
  1. 现行的变革领导研究多为个体水平的领导风格研究,虽然已经有学者开始关心组织水平的领导力,但进展有限。同时,也很少有研究考虑到变革领导力在组织变革进程中的效能机制。

    Scholars concerning the organizational level of leadership made limited progress , and few pay attention to the effectiveness mechanism of change leadership through organizational change process .

  2. 学生们作为个体和自己领导的群体中的个体所采取的暴力行动,是他们个体和在自己领导的群体中,出于自由意志的选择。

    The students as individuals , and self-led groups of individuals , committed violent acts that they , individually and in self-led groups , chose of their own free will .

  3. 笔者认为,现代领导班子作为一种系统,其优化的内容涉及个体优化、结构优化和动态优化三个相互联系的环节,其中个体优化是领导班子整体优化的前提和基础;

    Its optimization involves three correlative links , e.g.Individual , Structural and Dynamic optimization Individual optimization is the precondition and base for optimizing the whole leading group .