
ɡè rén zhǔ yì
  • individualism
个人主义 [gè rén zhǔ yì]
  • (1) [individualism]

  • (2) 认为社会的主要目的是促进个人福利、道德规则的主要目的是发展个性的学说;亦指受此种学说指导的行为或实践

  • (3) 认为在行为的决定方面,个人本身的利益应该高于一切的道德学说或原则;道德的自私自利

  • 在某些党员中还存在着比较浓厚的个人主义和自私自利的思想意识。--《个人和集体》

  1. 坚定的个人主义造就了美国的边疆社会。

    Rugged individualism forged America 's frontier society .

  2. 个人主义以及社会和谐的崩溃具有一定的建设意义,然而这也是有代价的。

    Individualism , and the breakdown of social harmony , had a constructive purpose . But they also carried a price .

  3. 她在艺术创作上是个纯粹的个人主义者。

    She 's a complete individualist in her art .

  4. 西班牙一直都是个非常强调个人主义的国家。

    Spain remains a very individualistic country .

  5. 这种小资产阶级个人主义者对人民的事业总是抱着冷眼旁观的态度。

    Such petty-bourgeois individualists always look coldly from the side-lines at the people 's cause .

  6. 本位主义是放大了的个人主义。

    Departmentalism is magnified individualism .

  7. 艾米丽透过社会安全数据来研究个人主义,观察经济情况好时与差时父母给孩子们都取了什么名字。

    Emily measured individualism by looking at social security data to see what parents named their kids during good and bad economic times .

  8. 介绍了刻板印象内容模型(SCM)的来源、理论假设和在美国与欧洲(个人主义文化)、东亚(集体主义文化)样本中的实证研究。

    The paper introduced and gave comments on the original , theoretical hypotheses and its key empirical studies of the stereotype content model ( SCM ) .

  9. 如一项元分析研究(Johnson,Johnson&Stanne,2000)中指出,有超过900项的研究确认了合作学习比竞争的和个人主义的努力效果要好。

    A meta-analysis ( Johnson , et al . , 2000 ) showed that there were over 900 research studies validating the effectiveness of cooperative over competitive and individualistic efforts .

  10. ;主义是美国道德教育的核心:四是个人主义是美国道德教育发展的结果。

    Individualism is the result of the American moral education development .

  11. 但是这种个人主义的自由主义观在其发展过程中日益显现出其片面性。

    But such individualist liberalism revealed its limitations in its development .

  12. 关于西方市场社会形成的根源之一即个人主义基础的研究一直是西方政治思想家研究的重点。

    Individualism is a long-time research theme for the western political thoughts .

  13. 真个人主义的理论内涵即在于个人自由。

    He thought the theoretical connotation of true individualism was individual freedom .

  14. 对待个人主义要像秋风扫落叶一样。

    Treat individualism like the autumn wind sweeping away the withered leaves .

  15. 美国人一想到自由,通常想到的是个人主义。

    When Americans think of freedom , they often think of individualism .

  16. 五四新文化运动中的个人主义话语

    " May 4th " New Culture Movement in the Discourse of Individualism

  17. 我现在比以前更是一个个人主义者了。

    I am far more of an individual than I ever was .

  18. 个人主义和社会阶层在民间文化群体中的发展十分薄弱。

    Individualism is weakly developed in folk cultures as are social classes .

  19. 《爱情三部曲》及《心》对西方个人主义的反思

    " Love Trilogy " and " Heart " Reconsidering the Western Individualism

  20. 殖民地时期至镀金时代美国个人主义的发展

    The Development of American Individualism from Colonial Period to the Gilded Age

  21. 第三,在理性主义的带动下,个人主义开始过分膨胀。

    Thirdly , individualism , strongly advocated by rationalism , is expanding excessively .

  22. 我是这屋里唯一的个人主义者。

    I am the only individualist in this room .

  23. 社会主义者给我们贴了一个标签:个人主义。

    The socialists brand us with the name individualist .

  24. 其中之一是非常个人主义。

    One reason is that we are very individualistic .

  25. 事实上,严格的个人主义精神渗透到了美国生活的各个方面。

    A spirit of rugged individualism pervades virtually every aspect of American life .

  26. 在美国就有一种个人主义的文化——独自完成。

    So the US has a very individualist culture -- go it alone .

  27. 如果你对一个现代自由的个人主义者说

    If you said to a modern liberal individualist ,

  28. 美国的个人主义希望独立于社会表现自己。

    American individualism * wishes to manifest itself in independence of the community .

  29. 启蒙话语主要包括个人主义话语和科学主义话语。

    The discourse of enlightenment mainly illustrates the discourses of individualism and science .

  30. 个人主义是古典自由主义的精神基础。

    Individualism is the spiritual foundation of classical liberalism .