who have accused him of conducting " class warfare " by targeting the wealthy for tax increases .

  23. 奥巴马希望达成一项影响深远的协议,就像去年他未能达成、将包含对富人增税内容的那种大买卖。

    Mr. Obama hopes to broker a far-reaching agreement , the kind of ' grand bargain ' that eluded him last year , which would include raising taxes on wealthier Americans .

  24. 沃伦巴菲特宣称“善待富豪的国会已然宠溺富豪太长时间,应向富人增税”,这一言论引起了人们的小度不满。

    Warren Buffett raised a few eyebrows by asserting that " a billionaire-friendly Congress " had " coddled " the wealthy for too long and should raise taxes on the rich .

  25. 主张对富人增税的左派人士与主张削减福利支出的右翼人士之间的斗争正陷入极度紧张的僵局,这可能会以更可怕的方式加剧。

    The battle between the left that wants to tax the rich more and the right that wants to cut entitlement spending is at a fierce stalemate that is likely to intensify in more scary ways .

  26. 总体而言,罗姆尼主张减税,并大幅降低防务之外大部分领域的开支,而奥巴马则主张对富人增税,以便维持较高的政府开支。

    Broadly speaking , Mr Romney wants to cut taxes and sharply reduce spending in most areas except defence , while Mr Obama wants to raise taxes on the wealthy in order to maintain higher government spending levels .

  27. 现在它进入了众议院,在那里几乎没有这种两党合作的迹象,特别是在一项增加对穷人项目的支出和对富人增税的预算计划上。

    It now goes to the House , where there is little sign of a similar blossoming of bipartisanship , especially over a budget plan that increases spending on programmes for the poor and raises taxes on the rich .

  28. 一名美国共和党高层经济学家承认,美国国会应同意对富人增税,以免跌落财政悬崖。这个迹象显示,在有关方面为避免迫在眉睫的预算危机而举行谈判前,华盛顿的政治气候正迅速改变。

    The US Congress should agree to higher taxes on the wealthy to avoid the fiscal cliff , a top Republican economist has conceded in a sign of the rapidly shifting political climate in Washington before negotiations to avert the looming budget crisis .

  29. 向富人征收的税应该比穷人的多。

    Taxes should be levied more on the rich than on the poor .

  30. 你知道吗,如果实行改革后的新税务计划,富人交纳的税反而会更少?

    Do you know under the newly reformed tax plan , the rich people actually pay less tax ?