
Before the foundation of SED mechanism , Sino-U.S. Joint Economic Committee and Sino-U.S. Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade are the main mechanisms of bilateral economic and trade coordination , cooperation and disputes negotiation .
To facilitate the smooth and rapid movement of trade goods , the U.S. government engages in regulator-to-regulator dialogues with Mexican authorities , many of which are coordinated by our bilateral High Level Regulatory Cooperation Council .
The diplomatic initiation of China brought about a change of policy of Soviet Union . After that the leaders of the two countries coordinated and worked together to promote the great victory of a series of battles .
In May , Washington and Tokyo discussed ways tocoordinate their GPS systems to better track what 's going on in space and onthe oceans .
Even if this can be avoided , the two nations face a tough challenge agreeing how to reconcile short-term counter-cyclical policies with the longer-term need for both countries to change their growth models .
The two countries should further strengthen coordinationand cooperation , work together to tackle challenges , and promote worldpeace , security and prosperity .
Last week they even signed an agreement to co-ordinate climate-change efforts , which will help them to take a united stance in Copenhagen .
Lastly , they agreed to further strengthen the coordination and cooperation between the two countries to promote the stability and development of the economies of the two countries and the region .